Reading and Watching Identifying Inventorizing Classifying

32 Stallone also co-wrote and directed the film. It is the fourth installment of the Rambo franchise, twenty years since the last film Rambo III. This film is dedicated to the memory of Richard Crenna, who played Col. Sam Trautman in the first three films; he died in 2003 .

3.3 Role of Researcher

In this final project, the writer collected and analyzed the data from the ―Rambo 4‖ film. It means that the writer is a data collector and a data analyzer of the utterances found in the film.

3.4 Method of Data Collection

The data were taken through observation of the film. There are two kinds of data that is used by the writer. The first is written data that is taken from the script dialogue of the film. The written data will be analyzed by underlying the script which contains inner conflict, duty, and humanism. The second is unwritten data that is taken from pictures of the film. The unwritten data will be analyzed by seeing the gesture or body language of the characters in the pictures which reflected inner conflict.

3.4.1 Reading and Watching

Reading and watching are the very basic steps in analyzing a film. The writer will watch the film and read the script also. The writer will try to find out every part of the film to make sure that the writer understands the whole 33 content well and clearly. The process of watching film is used to synchronize the original dialogue in the script, with the dialogue spoken by the characters. Then, the writer has to read and watch the film several times to get deeper ideas which are related to inner conflict between duty and humanism.

3.4.2 Identifying

The wri ter will read the script of ―Rambo 4‖ film carefully and repeatedly. Furthermore, the writer also watched the film deeply to understand the atmosphere of the script. In this step the writer will separate data and non- data by marking, and numbering. The marking activity is done by italicizing the dialogues dealing with the research problems namely duty and humanism, the inner conflict between duty and humanism, and its influences towards duty and humanism in the ―Rambo 4‖ film. The purpose of this activity is to enable the writer to review the datum for inventorizing process.

3.4.3 Inventorizing

Inventorizing means to list all identified data and put them in a table. The table consists of columns of data number, the datum dialogue and quotation, location time, and number of problems to answer. It is used to make it easier for the writer to analyze the selected data. The form of all inventorizing data will be presented in the table below: 34 No. Found in Data Disc Minutes 1 1 00:19:19 Michael Burnett: ―What did you do? We came to help s top the killing‖ ―Who are you to take..‖ Rambo: ―Who are you?‖ Sarah: ―Let him go‖ Rambo: ―They wouldve raped her 50 times... and cut your fuckin heads off. ‖ ―Who are you?‖

3.4.4 Classifying

After infentorizing the indentified data in the form of table, the next step is classifying. In this process, the data are categorized into the duty and humanism, the inner conflict between duty and humanism and its influence towards duty and humanism which are used to answer questions of the statement of problems.

3.4.5 Selecting