Outline of the Study Previous Studies


1.5 Significance of the Study

This final project is expected to serve as a reference for anyone who is interested in analyzing a film. It is also expected to give more knowledge about psychological. Having learned the film, there are many significant aspects that can be drawn as a lesson of life. So that, it can be used by the readers as a reflection towards their behavior.

1.6 Outline of the Study

The first chapter talks about the introduction which consists of general background of the study, reasons for choosing the topic, statements of the problem, objectives of the study, significant of the study, and outline of the study. The second chapter shows the readers about review of related literature which starts with the definition of film, definition of psychology and its functions as behavioral and social studies, definition of inner conflict, and definition of duty and humanism. This review of related literature becomes the basis of analysis. In the third chapter, the writer talks about analysis of the film. A brief elaboration about the source of the data is followed by the explanation of the technique of data gathering. And ultimately, it is enclosed with the procedure of the analysis. 6 The fourth chapter discusses the result of analysis. It provides a complete analysis of duty and humanity in Rambo 4 film. The last chapter which consists of conclusion and suggestions ends the study. 7 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE In this chapter, the writer discusses the review of the related literature that covers the definition of film, the definition of psychology, definition of psychology as behavioral study, definition of psychology as social study, definition of Id, Ego, and Super-Ego, definition of conflict, definition of inner conflict, definition of duty, definition of humanism, and types of humanism.

2.1 Previous Studies

There are several sources that the writer took as bases in conducting this study. Those are form some sites on the internet and also relevant thesis. Based on those sources the writer found several review about film, definition about psychology, conflict and inner conflict, duty, and humanism. The second chapter presents the theories that underlying the topic of the study.

2.2 Film