Inner Conflict Definition of conflict


2.5.1 Inner Conflict

Inner conflict is a private war within oneself. It could be anything from deciding between two job offers, to deciding many things in someone’s personal life. There is inner conflict between good and evil; strength and weakness; love and hate, etc. Man is motivated or goal-directed creature. However, the goal or incentives motivated behavior are often difficult to attain. In this situation, frustration and conflicts arise in man’s life. Therefore, psychologists said that frustration and conflicts are condition of man’s life because they are avoidable. Moskowitz 1969:311 states that inner conflict is an emotional disturbance resulting from a clash of opposing impulses or from an inability to reconcile contradictions with realist or moral considerations, a fight or struggle selves within one-self. Crow 1968:337 adds that conflict situations arising in the person’s life act as exciting causes may result in no more that a temporary form of mental disturbance. The Ottawa-Carlton District School Board English 4U Student Handbook says that Inner conflict refers to emotional or analytical struggles a character has due to his values, his role in society, or the company he finds himself with. People carry around inner conflict in the private places of their hearts where they search for their identity; people struggle with ego, pride, and jealousy. 25 Based on the definitions above, the writer saw that inner conflict is a conflict that happens within one character who is dealing with problems such as emotions or mentality issues. They are unpleased with themselves or an action they made. There is still any inter connection between inner conflict, and psychology theory. It will be hard to understand the analysis if the writer does not give a brief explanation about what inner conflict is. That is why the writer used those theories to analyze the inner conflict between duty and humanism, and the influences of inner conflict towards duty and humanism in the ―Rambo 4‖ film.

2.6 Definition of Duty