





Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number: 2113321050











Shilvina Afriani. 2113321050. The Effect of Audio Visual Media on Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text. A Thesis English Department of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2016.

This study was intended to find out the effect of applying the Audio Visual Media on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text. This study was conducted by using experimental design. The population of this research was the first year students of SMP Negeri 3 Perbaungan. The sample of the research was two classes which consisted of experimental and control group which were chosen by using lottery technique. Fourty students were taken as the sample in each class. The experimental group was taught by applying audio visual media, while the control group was taught by applying picture. The data of the study was obtain fom the students’score of writing text. To determine the reability of the test, the writer use inter-rater reliability. The data calculation showed that the coefficient of reability of the test was 0.75. It shows that the test was reliable and the reability was high. There were two sets of data used in this study, they were pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed by applying t-test formula. After analyzing the data, the result of the study showed that tobserved (2.18) was higher than ttable (1.994) at the level of significance (α) 0.05 with the degree of freedom (df) 78. The finding of this study showed that applying audio visual media was significantly affect on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.



Praises and greatest thanks to almighty Allah SWT, the most merciful who has blessed and given time, opportunity, and health so the researcher has finally completed this thesis. Thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan of the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan (UNIMED).

In completing this thesis, the writer realizes that she cannot accomplish this thesis without Allah’s blessing and supporting, loves, prayers from many people, therefore the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to :

1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.

2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Languages and Arts Faculty, State University of Medan.

3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature Department and her First Thesis Advisor for great care, guidance, and advices during the process of accomplishing this thesis.

4. Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English and Literature Department and as the Reviewer and Examiner who have given suggestion and comments in completing the Thesis.

5. Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S., M.Hum., the Head of English Education Study Program and her Academic Consultant.

6. Isli Iriani Indiah br Pane, S. Pd, M. Hum., her Second Thesis Advisor for great care, guidance, and advices during the process of accomplishing this thesis.

7. Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd., as the Reviewer and Examiner who have given suggestion and comments in completing the Thesis.

8. All the Lecturers of English Department who have taught, guided, and advised her throughout the academic years.


9. Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M. Pd., and Mr. Pantes as the administration staffs of English and Literature Department who always helped the writer during her academic years.

10.Tagor, S.Pd., as the Headmaster of SMP Negeri 3 Perbaungan, who has gave the permission to conduct the research in his school.

11.Mhd. Yusuf Harahap, S.Pd., the English teacher who has given the permission to conduct the research in his classes.

12.Her beloved wonderful parents, Khazali and Ida Elfiani Siregar for the struggle, loves, faithfulness, patience, prayers, supports, and everything in completing her education.

13.Her beloved brother and sisters. Yashir Denhas, Nurul Apriliani, and Fitri Indriani, for their support and prayers who always waiting her to get the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan.

14.All her best friends, Yudi Syahputra Siregar, S. Pd, Liliana Dewinta Tarigan, Oktaviani Tampubolon, Tutwuri Situmeang, Suherna, Dyan Yosephin Hutagalung, S. Pd, Ayu Purnama Sari, S. Pd, her great class Extention B 2011, PPLT SMP Negeri 3 Perbaungan and all her friends in English and Literature Department who have gave her support and nice friendship.

Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will be useful for those who read it, especially for the students of English Department.

Medan, Februari 2016 The Writer

Shilvina Afriani NIM. 2113321050










A.The Background of the Study... 1

B. The Problem of the Study ... 5

C. The Objective of the Study ... 6

D. The Scope of the Study ... 6

E. The Significance of the Study ... 6


A. Theoretical Framework ... 7

1.Students’ Achievement ... 7

2. Writing ... 8

a. The Stages of Writing Process ... 8

b. Assessment in writing ... 9

1). Content ... 9

2). Organization ... 10

3). Vocabulary ... 10

4). Language Use ... 11

5). Mechanics ... 12

3. Genre of Text ... 13

a. Descriptive Text ... 14

1). Parts of Descriptive Text ... 16

2). Example of Descriptive Text ... 17


a. Kinds of Media ... 19

5. Audio Visual Media ... 20

a. The Advantages of applying Audio Visual Media... 21

b. The Disadvantages of applying Audio Visual Media ... 22

6. Pictures ... 22

B. Relevant Studies ... 24

C. Conceptual Framework ... 25

D.Hypothesis ... 27


A. Research Method ... 28

B. Population and Sample ... 29

C. The Instrument for Collecting Data ... 30

D. The Procedure of the Research ... 30

1. Pre-Test ... 30

2. The Treatment ... 30

3. Post-Test ... 33

E. The Validity and Reliability of the Test ... 34

1.Validity of the Test ... 34

2. Reliability of the Test ... 34

F. Homogeneity and Normality of the test ... 35

1. Homogeneity of Variance ... 35

2. Normality of the Test of ... 36

G. The Technique for Analyzing the Data ... 37


A. The Data ... 38

B. The Data Analysis ... 39


2. Test for Homogeneity of Variance ... 40

3. Testing Normality ... 40

4. Analyzing the Data ... 41

5. Testing Hypothesis ... 42

C. Discussion ... 43


A. Conclusion ... 45

B. Suggestion ... 45





Table 2.1 Assessment in Writing ... 12

Table 2.2 Example of Descriptive Text ... 17

Table 3.1 Research Design ... 28

Table 3.2 Teaching Procedure for Experimental Group ... 31

Table 3.3 Teaching Procedure of Control Group ... 32




APPENDIX A Pre-Test for Experimental and Control Group ... 49

APPENDIX B Post-Test for Experimental and Control Group ... 50

APPENDIX C The Scores of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Experimental Group ... 51

APPENDIX D The Scores of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Control Group .... 53

APPENDIX E Testing the Reliability of the Test ... 55

APPENDIX F The Calculation of T-Test in Experimental Group ... 62

APPENDIX G The Calculation of T-Test in Control Group ... 64

APPENDIX H Test for Homogeneity of Varience of Pre-Test In Experimental and Control Group ... 68

APPENDIX I Test for Distribution of Frequency in Experimental Group ... 71

APPENDIX J Test for Distribution of Frequency in Control Group ... 75

APPENDIX K Testing Normality of Pre-Test in Experimental Group ... 79

APPENDIX L Testing Normality of Pre-Test in Control Group ... 83

APPENDIX M The Calculation of the Mean (M) and Standard Deviation (SD) ... 87

APPENDIX N Percentage Points of the T-Distribution ... 91

APPENDIX O Table of Normality 0 to Z ... 92

APPENDIX P List of Testing Liliefors ... 94

APPENDIX Q F-Distribution ... 95

APPENDIX R Lesson Plan in Experimental Group ... 96

APPENDIX S Lesson Plan in Control Group ... 115



A. The Background of the Study

Language is an important part of human existence and social process that has many functions to perform the life of human beings. Language has important role in human life, since it is a tool which human uses to interact with other people. Therefore, mastering several foreign language is considerably necessary, especially English. Status of English as universe language has made people all over the world to master English language.

Language is an instrument to convey information. It is used to express ideas, feelings, purposes, thoughts, and opinions in speaking way. Through language, we can share and transfer knowledge, transmit message from one to another, and from generation to the next generation. In short, almost all of human activities are conducted through the use of language.

English was an international language in Indonesia and considered as a foreign language. It is very important to be learn this language because it is a tool primarily used to communicate internationally. In Indonesia, English has been taught since the elementary through university level.

In learning English, there are four basic language skills that must be well mastered by the students, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing to be master and able to have the good prestige in their school, college, or in their work place when they work someday. One of these four skills which is very important and most required in academic field is writing.


Brown (2001:43) reveals that writing is a process of putting ideas down on paper to transform thougths into words, to sharpen main ideas, and to give structure and coherent organization into its work. Through writing, we can share our knowledge, good ideas or thought in written text to ever one to read it.

In addition, writing has many kinds of text or genre such as narrative, descriptive, recount, report, and procedure. According to Educational Unit-Curriculum in Junior High School, the students are expected to be able to understand and write procedure, descriptive, narrative, recount, and report text.

Based on the above explanation, the descriptive text is one of genre that must be mastered by students in learning English. Wyrick (2001: 323) states that the writer of description creates a word-picture of people, places, objects, and emotions, using a careful selection of details to make an impression on the reader. Students who are going to write this type of text should be able to express what they see, hear, feel vividly, so the reader can get the same views as what the writer means.

In fact, not all students are able to write descriptive text properly and in accordance with the existing elements in the descriptive text. Based on the data taken during the interview with the English teacher at SMP Negeri 3 Perbaungan, there are some problems faced by students in teaching English and writing is the most difficult one for the students. Many students cannot write good text especially in writing descriptive text. Almost 75% students got the score under the Minimum Criteria Mastery (KKM). The KKM that is applied for the English subject is 2,67 (6,75) based on curriculum 2013.


Semester Score Students Percentage Mean 1st Semester


≤ 6,75 29 students 72,50 %

68 ≥ 6,75 11 students 27,50 %

2nd Semester 2014/2015

≤ 6,75 25 students 62,50 %

69 ≥ 6,75 15 students 37,50 %

Source: Students’ Accumulated Score of Grade VII-3 of SMP N 3 Perbaungan

academic year 2014/2015

Most of students got lower score in writing. The students were not able to write and did not pay attention on the writing task. Students often failed in writing because they faced some difficulties such as poor structure, technique, lack of vocabulary, literature, and information. They do not pay attention and enthusiasm on writing, especially in descriptive text. They might have some ideas on their mind, but they did not know how to express it in writing. They have difficulties in presenting their ideas. They frequently get confused of what to write and how to start. They thougt that it was very difficult to write descriptive text. This problem can be resulted from teacher’s technique and strategy as they still apply conventional method, by which they fail to motivate the students.

The failure of the students in writing is likely to happen because of the media used by the teacher during teaching and learning process take place. During teaching and learning process, teacher just explains the materials without giving an interesting media so the students cannot enjoy the lessons, therefore the students are difficult to understand the materials. The teacher should not just explain the subject or materials and force the students to memorize or do their


activities because it is not exciting for students to learn. As a result, in learning process, students have poor cognition, defecient concentration, and limited knowledge in writing. In order to solve this problem, it is needed creative media in teaching writing more effective and interesting, so the students pay attention on the writing task.

Based on the situation, the researcher suggests it is important to find ways to solve the problem. Mohanty (2005: 72) suggests that the use of media will make our communication effective as well as interesting to communicate anything to young children calls for special skill and experience. There are many media that are popular to make teaching writing more effective and interesting, make students become active, enjoy and improve their ability about the main point of writing text. Mohamadkhani (2013) defines that listening to audio media helped students learn a great deal about English pronunciation, learn to speak English more fluently and correctly. According to Harmankaya (2013) that visual media is important to helped students use correct, reliable, creative end effective communication tools and messages for the students who can easily access information through the developing communication technologies. Gumilang (2013) states that one of ways to solve the problem is by proposing a teaching- media that is interesting, easy, effective, suitable, fun, and helpful to the students.

Madhuri (2013) in her study, found that teaching- learning English speaking process could only succeed by having good learning facilities, such as competent teachers, various kinds of English book and teaching use audio visual media. The other study, conducted by Falupi (2012), found out that using audio


visual significantly increased the students’ score in writing descriptive text and gave large effect to the students’ score in writing.

Research studies have established in Educational Book (2005: 164) states that we learn 83.0 percent through sight, 11.0 percent through hearing, 3.5 percent through smell, 1.5 percent trough touch and 1.0 percent through taste.

Therefore, audio visual media is proposed to be one interesting media, which might be able to solve the writing problem. For this purpose, the nearest media of students’ learning is by using audio visual media. The audio visual media presentation makes use of the students’ sense. What the ears hear are strengthened by what the eyes see, so that the words, which the ears hear, are associated with the visual aids. Hearing and sight are the primary means of human learning. Audio visual media is one of the media used to teach writing descriptive text. Audio visual media are available in many forms, namely tape recorder, puppet toys, videos, film and another.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem is formulated as follows:

“Is there any significant effect of using the audio visual media on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text?”.


C. The Objective of the Study

Based on the question formulated in problem of the study, the objective of the study was to discover whether students’ achievement in writing descriptive text is significantly are taught by using Audio Visual Media.

D. The Scope of the Study

There are many genres of writing learnt in the SMP (Junior High School) such as recount, procedure, report, and narrative. This research was primarily focused on writing descriptive text through Audio Visual Media.

E. The Significance of the Study

The findings of the study were expected to bring up significances, such as: 1. For the teachers, this study was useful to improve their ability in

teaching writing by paying more attention to the media of teaching learning process; not only for descriptive text material, but also the other materials.

2. For students, the results of the study can be used to encourage and stimulate them in improving their writing achievement and motivating them to be better in writing achievement, especially in writing descriptive text.

3. For the readers, the result can give information and knowledge of writing by using Audio Visual Media.





A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the data analysis, it was concluded that Audio Visual Media method gave a significant effect to the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text (t-observed > t-table, α = 0.05). Students who were taught by using Audio Visual Media be better in writing descriptive text than those taught by using Picture. The calculation of t-test was 2.18 > 1.994 with df 78 and level of significance 0.05. So, alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the Audio Visual Media significantly affected students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.

B. Suggestion

Related to the conclusion, some suggestions are offered by the writer as to the English teachers that are suggested to apply Audio Visual Media in teaching learning process, especially in teaching writing because it can help students make the learning activities to be more intersting in teaching writing descriptive text. And also it is suggested to students to apply Audio Visual Media in learning in order to improve their writing achievement especially in writing descriptive text. In addition, it is expected to the readers who are interested in dealing with this study so that they have a good understanding to support their study.



Agam, Muhammad. 2013. Use of Audio Visual Aid in Writing and Speaking.

Journal of Education and Teaching. Vol. 2. No. 4. 1-13.

Ari, Donald. 2002. Introduction To Research In Education. Wadsworth: Cengage Learning.

Azhar, Arsyad. 1997. Media Pengajaran. Jakarta : P.T. Raja Grafindo Persada. Bachman, L.F.1991. Fundamental Consideration in Language Test. New York:

Oxford University Press.

Best, J. W.& Kahn, J. V. 2002. Research Education. New York: Prentice Hall International.

Best, J. W.& Kahn, J. V. 2006. Research Education (10th edition). New York : Prentice Hall.

Brown, Douglas H. (2000). Principle of Language learning and Teaching, pearson Education Company.

Brown, Doughlas H. (2001). Teaching by Principle: An Interactive Approach to

Language Pedagogy (2nd ed). San Fransisco: Longman.

Caroll, J. A. 2001. Writing and Grammar; Communication in Action-Diamond

Level (12). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Falupi, Sri. N. 2012. Teaching Descriptive Text Writing by Using Audio Visual to Junior High School Students. Journal of English Language Teaching. Vol.

2. No. 3. 1-9.

Gerlach. & Elly. 1971. Teaching & Media: A Systematic Approach. Boston: Pearson Education.

Gronlund, Norman E. 1982. Constructing Achievement Tests. Third Edition. London: Prentice-Hall.

Gumilang, Willy. A. 2013. Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive

Paragraph by using Audio Visual Media. Jawa Timur: Tulung Agung


Harmankaya, Hatice. 2013. Effects of Visual and Print Media on Clothing Preferences of Turkish University Youth. Turkish: Selcuk University. A


Heaton, J.1998. Writing English language Test. London: Longman Group.

Hornby, A. S. 1987. The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hornby, A. S. 2000. Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary, Seventh Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Indrawan, Hafidh. 2003. The Use of audio Visual Aids Improving Students’

Vocabulary Mastery in writing Descriptive Text. Jakarta: Indonesia


Jolly, D. 1984. Writing Task. New York: Cambridge University.

Kemp, J. E. & Dayton, D. K. 1985. Planning and Producing Instructional Media. New York: Harper and Row Publisher.

Knapp, P. & Watkins, M. 2005. Genre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for

Teaching and Assessing Writing. Sydney: UNSW Press.

Langan, Jhon. 2005. College Writing Skills With Readings. New York: Mc. Graw-Hill.

Lastri, Mei. 2013. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Through Audio

Visual. Medan: State University of Medan.

Madhuri, Naga. 2013. Use of Audio Visual Aids in Teaching Speaking. Vaddeswaram: KL University. Research Journal of English Language and

Literature (RJELAL). Vol.1. No.3. 15-20.

Mathew, Nalliveettil. 2013. A Study on the Usefulness of Audio-Visual Aids in EFL Classroom: Implications for Effective Instruction. International

Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 2. No. 2. 86-96.

Merriam, Webster. 2003. Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary. New York: Springfield.

Mohammadkhani, Kamran. 2013. The Effect of Using Audio Media on Improving Listening Comprehension. Islamic Azad University (IAU). International

Journal of Learning & Development. Vol. 3, No. 1. 13-40.

Mohanty, Jagannath. 2005. Educational Dictionary. New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publication PVT.

Nunan, David. 1999. Second Language Teaching & Learning. Boston: An International Thomson Publishing Company.


Robert, J. Clement. 1983. Comperative Literature as Academic Discipline. New York: Prentice Hall Press.

Suyanto, Kasihani K.E. 2007. English For Young Learners. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Wright, A. 1989. Pictures Language Learning. Sydney: Cambridge University


Wyrick, J. 2011. Steps to Writing Well (11th edition). Boston: An International

Thomson Publishing Company.

( (Accessed on September 20th, 2015. Medan)

( (Accessed on September 20th, 2015. Medan)

( (Accessed on September 20th, 2015. Medan)


visual significantly increased the students’ score in writing descriptive text and gave large effect to the students’ score in writing.

Research studies have established in Educational Book (2005: 164) states that we learn 83.0 percent through sight, 11.0 percent through hearing, 3.5 percent through smell, 1.5 percent trough touch and 1.0 percent through taste.

Therefore, audio visual media is proposed to be one interesting media, which might be able to solve the writing problem. For this purpose, the nearest media of students’ learning is by using audio visual media. The audio visual media presentation makes use of the students’ sense. What the ears hear are strengthened by what the eyes see, so that the words, which the ears hear, are associated with the visual aids. Hearing and sight are the primary means of human learning. Audio visual media is one of the media used to teach writing descriptive text. Audio visual media are available in many forms, namely tape recorder, puppet toys, videos, film and another.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem is formulated as follows:

“Is there any significant effect of using the audio visual media on students’ achievement in writing descriptive text?”.


C. The Objective of the Study

Based on the question formulated in problem of the study, the objective of the study was to discover whether students’ achievement in writing descriptive text is significantly are taught by using Audio Visual Media.

D. The Scope of the Study

There are many genres of writing learnt in the SMP (Junior High School) such as recount, procedure, report, and narrative. This research was primarily focused on writing descriptive text through Audio Visual Media.

E. The Significance of the Study

The findings of the study were expected to bring up significances, such as: 1. For the teachers, this study was useful to improve their ability in

teaching writing by paying more attention to the media of teaching learning process; not only for descriptive text material, but also the other materials.

2. For students, the results of the study can be used to encourage and stimulate them in improving their writing achievement and motivating them to be better in writing achievement, especially in writing descriptive text.

3. For the readers, the result can give information and knowledge of writing by using Audio Visual Media.





A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the data analysis, it was concluded that Audio Visual Media method gave a significant effect to the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text (t-observed > t-table, α = 0.05). Students who were taught by using Audio Visual Media be better in writing descriptive text than those taught by using Picture. The calculation of t-test was 2.18 > 1.994 with df 78 and level of significance 0.05. So, alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the Audio Visual Media significantly affected students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.

B. Suggestion

Related to the conclusion, some suggestions are offered by the writer as to the English teachers that are suggested to apply Audio Visual Media in teaching learning process, especially in teaching writing because it can help students make the learning activities to be more intersting in teaching writing descriptive text. And also it is suggested to students to apply Audio Visual Media in learning in order to improve their writing achievement especially in writing descriptive text. In addition, it is expected to the readers who are interested in dealing with this study so that they have a good understanding to support their study.



Agam, Muhammad. 2013. Use of Audio Visual Aid in Writing and Speaking. Journal of Education and Teaching. Vol. 2. No. 4. 1-13.

Ari, Donald. 2002. Introduction To Research In Education. Wadsworth: Cengage Learning.

Azhar, Arsyad. 1997. Media Pengajaran. Jakarta : P.T. Raja Grafindo Persada. Bachman, L.F.1991. Fundamental Consideration in Language Test. New York:

Oxford University Press.

Best, J. W.& Kahn, J. V. 2002. Research Education. New York: Prentice Hall International.

Best, J. W.& Kahn, J. V. 2006. Research Education (10th edition). New York : Prentice Hall.

Brown, Douglas H. (2000). Principle of Language learning and Teaching, pearson Education Company.

Brown, Doughlas H. (2001). Teaching by Principle: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy (2nd ed). San Fransisco: Longman.

Caroll, J. A. 2001. Writing and Grammar; Communication in Action-Diamond Level (12). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Falupi, Sri. N. 2012. Teaching Descriptive Text Writing by Using Audio Visual to Junior High School Students. Journal of English Language Teaching. Vol.

2. No. 3. 1-9.

Gerlach. & Elly. 1971. Teaching & Media: A Systematic Approach. Boston: Pearson Education.

Gronlund, Norman E. 1982. Constructing Achievement Tests. Third Edition. London: Prentice-Hall.

Gumilang, Willy. A. 2013. Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive Paragraph by using Audio Visual Media. Jawa Timur: Tulung Agung University.

Harmankaya, Hatice. 2013. Effects of Visual and Print Media on Clothing Preferences of Turkish University Youth. Turkish: Selcuk University. A


Heaton, J.1998. Writing English language Test. London: Longman Group.

Hornby, A. S. 1987. The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hornby, A. S. 2000. Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary, Seventh Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Indrawan, Hafidh. 2003. The Use of audio Visual Aids Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in writing Descriptive Text. Jakarta: Indonesia University.

Jolly, D. 1984. Writing Task. New York: Cambridge University.

Kemp, J. E. & Dayton, D. K. 1985. Planning and Producing Instructional Media. New York: Harper and Row Publisher.

Knapp, P. & Watkins, M. 2005. Genre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching and Assessing Writing. Sydney: UNSW Press.

Langan, Jhon. 2005. College Writing Skills With Readings. New York: Mc. Graw-Hill.

Lastri, Mei. 2013. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Through Audio Visual. Medan: State University of Medan.

Madhuri, Naga. 2013. Use of Audio Visual Aids in Teaching Speaking. Vaddeswaram: KL University. Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL). Vol.1. No.3. 15-20.

Mathew, Nalliveettil. 2013. A Study on the Usefulness of Audio-Visual Aids in EFL Classroom: Implications for Effective Instruction. International Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 2. No. 2. 86-96.

Merriam, Webster. 2003. Oxford Learners Pocket Dictionary. New York: Springfield.

Mohammadkhani, Kamran. 2013. The Effect of Using Audio Media on Improving Listening Comprehension. Islamic Azad University (IAU). International Journal of Learning & Development. Vol. 3, No. 1. 13-40.

Mohanty, Jagannath. 2005. Educational Dictionary. New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publication PVT.

Nunan, David. 1999. Second Language Teaching & Learning. Boston: An International Thomson Publishing Company.


Robert, J. Clement. 1983. Comperative Literature as Academic Discipline. New York: Prentice Hall Press.

Suyanto, Kasihani K.E. 2007. English For Young Learners. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Wright, A. 1989. Pictures Language Learning. Sydney: Cambridge University


Wyrick, J. 2011. Steps to Writing Well (11th edition). Boston: An International Thomson Publishing Company.

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( (Accessed on September 20th, 2015. Medan)