Satellite Technology Energy and Mineral Resources

social impact, security of the country, emission and possibility of land and air transportation revivals. 10. Development of airports and the facilities Classes I, II, III based upon development plans mother plan, structure plan, etc - Including high-technology activities, complying with aviation safety rules, and relating to international conventions. - Potential in arising impact, such as noises, vibrations, social impact, security of the country, emission and possibility of land and air transportation revivals 11. Extension of airports andor the facilities - Population migration - Or land clearance 200 KK or more 100 ha or more - Including high-technology activities, complying with aviation safety rules, and related to international potential in arising impact, such as noises, vibrations, conventions. Costal reclamation - Area - Or dredging volume 25 ha or more 100,000 m3 or more Social impact, security of the country, emission, and possibility of land air transportation revivals. Cutting of hills and dredging of plots volume of 500,000 m3 or more 12. Installation of under- surface cables All - Potential in arising impact, such as sea ecosystem, stream bathymetry, coastal stability and productivity of the sea. - Preparation of construction areas may arise disturbances against sensitive areas such as corals - Operation of under surface cables is susceptible to traffic of vessels casting anchors, sand mining.

G. Satellite Technology

No. Activities ScaleSize Special scientific Reasons 1. Satellite technology - Construction of satellite launching facilities All - The activity requires special locations and high technology. - Satellite launching buildings and supporting facilities, including buffers, which are closed to the public.

H. Industry

Industrial activities, in general, arise water, air, land pollution, noises, smell, and vibrations. Some industries use an abundant volume of water, either from land water or surface water. The use of water has an impact on the hydrology system around. Various pollution potential, physical and water supply disturbances as mentioned above arise social impact. Some industries have possessed sufficient technology to solve the negative impact, so that they are not classified in the schedule below. But, they use a wide area and still require AMDAL paragraph 15. No. Activities ScaleSize Special scientific Reasons 1. Cement industry processed through clinkers - Construction of satellite launching facilities All Cement industry with clinkers process is a cement industry, the activity of which are combined with mining activity, where the process of supply of raw materials, raw mill process, coal mill, and rotary kiln and clinker cooler. In general, the impact is caused by : - Use of wide plots - Requirement for abundant supply of water 3,5 ton of cement requires 1 ton of water - Sufficient energy requirement, derived from electricity 110- 140 kWhton and heat power 800-900 kcalton - An abundant number of laborers 1-2 TK3,000 tons of products. - Potential of various wastes : solid tailing, dust CaO, SiO2,AI203, Fe02?. With 2- 3km radius, liquid waste remainings of cooling containing lubricant, gas waste CO2, SO2, NO2 and burning of charcoal, oil and gas energies. 2. Pulp or pulp paper industry excluding pulp made from used papers and pulp produced by cultural paper industry All Manufacturing process of pulp comprises of preparation of raw materials, cooking of wood shavings, pulp washing, pulp bleaching, and forming of pulp sheets during the process, which requires an abundance of chemical substances, so that it produces liquid waste BOD, COD, TSS, gas waste H2S, SO2, NO2, CI2, and solid waste waste of woods, pulp fiber, dry mud. In general, the impact is caused by: - Use wide plots 0,2 ha1,000 tons of products - Abundant number of laborers - An abundance of energy 0,2 Mw1,000 tons of products. 3. Upper course petrochemical industry All Upper course petrochemical industry is an industry which process mineral products kondensat. This comprises of olefin centre producing benzena, propilena, butadiene, and aromatic centre producing benzena, toluena, xylena, and etil benzena. 4. Iron and still making industry, which consists of manufacture of iron and steel in basic forms, such as iron ore pellets, sponge iron, pig iron, alloy, ingot steel, steel pellets, bloom and slab steel. All Iron and steel making industry is construed as an industry processing steel scrap or concentrates of iron ores using burning stoves through electric, charcoal powers. In general, the impact is caused by: - Requirement of extensive plots; - Abundant supply of water for cooling purposes 1 Idt1,000 tons of products; - An abundant number of laborers; - A relatively abundant energy requirement 6-7 KWton of products other than electricity and gas energies. - Potential of various wastes : gas SO2 and NO, dust SIO2, liquid waste TSS, BOD, COD, NH4CI and used catalyst waste processing B3 characteristicand burning substances. This is done through burning process up to 1,600 degree Celsius. In general, the impact is caused by : - Requirements of huge plots; - Abundant e nergy 1 Kwh0,5 ton of products - An abundant number of laborers 1,000 tons of productslabor - A relatively abundant water requirement more than 1,000 m3day - Potential of various wastes including B3 : solid waste basic slag, liquid waste oil and scale, gas NO2, H2S1, SO2, dust in the form of scale 2-3 of total products per day. 5. Basic lead Pb making industry including recycle industry All Lead Pb is a heavy metal classified into dangerous and poisonous substance B3, which can easily be dispersed. The manufacturing process through dissolution process producing poisonous gas waste and dust particulate and muffling process, which produces high level of acid. 6. Basic copper Cu making industrycopper cathode raw materials derived from Cu concentrate All Basic cooper Cu making industry is an industry processing mining concentrates. The manufacturing process is done through separation of concentrates, dissolution of high- temperature stoves, and electrolysis, In general, the impact is caused by : - The use of wide area of plots; - Abundant energy 264,000 Mwh yearly - An abundant number of laborers; - A sufficiently abundant water for cooling purposes and electronics 5,000 m3 of clean waterday and 3,3 million m3 of sea waterday - Potential of various wastes : gas SO2, SO, N2, 02 and tail gas of Zn, Pb, Cd, Hg parameters, liquid waste Fe, Cu, Zn, Hg, Pb, Sn, As, Ni, Se, F, Cd, Cr, TDS TSS, gypsum and slag Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, As, Hg, Se, Cd solid waste. 7. Basic aluminium industry raw materials : alumina All Basic aluminium making industry is an industry manufacturing aluminium bars, which use alumina ores through the process of dissolution, electrolysis, and molding. In general, the impact is caused by : - The use of wide area of plots for factory buildings and supporting facilities; - A relatively abundant energy approximately 295,000 MwHday - An abundant requirement of water for cooling purposes approximately 17,000 m3day - Produced wastes including B3 : solid dross, scrap layers, liquid spray waster with high level of fluor and cold water containing oil, gas H2So, NH1, NO2, SO2 HF, and dust. 8. Industrial estate including integrated industrial complex All An industrial estate is a location provided for all kinds of manufacturing industries, which are still predictive, so that the development of which is deemed to arise various important impacts, which are, amongst others, caused by : - Grading forming of surface and runoff. - Supply and operation of heavy equipment. - Labor mobilization 90-110 TKha - Requirements for housing and social facilities. - Clean water with an average requirement level of 0,55-0,75 Ldthectare. - An abundant requirement for electricity, either in connection with type of power or network trace 0,1 Mwhectare. - Potentials of various wastes and predictive pollution, especially in processing. - Revival of traffic. 9. Dock industries using graving dock system 4,000 DWT or more Graving dock system is a dock completed with maintenance pool with 100 m length, 40m wide, and 15m deep using circulation system. The graving pond is constructed by dredging the sea, which is worried to suffer from slides or coastal abrasion. Repair of vessels has the potential to produce liquid waste air ballast, painting of ship’s flank and B3 chemical substance and gas waste and dust due to sand blasting and painting activities. 10. Airplane industry All Airplane industry construed as a high technology strategic industry requiring high level of security. The important impact of the foregoing is caused by : - Availability of plots for factory buildings and landings. - Noises and vibrations. 11. Weapon, munition, and explosive industries All Weapon. Munition, and explosive industries constitute an industry which, in the manufacturing process, uses B3 chemical substances, other than activities that require high level of security. 12. Dry battery industry using mercuryHg as raw materials All Dry battery industry, which is deemed to arise important impact, is the one uses mercury Hg as raw materials, because mercury is having B3 characteristics that have mutagenic, teratogenic, and carsinogenic effects on human beings. In general, the arising impact is caused by : - A relatively abundant number of labor requirement - A relatively abundant number of water requirement for making pasta and cooking of battery or domestic use 170 m3day. - Potentiality of various wastes : solid sludge, B3, used packages, liquid waste Zn, Hg, Cr, COD, TSS, Mn NH3, dust and gas wastes H2S, SO2, NO2, CO, NH3, Zn, Pb, and Cd. 13. Wet battery industry electric accumulator All In general, a complete manufacturing process starts from grid casting preparation, dissolution, moulding of leads as cell-active materials, parts of leads moulding of storage battery of leads, lead power process of forming Pb powder, pasting manufacturing of pasta using solid H2S04, formation which is construed as electrolysis process, and assembling. In general, the impact is caused by : - A relatively abundant number of labor requirement - A relatively abundant number of water approximately 270 m3day, either for process or domestic use. - A sufficiently abundant requirement of electricity power. - Potential of waste pH, TDS, Sulphate Pb, gas finishing process using Pb parameter and formation of sulphate parameter and burning of C02, N02, and S02, and solid waste sludge from IPAL and used packages of supporting substances. 14. Organic and inorganic chemical substance industry producing materials, which are All - Production, storage, packaging, transportation, trading and removal require special conditions. classified as dangerous and poisonous substances B3 - Potential in creating pollution to the air, water, and earth. 15. Industry activities, which are not classified into paragraphs 1 to 14 a. Urban areas : - Metropolitan : - Big cities : - Medium cities: - Small cities: b. Rural areas : 5 ha or more 10 ha or more 5 ha or more 20 ha or more 30 ha or more The size of each city typology shall be computed based on : - Number of land clearances - Supporting capacity of land, such as supporting capacity of land, land water absorption capacity, building density, building density per hectare, etc. In general, the impact is in the form of : - Traffic revivals - Social conflicts - Decreasing of environmental quality.

I. Regional Infrastructure

In general, construction and supply of regional infrastructure function as serving the public. Conflicts may arise in connection with level of population density, because it requires a huge area of plots, and sometimes, change the methods of making use of land structure. No. Activities ScaleSize Special scientific Reasons 1. Construction of damswater reservoirs or types of other water accommodation : - Height - Or pudder with an area coverage of 15 m or more 200 ha or more - Classified into “large dam” category; - In this matter, particular specifications will be required either for materials and construction design; - At this scale, a huge quarryburrow area will be required so that it may arise an impact; - Impact on hydrology - Dam’s failure on a pudder of 200 hectares or more results in sufficiently huge pudder at the downstream. - Will have an impact on the micro weather pattern in the surroundings and the ecosystem at the upstream and downstream area of the damswater reservoirs. - Impact on hydrology. 2. Irrigation areas - Causing change of micro a. New Constructions of 2,000 ha or more weather pattern and ecosystem in the areas. - Always requires headworks and an abundant appurtenant structures so that it is potential in changing the existing ecosystem. - Causing a significant number of labor mobilization in the surroundings, either upon or after implementation of the said activity. - Requires an abundant number of land clearance so that it will have the potential to arise social impact. b. Additions of area coverage 1,000 ha or more - Potential in arising negative impact due to change of ecosystem in the area. - Requires additional buildings, which are potential in changing the existing ecosystem. - Resulting in mobilization of people, which may arise social impact. c. Moulding of ricefields, area Reclamation in groups 500 ha or more - Requires a sufficient number of heavy equipment. - Change of water structure 3. Swamp Development : Reclamation of swamps for irrigation purposes 1,000 hectares or more - Construction on the ecosystem and micro weather in the area and have an impact to the surroundings. - Having the potential in changing water structure system existing in the huge area drastically. 4. Development of Coastal Security Equipment and Repair or River Estuaries : - The distance is measured vertically from coast 500 m or more - Construction on the coastal stretch area of 500 m or more, which is potential in changing the ecology of coastal areas and river estuaries so that it will have an impact on the equilibrium of the existing ecosystem. - Tsunami occurring in Indonesia is potential in reaching an area of 500 m, so that a special evaluation is required for the development of coastal areas covering a stretch of more than 500 m from coastal line. 5. Normalization of Rivers and Construction of Flood Canals a. Big cities metropolitans -Length -Or dredging volume 5 km or more 500,000 m3 or more - Hoarding of excavated land on the left and rights sides of the rivers are causing environmental and social impact and disturbances. - Mobilization of heavy equipment may arise disturbances and impact. b. Middle cities -Length -Or Dredging volume 10 km or more 500,000 m3 or more - Hoarding of excavated land on the left and right sides of the rivers are causing environmental and social impact and disturbances - Mobilization of heavy equipment may arise disturbances and impact. c. Small cities - Length - Or Dredging volume 15 km or more 500,000 m3 or more - Hoarding of excavated land on the left and right sides of the rivers are causing environmental and social impact and disturbances - Mobilization of heavy equipment may arise disturbances and impact. 6. a. Construction of highways All Traffic revivals, the impact of noises, vibrations, high emission, visual disturbances and social impact. b. Construction of fly- overs and subways 2 km or more Traffic revivals, the impact of noises, vibrations, high emission, visual disturbances and social impact. 7. Construction andor increasing number of roods by road extension to outside the area of the roads a. Big citiesmetropolitans -Length -Or wide 5 km or more 5 ha or more Traffic revivals, the impact of noises, vibrations, high emission, visual disturbances and social impact. b. Middle cities -Length -Or wide 10 km or more 10 ha or more Traffic revivals, the impact of noises, vibrations, high emission, visual disturbances and social impact. c. Rural areas -Length 30 km or more Traffic revivals, the impact of noises, vibrations, high emission, visual disturbances and social impact 8. Waste a. Removal through landfill controlsanitary landfill system other than B3 -Length -Or total capacity 10 ha or more 10,000 tons or more Potential impact, such as pollution caused by leachate, air, smell, poisonous gas, and health disturbances. b. TPA in low-tide areas -Landfill area coverage - Or total capacity 5 ha or more 5,000 tons or more The potential impact is flood and change of water pattern c. Construction of transfer stations - Capacity 1,000 tons or moreday Potential impact, such as smell, poisonous gas, and health disturbances d. TPA with open dumping system All Potential impact, such as pollution of leachate, air, smell, poisonous gas, and health disturbances. 9. Housing Construction a. Metropolitan cities b. Big cities c. Middle and small cities 25 ha or more 50 ha or more 100 ha or more The size of each city topology is based on : - Level of land clearance ; - Supportive capacity of land : supportive capacity of land, land water absorption capacity, building density level per hectare, etc. - Daily requirement of water - Wastes produced as a result of proceeds of housing and residential activities. - The impact of development against the surroundings material and human mobilization - Basic Building’s Co-efficience KDB and Building Area Co- efficience KLB. 10. a. Construction of Feces Processing Installations IPTL, including the supporting facilities. b. Construction of Waste Water Processing Installations IPAL of domestic wastes including the supporting facilities. c. Construction of waste 2 ha or more 3 ha or more 500 ha or more - Similar to a service provided to 10,000 people; - The impact of smell and visual disturbances - Similar to a service provided to 10,000 people; -The impact of smell and visual disturbances - Similar to 17,000 connections - Similar to small cities water piping system 11. Housing Drainage System a. Disposal channels in big citiesmetropolitans -Length b. Construction of channels in middle cities - Length 500 ha or more 10 km or more Potential in causing the increased crowded traffic, noises, vibrations, and change of water structure - Similar to small-middle district cities. - The main issue is change in the function of plots. 12 Clean water networks in big citiesmetropolitans a. Construction of distribution networks -Length b. Construction transmission network -Length 500 ha or more 10 km or more Potential in arising impact of hydrology and water limitations problems. 13 Taking water from lakes, rivers, spring surface water or other surface water. - Volume 250 ldt or more - Clean water for 200,000 people - Required by middle cities 14. Construction of office, educations, sports, arts, religious, tradingshopping centres in a relatively concentrated manner. The sizescale is based upon : - Land clearance - Supporting capacity of land - Daily requirement of water - Produced wastes - The impact of development on the surroundings vibrations, noises, air pollution, etc. - Land - Or building 5 ha or more 10,000 m2 or more - Basic Building Co-Efficience KDB and Building Area Coverage Co-Efficience KLB - Total and species of trees, which will possibly disappear. Tradingshopping centres in a relatively concentrated manner with the above area coverage, will particularly arise important impacts : - Social conflict due to land clearance usually located near downtown with high density level; - The structure of high-rise building and basements, which results in de-towering and foundations problems against nearby water aquifers. - Traffic revivals and housing requirements for an abundant number of laborers. - Traffic revivals and parking requirements for visitors. - Produced wastes. 15. Construction of houses for transmigration purposes -Total population moved -Or area of the plots 200 KK or more 100 ha or more Potential in arising an impact due to : - Land clearance - Water requirement - Supporting capacities, such as supporting capacity of the land, ground water absorption capacity, buildings density per hectare, etc.

J. Energy and Mineral Resources

No. Activities ScaleSize Special scientific Reasons A 1 GENERAL MINING - Concession area KP - Or the open area for mining - To prevent the opening of an extremely extensive are. 200 ha or more 50 ha or more cumulativelyyear - The important impact against the environment, amongst others : changing the landscape, ecology, and hydrology. - The period of activity will also have an important impact against the quality of air, noises, vibrations if using explosives, and the impact of liquid wastes produced. 2 Productions exploitation stage a. Charcoalturf b. Primary ores 250,000 tons or more year ROM 200,000 tons or more year ROM c. Secondary oresalluviat sedimentation d. Non metal excavating materials, which are not classified into group C e. Radioactive excavating materials, including processing, mining and purifying. 150,000 tons or more year ROM 250,000 m3 or more year ROM All To date, radioactive materials are used as a fuel for nuclear reactors and weapons. As a result of the foregoing, its relations to defense and security matter becomes a reason why this activity must be completed with AMDAL for all sizes. - Leads Pb is a heavy metal, which is classified as dangerous and poisonous materials, which can easily be dispersed. f. Metal excavating materials, including processing, mining, and purifying. All - In watery environments, supply of Pb is bioavailable 3 Offshore mining All Potential in causing an impact in the form of change of bathymetry, ecosystem, disturbing sailing paths, and coastal processes, including the lowering of productivity of the area, which may arise social impact. 4 Submarine Tailing Disposal All Requires special locations and is potential in causing an impact in the form of change of bathymetry, ecosystem, disturbing coastal processes, including the lowering of productivity of the area, which may arise social impact and health disturbances. 5 Processing of ores through cyanide process. All Using dangerous and poisonous substances B3, which are potential in causing water, surface, ground water, and air pollution. B ELECTRICITY POWER 1 Construction of transmission networks 150 KV or more - Social unrest due to health disturbances caused by transmission. - Social, economic, and cultural aspects, especially in land clearance and social unrest. 2 Construction of PLTDPLTGPLTUPLT GU 100 MW or more Potential in causing an impact against : - Chemical physical aspect, especially quality of air remission, ambient, and noises and quality of water spill of lubricant oil, fire waste, etc and ground water. - Social, economic, and cultural aspects, especially upon land clearance and transmigration. 3 Exploitation and development of natural heating steam andor development of natural heater 55 MW or more Potential in causing an impact against : - Physical-chemical aspects, especially on air quality smell and noises and water quality. - Flora and Fauna. - Social, economic, and cultural aspects, especially in land clearance. 4 Construction of Water- Power Generator with : Potential in causing an impact against : - Height - Or area coverage - Or direct flow capacity 15 m or more 200 ha or more 50 MJW or more - Physical-chemical aspects, especially on air quality smell and noises and water quality - Flora and fauna - Social, economic, and cultural aspects, especially in land clearance. Classified into large dam category. Dam break, which will result in flood surge that will possibly damage the downstream are of the environment. In this scale, special specifications are required for materials and construction design. In this scale, huge quarryburrow areas are required so that it will be potential in creating an, impact. An impact on hydrology. 5 Construction electricity centres of other sources the sun, wind, biomass, and turf. 10 MW or more -Requires a very extensive area. -Visual impact. -Noises. -Use of turf is specifically potential in arising disturbances against ecosystem of the turf. C NATURAL OIL AND GAS 1 Oil and gas exploitation and Development of surface Productions a. Oil field 5,000 BOPD or more -Potential in arising B3 waste from the mud -Drilling -Explosion potentials -Air, water, and earth pollution -Ecosystem damages potentials -Economic considerations. b. Gas field 30 MMSCFD or more -Potential in arising B3 waste from the mud -Drilling -Explosion potentials -Air, water, and earth pollution -Ecosystem damages potentials -Economic considerations. 2 Oil and Gas exploitation and development of offshore productions All -Potential in arising B3 waste from the drilling mud - Explosion potentials -Air and water pollution -Economic considerations -Change in the sea ecosystem. 3 Oil and gas transmission - Extensive land clearance may not including piping on the field a. On surface -Length -Or pipes diameter 50 km or more 20 inches or more be conducted cross- regencymunicipality - Constructions may develop erosion. - Potential in clearing away ROW due to population’s activities. - High pipe operations pressure so that it is dangerous in case these go through residential areas. b. On the sea All - Utilization of plots simultaneous with a wide range of fishermen’s activities across regenciesmunicipalities may also disturb fishermen’s activities. - Preparation of construction areas may disturb sensitive areas. - Operation of pipes is susceptible to disturbances, such as mooring of ships, and sand mining. - High pipe operation pressures so that it is susceptible to fishermen’s activities, sand- mine and sailing paths. - Specially for LNG : potential in creating H2S gas. 4 Construction of oil refineries 10.000 BOPD or more - Social conflict potentials - Strategic industry -The Impact of special supporting facilities - Processing using materials, which are potential in producing generative wastes. - Potential in producing an abundance of gas, solid and liquid wastes. - Requires an extensive enough area - Potential in changing and disturbing the geo-hydrologic system - Potential in changing a more extensive ecosystem. 5 Used lubricant oil refineries including supporting facilities 10,000 tons or more - Social conflict potential - A strategic industry - The impact due to special supporting facilities - Processing using materials, which are potential in producing generative wastes. - Potential in producing an abundance of gas, solid, and liquid wastes. - Requires a sufficiently extensive area - Changing and disturbing the system. D ENVIRONMENTAL STRUCTURE GEOLOGY 1 Taking underground water shallow well, deep well and spring water 50 l or moredt from a well; or from 5 wells in a 10 ha or more area - Changing and disturbing the geo-hydrologic system - Potential of instruction of sea water.

K. Tourism