Defense and Security Agriculture Fishery

ATTACHMENT BUSINESS ANDOR ACTION PLANS WHICH MUST BE COMPLETED WITH ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS 1. Introduction Business andor action plans, which must be completed Environmental Impact Analysis AMDAL, are determined based upon : a. Important impact Consistent with Article 3 paragraph 2 of Government Regulation No. 271999, business andor action plans which are potential in bringing important impact on the environmental shall be completed with AMDAL. The important impact potential for each business andor activity plan shall be determined based upon : - Decision of the Chairman of BAPEDAL No. 0561994 regarding Guide to the Criteria of Important Impact. - International reference implemented by some countries, which is used as basis of AMDAL policy. - Uncertainty of technological capability available for preventing negative and important impact. No Activities ScaleSize Special scientific Reasons 1 Construction of centre and regional munition warehouses All Risk of explosion during journey and upon storage, even if it has possessed standard operating procedures SOP for handling explosives 2. Construction of the Indonesian Navy headquarters A and B - Dredging and reclamation are potential in changing sea and coastal ecosystem - Headquarter’s activities will have an impact due to liquid and solid wastes 3. Construction of the Indonesian Air Force headquarters A and B Headquarters’ activities will have an impact due to liquid and solid wastes, and airplane buzzing noises. 4. Construction of Combat Training Centres Approximately 10,000 ha - Headquarter building and supporting facilities, including buffer areas, which are closed to the public - Combat training activities are potential in causing impact due to liquid and solid wastes and explosives noises. Construction of shooting arenas for the Indonesian Armed Forces, Air, and Police Forces Approximately 10,000 ha - Headquarter buildings and supporting facilities, including buffers, which are closed to the public - Land clearing on a sufficiently big area for headquarters landings, and buffers, which are changing the ecosystem. - Training activities are potential in causing noises. 2. Business andor action plans which must be completed with Environmental Impact Analysis.

A. Defense and Security

In general, military activities of the following criteria will rise environmental risks due to explosion and social unrest. These are cause by operational activities and utilization of a sufficiently extensive plots.

B. Agriculture

In general, the important impact caused by cultivation of food and horticulture plants, and plantation are erosion, change of water supply and quality, widespread of pests, diseases, weeds, and change of health of the land due to the use of pesticidesherbicides. In addition, social conflict and the spread of endemic disease rise sometimes. The scalesize below has taken into account the important impact due to activities against ecosystem, hydrology, and landscape. The said criteria is construed as average one out of various examinations for each activity, which is conducted through taking low, medium, and high locations of plots. No. Activities ScaleSize Special scientific Reasons 1. Cultivation of food and one-season horticulture plants, either with or without processing units 2,000 ha or more See the above clarifications 2. Cultivation of plant and yearly horticulture plants, ether with or without processing units 5,000 ha or more See the above clarifications 3. Cultivation of one season plantation plants, ether with or without processing units : - In non-forest cultivation areas - In forest cultivation areas 3,000 ha or more All See the above clarifications 4. Cultivation of yearly plantation plants with or without processing units : - In non-forest cultivation areas - In forest cultivation areas 3,000 hectares or less All See the above clarifications

C. Fishery

In general, the important impact caused by cultivation of shrimp, fish ponds, and construction of fish harbors is change in the water, onshore, hydrology, and landscape ecosystems. The opening of mangrove forests will have an impact on the habitat, species and abundance of plants and animals living in the area. No. Activities ScaleSize Special scientific Reasons 1. Cultivation of shrimpfish ponds, either with or without processing units 50 ha or more - Damage of mangrove ecosystem, which becomes fish nursery areas will have an impact on the productivity of the local area. - Some environmental components, which will suffer from the impact are organic material substances, change of BOD, COD, CO, water brightness, total number of phytoplankton and development of viruses and bacteria. 2. Cultivation of drifting fish floating nets and pen system : a. Freshwater on lakes – Area – or total 2,5 ha or more 500 units or more - Change of quality of water - The impact of change of flow of stream and utility of water - The impact on water asthetics. b. On sea water - Area - Or total 5 ha or more 1,000 units or less 3. Plan for constructing fishery facilities in the form of fish harbors located outside the work area of public harbors, shall fulfil the criteria as follows. Potential in creating impacts, such as decreasing of the quality of water, lowering of coastal lines, social conflict, type of disease patterns, and liquid and solid wastes. - Quay’s length - Or having Fish Industry covering an area of - Or depth of the water at the quay 300 m or more 10 ha or more 4 M LWS or more

D. Forestry