Pre activity Pre activity Main Activity

Appendix 7 LESSON PLAN Cycle 1 UniversityFaculty : Siliwangi UniversityFKIP Department English Course : Grammar I GradeSemester : II Topic : Tenses: Simple Present Tense Meeting : 1 and 2 cycle 1 Time Allotment : 4 x 45 minutes

I. Competence Standard

To understand and to use of the appropriate form, meaning and use of the Simple Present Tense, Present Continuous Tense, Present Perfect Tense, Simple Past Tense, and Past Continuous Tense in written and spoken contexts.

II. Basic Competence

To understand and to use the appropriate form, meaning, and use of the Simple Present Tense in written and spoken contexts.

III. Indicators

After joining this course, the students are able to: a. Identify the form and the meaning of the simple present tense b. Know when to use simple present tense c. Form the simple present correctly d. Analyse the simple present sentences correctly based on the form, meaning, and use. e. Use simple present tense correctly in written and spoken forms.

IV. Subject


V. Learning Methodology

Task-Based Language Instruction TBLT

VI. Teaching procedures

A. Pre activity

1. Greeting 2. Praying 3. Checking students’ attendance commit to user 4. Reviewing the previous lesson 5. Stating a topic of the lesson 6. Explaining the objectives of the lesson 7. Explaining the benefits of the lesson

B. Main Activity

1. Meeting 1

Activities Instructor Students Pre-Task a. Show a list describing someone’s daily activities. b. Ask the students what they think about it c. Ask them to describe someone’s activities orally based on the activities on the picture d. Ask them whether they have the same activities with him in the picture a. Identify its list shown by the instructor. b. Read the information sheet c. Describe someone’s activity on a list orally. d. Compare whether they have the same activities with him in the picture Task a. Ask the students to list their daily, weekly, or monthly activities b. After listing their activities, ask them to work in group of five and ask to read out their own list to one another. c. Ask them to find out the similarity and the difference among them and write it down then delete anything they have which someone else has as well. So at the end, each student has only his or her special routines that no one else has. Ask them to use full sentences. d. Ask one of the representatives of each group to report their summary to the rest of the class e. Ask the audience to pay attention to the spokespersons and decide which couple has the most different or similar activities with theirs. a. List their own daily, weekly, or monthly activities b. Work in group of five and read out their own list to the rest of the group c. Find out and write the similar and different activities they have and delete any similarities they have until each student has hisher special routines. Write in full sentences d. Report their summary to the rest of the class. e. Pay attention to the spokespersons and identify which couple who has the most different or similar activities with theirs. commit to user Language Focus a. Choose two or three sentences from the students’ list about their activities and check whether the students understand the meaning of the sentences b. Explain the rules of the form. c. Present some sentences and ask the students to analyze based on the form, meaning and use a. Identify the sentences presented by the instructor and taken from their list. Comprehend it. b. Listen to the instructor’s explanation about the rules of the form. c. Analyse the sentences based on the form, meaning and use.

2. Meeting 2

Activities Instructor Students Pre-Task a. Show the students some pictures of famous people. b. Give them some lists to describe their appearance or how they look and how they like. c. Ask them to describe the people on the pictures based on their appearances and characters. a. Look at the pictures shown by the instructor and identify it. b. Understand the lists of appearance and character that suitable for the people in the pictures. c. Describe the people on the pictures based on their appearances and characters. Task a. Ask the students make a description about one of their friends, or teachers they have in written form b. Ask them to look for a partner and work in pair. c. Tell them to ask their partner about hisher friends or teacher. Or answer their partner’s questions about their friend or teacher they have d. Ask to find out the similarity and the difference among them and write it down on a piece of paper. Ask them to use complete sentences. a. Write and describe about one of their friends or teachers they have. b. Look for a partner and work in pair c. Ask their partner’s activities. Or answer their partner’s questions about their activities d. Find out and write the similar and different activities they have with their partner. Write in complete sentences e. Report their summary to the rest of the class. commit to user e. Ask them to report their summary to the rest of the class f. Ask the audience to pay attention to the spokespersons and decide which couple has the most different or similar activities with theirs. f. Pay attention to the spokespersons and identify which couple who has the most different or similar activities with theirs. Language Focus a. Choose two or three sentences from the students’ list about their activities and check whether the students understand the meaning of the sentences b. Explain the rules of the form. c. Present some sentences and ask the students to analyze based on the form, meaning and use a. Identify the sentences presented by the instructor and taken from their list. Comprehend it. b. Listen to the instructor’s explanation about the rules of the form. c. Analyse the sentences based on the form, meaning and use.

C. Post Activities

1. Summarize the topic 2. Reflect the learning process 3. Prepare the next topic 4. Parting

VII. Instructional Media

1. Board 2. LCD Projector, screen and Laptop 3. Power point 4. Pictures

VIII. Recources

1. Azzar, Betty Schrampfer and Donald A. Azzar. 1999. Fundamentals of English Grammar, Workbook, 2 nd Edition. USA: Prantice-Hall Inc. 2. Azzar, Betty Shcrimper. .Understanding and Using English Grammar. . 3. Larsen-Freeman, Diane. 2000. Grammar Dimension 2. Boston: Heinle Heinle. 4. Murphy, Raymond. 2010. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

IX. Assessment

a. Type : summative b. Technique : written, sentence analysis c. Worksheet : enclosed 1 commit to user d. Key answer : enclosed 2 e. Scoring rubric : score 01 Tasikmalaya, ……………………. 2012 Neni Marlina commit to user Appendix 1: Material SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE 1. Form a. Verbal sentences Positive Negative Question Short Answer I work You work We work They work He works She works It works I don’t work You don’t work We don’t work They don’t work He doesn’t work She doesn’t work It doesn’t work Do I work? Do you work? Do we work? Do they Work? Does he work? Does she work? Does it work? Yes, I do No, I don’t Yes, You do No, You don’t Yes, we do No, we don’t Yes they do No, They don’t Yes, he does No, he doesn’t Yes, she does No, she doesn’t Yes, it does. No, It doesn’t.

b. Nominal sentences

Positive Negative Question Short Answer I am a student. You are a student. We are students They are students. He is a student. She is a student. It is a book. I am not a student. You are not a student. We are not students. They are not students. He is not a student. She is not a student. It is not a book. Am I a student? Are you a student? Are we students? Are they students? Is he a student? Is she a student? Is it a book? Yes, I am. No, I am not. Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. Yes, we are. No, we are not. Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. Yes he is. No, he is not. Yes, she is. No, she is not. commit to user Yes, it is. No, it is not. There are some adverbs of frequency usually used in Simple Present, as follows: Always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, hardly ever, never. e.g. I am always happy. They are usually late. She often gets up late. You never call me. Riggenbach and Samuda, 2000: 2- 4

2. Uses

The Simple present tense is used: a. to express habits, general truths, repeated actions or unchanging situations, emotions and wishes: e.g. I smoke habit; I work in London unchanging situation; London is a large city general truth b. to give instructions or directions:

e.g. You walk

for two hundred metres, then you turn left. c. to express fixed arrangements, present or future: e.g. Your exam starts at 09.00 d. to express future time, after some conjunctions: after, when, before, as soon as, until: e.g. Hell give it to you when you come next Saturday.

3. Students’ activities

Meeting 1: Describe someone’s daily routines based on the following picture. commit to user Meeting 2: Describe one of the following famous people commit to user Appendix 2: Exercise Analyse the following sentences. Put checks if they are correct, and correct them if they are false. 1. A: hi… My name is Kunio. B: Hello, my name is Maria. I glad to meet you. 2. She expect us to be in class on time. 3. Who does usually comes here every Tuesday? 4. Ahmed, Toshi, Ji, Ingrid, and Pedro eats lunch together every day. 5. The sun shines in the morning every day. 6. He doesn’t know why his friends do not come to the class today 7. Dr. Li talk to high school students all over the country about the danger of the drugs. 8. We are not having class today because our physics professor is running in a marathon this morning. 9. My mother really is liking my friend Ahmed because he is always so polite to her. 10. Why you always wear long sleeves t-shirts? commit to user LESSON PLAN Cycle 1 UniversityFaculty : Siliwangi UniversityFKIP Department English Course : Grammar I GradeSemester : II Topic : Tenses: Present Continuous Tense Meeting : 3 cycle 1 Time Allotment : 2 x 45 minutes

X. Competence Standard

To understand and to use of the appropriate form, meaning and use of the Simple Present Tense, Present Continuous Tense, Present Perfect Tense, Simple Past Tense, and Past Continuous Tense in written and spoken contexts.

XI. Basic Competence

To understand and to use the appropriate form, meaning, and use of the Present Continuous Tense in written and spoken contexts.

XII. Indicators

After joining this course, the students are able to: a. Identify the form and the meaning of the present continuous tense b. Know when to use present continuous tense c. Know which verbs are not usually used in present continuous d. Form the present continuous correctly e. Analyse the present continuous sentences correctly based on the form, meaning, and use. f. Use present continuous tense correctly in written and spoken forms.

XIII. Subject


XIV. Learning Methodology

Task-Based Language Instruction TBLT

XV. Teaching procedures

D. Pre activity

8. Greeting 9. Praying 10. Checking students’ attendance 11. Reviewing the previous lesson 12. Stating a topic of the lesson commit to user 13. Explaining the objectives of the lesson 14. Explaining the benefits of the lesson

E. Main Activity

Activities Instructor Students Pre-Task a. Ask the students about their activities at the present. b. Act some activities and ask the students to guess what the teacher is doing. c. Ask the students to act an activity which describes that shehe is doing something. d. Prepare the cards consisting of instructions that should be acted out by the students in front of their partner. e. Answer the teacher’s questions. f. Try to guess what the teacher is doing. g. Ask other students to guess what their friends are doing. h. Prepare for the next activity. Task a. Divide the students into teams consisting five students each. b. Ask a student from each team to act the instruction in the card to hisher team. c. Give the team a score a point if the team guesses correctly in 30 second. d. Allow other teams to steal after the time limit is up. f. Make team consisting of 5 students each. g. Point a student to be the one who will act the instruction on the cards given by the teacher, and guess what a friend’s doing. h. Guess as soon as possible before the time limit is up and get the scores. i. Other team may also steal the score by guessing what a friend’s from another team doing if his team cannot guess. Language Focus d. Choose two or three sentences from the students when they guess the activity. e. Explain the rules of the form. f. Present some sentences and ask d. Identify the sentences presented by the instructor and taken from their sentences. Comprehend it. e. Listen to the instructor’s explanation about the rules of the form. f. Analyse the sentences commit to user the students to analyze based on the form, meaning and use based on the form, meaning and use.

F. Post Activities