The Definition of Classroom Condition The Ideal Classroom Condition

Furthermore Pearson 2008: 17 states the advantages of task-based language teaching are as follows: 1 Authentic tasks are intrinsically motivating. 2 Targeted real-world tasks have much clearer outcomes that can be more easily assessed, unlike more general, or “open,” tasks such as having a conversation. 3 Real-world activities can be looked at and sequenced in much the same way as grammar forms can—from simpler to more complex. It is very clear that task-based language teaching has many advantages in which this method is valuable to use to cope the students’ problems in learning a language, in this case grammar.

3. Classroom Condition

a. The Definition of Classroom Condition

Creating a good condition or atmosphere for learning is as important as choosing appropriate teaching method. According to Danielson 2007: 64 a good learning condition will make the students concentrate on the academic content. She further says that if the atmosphere is negative, if students fear ridicule, if the environment is chaotic, no one—neither students nor teacher—can focus on learning. According to Wang, Haertel, and Walberg in Davis 2004: 4 classroom condition is regarded as encompassing all the socio-psychological dimensions of classroom life. This included common interest and the pursuit of common goal achieved through focused, organized, and well-planned lessons. commit to user

b. The Ideal Classroom Condition

Stanberry 2000: 3-4 argues some ideal classroom conditions viewed from the students and the teacher; 1 the opening lecture articulates the systemic idea of each person in the class contributing to the strength or downfall of the classs success or failure, 2 the students verbally express interest in learning and doing well when defining their roles as students, 3 students and teacher influence and are mutually dependent on each other; students at both sites contribute to the classs success, 4 small group dialogue resulting in planning and taking responsibility for the learning process allows all voices to be heard, all participants to be respected, and a safe learning environment to be created, 5 a warm affective condition lowers anxiety and contributes to the creation of a true community of learners who recognize their boundaries yet are open to new ideas and change, 6 a classroom condition in which interaction and interdependence are encouraged promotes learning in the technology-mediated classroom. In addition, she states some further positive attitudes shown by students and instructor when good classroom condition reached. Those attitudes are shown in the table 2.1. Table 2.1. Students’-Instructor’s Positive Attitudes Students Instructor Be prepared, know material Teach so students understand Be studious Share current issues Do the work and keep up with the work Explain clearly Be on time Answer questions Listen, pay attention, be alert Give insight Participate, communicate, ask questions Be prepared Seek more information Be helpful, supportive commit to user Meanwhile, positive or ideal classroom condition according to Virginia Education Department in Brief 7 performance standard: Learning condition is when effective teacher builds a classroom condition where error is welcomed, where student questioning is high, where engagement is the norm, and when students can gain reputations as effective learners. The description shows that the ideal condition of classroom condition can be determined from three aspects; students, teacher or instructor, and learning process. Some characteristics of those ideal conditions would be observed in this research, such as, students are active, communicative, and interested and motivated; teacher facilitates the students with clear explanation, helps them in supportive way, encourages them with providing answer and questions to measure students’ progress. Meanwhile the learning process is more interactive and communicative. It also provides the students with non-monotonous activities or tasks.

B. Procedures of Teaching Grammar Using Task-Based Language Teaching

Even Task-Based Language Teaching is considered for teaching language communicatively, it can also be used as a teaching methodology to teach grammar. Richards :155 states: “In advocating the use of task work in language teaching, the assumption is that learners will develop not only communicative skills but also an acceptable standard of performance through task work.” It commit to user