VerbalLinguistic VL represents the capacity to use language in LogicalMathematical LM represents the skill to use numbers SpatialVisualSV involves ‘the sensitivity to form, space, color, BodilyKinestheticBK involves the ability to solve problems MusicalM

Here are the descriptions of the intelligences suggested by Gardner 1983:2-5 :

1. VerbalLinguistic VL represents the capacity to use language in

an effective manner in speech and writing. It also includes being able to use language for convincing others, understanding patterns of a language in terms of grammar use or appropriateness of language. This intelligence is involved in using the language to remember information, tell stories, jokes, write letters or poetry.

2. LogicalMathematical LM represents the skill to use numbers

effectively and reason well. This intelligence is involved in recognizing abstract patterns, making predictions, sequencing, problem solving and scientific investigation. This intelligence is often associated with what we call ‘scientific thinking’. People who are strong in this intelligence are mathematicians, engineers, accountants, logicians, computer programmers and scientist.

3. SpatialVisualSV involves ‘the sensitivity to form, space, color,

line and shape’. It also involves visualizing things either mentally or graphically. The ability to solve problems related to the notion of space such as using a map to locate a place in a city or drawing a floor plan are examples of SV intelligence. Some people who are strong in spatialvisual intelligence are architects, navigators, painters, sculptors and graphic artist.

4. BodilyKinestheticBK involves the ability to solve problems

using the body and being able to express thoughts, ideas and emotions through movements and gestures. Sample skills are coordination, flexibility, speed and balance. Activities such as riding a bike, typing, cooking, building things, driving a car, miming, dancing and playing sports are examples of using this intelligence. Some professionals who are strong in BK are athletes, dancers and actors.

5. MusicalM involves the ability to express emotions and feelings

through music showing “sensitivity to rhythm, pitch and melody. It also entails the ability to hum, whistle or sing a tune. Composing songs, playing musical instruments and even creating music from objects that are not intended to be a musical instrument are some examples of using musical intelligence. Musicians, composers, conductors and singers are professionals whose musical intelligence is strong. However, this intelligence is not limited to professions related to music, common people also have strength on musical intelligence, for instance, those who usually enjoy singing in the shower, singing along with a song, listening to music or creating new songs based on a familiar tune.

6. InterpersonalIR is the ability to interact with people effectively,