The Definition of Test


A. Language Test

1. The Definition of Test

In order to know how well the result of teaching learning processes is , a teacher must evaluate it accurately. One of the evaluation instruments in teaching learning process is a test. There are many definitions of test, Gronlund and Linn defined a test as a device or regular procedure for meting a sample of behavior. 1 While Reynolds stated that test is an instrument or steps in which a sample of an individual action is got, and scored using the basic standard. 2 While, Nitko stated in his book, Educational test and measurement an Introduction, Test is systematic procedure for observing and describing one or more characteristics of person with the aid of either a numerical of category system. 3 This definition gives an understanding that the test is the procedure or manner which systematic used by teacher for describing the characteristic or behavior of students with the aid numerical system or score. Tinambunan stated that a test is a set of questions, each of which has a correct answer, that examinees usually answer orally or in writing. 4 It can be understood that test is a means of measuring and scoring which carried out through oral or written to know the progress of the student after they got some lessons in the class. Test also conducted to know the student’s achievement in specific materials. 1 Norman E. Gronlund and Robert L. Linn, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching 6 Th Edition, New York: MacMillan Publishing Company, 1990, p. 5. 2 Cecil R. Reynolds. et al, Measurement and Assesment in Education, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc., 2009, p. 3. 3 Anthony J. Nitko, Educational Test and Measurement An Introduction , NewYork: Harcourt Brace Jovanovic, Inc.,1983, p. 6. 4 Wilmar Tinambunan, Evaluataion of Student Achievement, Jakarta: Depdiknas, 1988, p. 3. Based on the definitions above, the writer can conclude that test is a set of questions in many forms Such as; multiple choice, true false, fill in the blank, essay, etc. It is made by a teacher to measure student’s ability in a lot of skills where a test that produced in line with the procedure in making a test with consider of standarized and score.

2. The Type of Test