Login . php ?php Menu . php style type=textcss

since all page will require a database access and the common library is also used by all its logical to load these library here require_once database.php; require_once common.php; get the shop configuration name, addres, etc , all page need it shopConfig = getShopConfig; ? 6. Login . php ?php require_once ..libraryconfig.php; require_once .libraryfunctions.php; errorMessage = nbsp;; if isset_POST[txtUserName] { result = doLogin; if result = { errorMessage = result; }} ? html head titleShop Admin - Logintitle meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=texthtml; charset=iso-8859-1 link href=includeadmin.css rel=stylesheet type=textcss style type=textcss -- .style2 {color: FF3399} -- style head body table width=750 border=0 align=center cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 tr tdimg src=includebanner-top.gif width=750 height=75td tr tr td valign=top table width=100 border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=20 bgcolor=FF3399 tr td class=contentArea style=background-color:FFC1E0 form method=post name=frmLogin id=frmLogin Universitas Sumatera Utara pnbsp;p table width=350 border=0 align=center cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=FF3399 tr style=background-color:000000 tdspan class=style2:: Admin Login ::spantd tr tr td class=contentArea div class=errorMessage align=center?php echo errorMessage; ?div table width=100 border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=1 class=text tr align=center td colspan=3nbsp;td tr tr class=text td width=100 align=rightUser Nametd td width=10 align=center:td tdinput name=txtUserName type=text class=box id=txtUserName value=admin size=10 maxlength=20td tr tr td width=100 align=rightPasswordtd td width=10 align=center:td tdinput name=txtPassword type=password class=box id=txtPassword value=admin size=10td tr tr td colspan=2nbsp;td tdinput name=btnLogin type=submit class=box id=btnLogin value=Logintd tr tabletd tr table pnbsp;p formtd tr tabletd tr table pnbsp;p body html Universitas Sumatera Utara

7. Menu . php style type=textcss

-- a:link { text-decoration: none; } a:visited { text-decoration: none; } a:hover { text-decoration: none; } a:active { text-decoration: none; } -- styletr td background=imagessliced_18.gif valign=top width=157a href=home.php onmouseout=MM_swapImgRestore img src=imagessliced_06.gif alt=HOME name=Image20 id=Image20 border=0 width=157 height=36abr a href=home.php?name=includeabout_us.php onmouseout=MM_swapImgRestore img src=imagessliced_08_1.gif alt=About us name=Image21 id=Image21 border=0 width=157 height=24a a href=home.php?name=includehto.php onmouseout=MM_swapImgRestore br img src=imagessliced_09.gif alt=Spa Info name=Image22 id=Image22 border=0 width=157 height=24a br a href=home.php?name=includecontact.php onmouseout=MM_swapImgRestore img src=imagessliced_10.gif alt=Waxing name=Image23 id=Image23 border=0 width=157 height=24a a href=http:phrizbie-design.comBliss_Laser_Spafacials.html onmouseout=MM_swapImgRestore br img src=imagessliced_11.gif alt=Facials name=Image24 id=Image24 border=0 width=157 height=25br aa href=http:phrizbie- design.comBliss_Laser_Spamicrodermabrasion.html onmouseout=MM_swapImgRestore img src=imagessliced_12.gif alt=Microbermabrasion name=Image26 id=Image26 border=0 width=157 height=23abr a href=http:phrizbie-design.comBliss_Laser_Spacontact.html onmouseout=MM_swapImgRestore img src=imagessliced_15.gif alt=Contact name=Image29 id=Image29 border=0 width=157 height=25abr Universitas Sumatera Utara img src=imagessliced_16.gif alt= width=157 height=88 td tr tr td valign=top div align=center object classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8- 444553540000 codebase=http:download.macromedia.compubshockwavecabsflashswflash.cabvers ion=7,0,19,0 width=150 height=150 title=clock param name=movie value=C-001.swf param name=quality value=high embed src=C-001.swf quality=high pluginspage=http:www.macromedia.comgogetflashplayer type=applicationx- shockwave-flash width=150 height=150embed objectdiv img src=imagessliced_16_1.gif pnbsp;ptdtr tr td background=imagessliced_18.gif valign=middlediv align=centerimg src=imagessliced_16.gif pimg src=imagesTH120x90- 1.gif alt=travel pimg src=imagestra34.gif alt=ibu_hamil pimg src=imagesngeborong.gif divimg src=imagessliced_16_1.gif pnbsp;ptd tr tr td background=imagessliced_18.gif valign=middle img src=imagessliced_16.gif iframe title=banner src=show_image.php scrolling=auto width=165 frameborder=0 height=310 align=middleiframebr img src=imagessliced_16_1. gif pnbsp;ptd tr tbodytabletd td bgcolor=000000 valign=topdiv align=center table border=0 cellpadding=10 cellspacing=0 width=80 tbodytr td colspan=2 valign=topdiv align=centerimg src=imagessliced- ing1_06.gif alt=Welcome width=271 height=99divtd tr

8. Success . php function setPaymentInfoisChecked