Home . php ?php Config. Php ?php

td width=150 height=400 id=leftnav ?php require_once includeleftNav.php; ? td td ?php if pdId {require_once includeproductDetail.php;} else if catId {require_once includeproductList.php;} else {require_once includecategoryList.php;} ? td td width=130 align=center?php require_once includeminiCart.php; ?td tr table ?php require_once includefooter.php; ? 3. Home . php ?php require_once libraryconfig.php; require_once librarycategory-functions.php; require_once libraryproduct-functions.php; require_once librarycart-functions.php; _SESSION[shop_return_url] = _SERVER[REQUEST_URI]; catId = isset_GET[c] _GET[c] = 1 ? _GET[c] : 0; pdId = isset_GET[p] _GET[p] = ? _GET[p] : 0; all= isset_GET[all] _GET[all] = ? _GET[all] : 0; ? -- menu header -- ?php include includeheader.php; ? -- menu-- ?php include includemenu.php; ? tr td valign=top width=50div align=center ?php if pdId {require_once includeproductDetail.php;} else if catId {require_once includeproductList.php;} else if all==1 {require_once includecategoryList.php;} else {name=_REQUEST[name]; ifname= { require_once name;} else { Universitas Sumatera Utara ? d align=center class=style1pimg src=imagesopen.jpg alt=openp p class=style1 align=leftSekarang telah hadir quot;Distro Rock n Rollquot; di kota Medan. Kamu mau cari pakaian gaul?? Buat Cewek Cowok ada DISINI br Buruan belanja disini, dijamin kamu bakal puas dan g ketinggalan jaman dechhh....Jangan bilang kamu gauL,kalau kamu belum pakai produk distro ini... br Karena Distro Rock n Roll nyediain barang-barang uptodate dengan kualitas tinggi. So...tunggu apa lagi. Belanja Pakaian?? ya Distro Rock n Rool aja .... : p p class=style1 align=centerSurga Belanja Kamu...p p class=style1 align=centerimg src=imagessp_lady.jpg alt=belanja width=371 height=432 p p class=style1 align=centernbsp;p d div ?php } ? ?php } ? ?php echo div align=center; include includebaner.php; echo div; ? td ?php include includeright_bar.php; ? tr tbodytable divtd tr tbodytabletd tr tr td background=imagessliced3_19.jpg height=37img src=imagessliced3_19.jpg alt= width=126 height=37td tr tbodytable ?php include includefooter.php; ? bodyhtml 4. About Us . php style type=textcss -- .style1 {color: FFFFFF} -- Universitas Sumatera Utara style img src=imagesBack.jpg alt=about_us img src=imagesdamama.jpg 5. Config. Php ?php ini_setdisplay_errors, Off; ob_startob_gzhandler; error_reportingE_ALL; start the session session_start; database connection config dbHost = localhost; dbUser = root; dbPass = ; dbName = distro_rnr_1; setting up the web root and server root for this shopping cart application thisFile = str_replace\\, , __FILE__; docRoot = _SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT]; webRoot = str_replacearraydocRoot, libraryconfig.php, , thisFile; srvRoot = str_replacelibraryconfig.php, , thisFile; defineWEB_ROOT, webRoot; defineSRV_ROOT, srvRoot; these are the directories where we will store all category and product images defineCATEGORY_IMAGE_DIR, imagescategory; definePRODUCT_IMAGE_DIR, imagesproduct; some size limitation for the category and product images all category image width must not exceed 75 pixels defineMAX_CATEGORY_IMAGE_WIDTH, 75; do we need to limit the product image width? setting this value to true is recommended defineLIMIT_PRODUCT_WIDTH, true; maximum width for all product image defineMAX_PRODUCT_IMAGE_WIDTH, 300; the width for product thumbnail defineTHUMBNAIL_WIDTH, 75; if get_magic_quotes_gpc {if isset_POST {foreach _POST as key = value {_POST[key] = trimaddslashesvalue;}} if isset_GET {foreach _GET as key = value {_GET[key] = trimaddslashesvalue;}}} Universitas Sumatera Utara since all page will require a database access and the common library is also used by all its logical to load these library here require_once database.php; require_once common.php; get the shop configuration name, addres, etc , all page need it shopConfig = getShopConfig; ? 6. Login . php ?php