Database . php ?php Diagram Level Konteks

} print next link only if were not on the last page if pageNumber totalPages { page = pageNumber + 1; next = a href=\self?page=pagestrGet\[Next]a ; last = a href=\self?page=totalPagesstrGet\[Last]a ; } else { next = ; were on the last page, dont show next link last = ; nor last page link } start = pageNumber - pageNumber numLinks + 1; end = start + numLinks - 1; end = mintotalPages, end; pagingLink = array; forpage = start; page = end; page++ { if page == pageNumber { pagingLink[] = page ; no need to create a link to current page } else { if page == 1 { pagingLink[] = a href=\self?strGet\pagea ; } else { pagingLink[] = a href=\self?page=pagestrGet\pagea ; }}} pagingLink = implode | , pagingLink; return the page navigation link pagingLink = first . prev . pagingLink . next . last; } return pagingLink; } ? 11. Database . php ?php require_once config.php; dbConn = mysql_connect dbHost, dbUser, dbPass or die MySQL connect failed. . mysql_error; Universitas Sumatera Utara mysql_select_dbdbName or dieCannot select database. . mysql_error; function dbQuerysql { result = mysql_querysql or diemysql_error; return result; } function dbAffectedRows { global dbConn; return mysql_affected_rowsdbConn; } function dbFetchArrayresult, resultType = MYSQL_NUM { return mysql_fetch_arrayresult, resultType; } function dbFetchAssocresult { return mysql_fetch_assocresult; } function dbFetchRowresult { return mysql_fetch_rowresult; } function dbFreeResultresult { return mysql_free_resultresult; } function dbNumRowsresult { return mysql_num_rowsresult; } function dbSelectdbName { return mysql_select_dbdbName; } function dbInsertId { return mysql_insert_id; } ? 12. Google . php table width=100 align=left cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 tbodytr td-- SiteSearch Google -- Universitas Sumatera Utara form method=get target=_top table bgcolor=ffffff border=0 tbodytrtd valign=top align=left height=32 nowrap=nowrap a img src=page_main-2.php_filesLogo_25wht.gif alt=Google align=middle border=0a br input name=domains type=hidden label for=sbi style=display: none;Masukkan istilah pencarian Andalabel input name=q size=20 maxlength=255 id=sbi type=text label for=sbb style=display: none;Kirim formulir pencarianlabel input name=sa value=Cari id=sbb type=submit tdtr tr td nowrap=nowrap table tbody tr td input name=sitesearch value= id=ss0 type=radio label for=ss0 title=Cari Webfont color=000000 size=- 1Webfontlabeltd td input name=sitesearch checked=checked id=ss1 type=radio label for=ss1 title=Cari butikgaul.comfont color=000000 size=-1butikgaul.comfontlabeltd tr tbodytable input name=client value=pub-5589335227431955 type=hidden input name=forid value=1 type=hidden input name=ie value=ISO-8859-1 type=hidden input name=oe value=ISO-8859-1 type=hidden input name=cof value=GALT:008000;GL:1;DIV:336699;VLC:663399;AH:center;BGC:FFFFFF;LBG C:336699;ALC:0000FF;LC:0000FF;T:000000;GFNT:0000FF;GIMP:0000FF;FORID:1 type=hidden input name=hl value=in type=hidden tdtrtbodytable form -- SiteSearch Google --td tr tbody table Universitas Sumatera Utara 13. Error . php ?php