Humorist The Characterization of Lucy in No One Could Have Guessed the Weather “I know,” agreed Camilla. Mine is, ’One kid, one divorce, life sucks.” I don’t want to say it, and no one wants to hear it,” Camilla said. “You’re not bitter and twisted, are you, Milla? Lucy leaned over and kissed her friend on the cheek. It’s very clearly that Lucy is kind person. She realized her terrible life, but when Camilla told her condition, Lucy forgotten her problem and support Camilla immediately. Lucy leaned over and kissed her friend on the cheek.

3.1.7 Faithful

As an independent woman Lucy is faithful person. In her conversation with Camilla shows Lucy as an independent and confident person. “---- and…I don’t know. Now when I think about starting all over again I feel old…and afraid. It’s like I was running the marathon, and I hit the wall. “For ten years?” chortled Camilla. You are right, I hate myself. Darling, no praise, no blame from me. I don’t mean to be tactless after mommy dearest, but…we need a big drink. Look at the state of us. Couple of fucking suffragettes, eh?.” “I don’t care where we go, I’m just glad to be away from the house of death, I’ll go with the flow.” Lucy said. You have changed, said Camilla, pushing the agricultural vehicle into fifth gear.” This conversation means clearly, that Lucy an independent person. She always be herself whatever about Camilla suggestion. Lucy never regret about her decision wherever she go. She had a terrible memory in her life and was always interested when people told her thins about herself she had forgotten and move on. Other characters also show Lucy as an independent person. They are Julia and Christy, Lucy’s best friend. “In the first ten minutes Ava had suggested that Lucy seemed like a person “used to doing her own thing.” Julia and Christy already knew that. Lucy was the type of English person whose response to any dictatorial behavior was to nod laconically and continue digging straight down beneath the stove to escape through a tunnel called Tom, Dick, or Harry.”p155 This means that other female characters realize that Lucy is an independent character. Lucy used to doing in her own thing in perception of her best friends, Julia and Christy. 3.2 The Feminist through Struggle of Lucy with Her Family and Her Relationship with Her Best Friends The main character in No One Could Have Guessed the Weather is Lucy Lovett. In teenage years, her life with her father and her mother was not good. Then she married with Richard. And then her husband lost his job. She trying to survive and thrive in New York amid relationships, misunderstandings, and broken dreams. She trying to forget about the past and move on. She befriends three women and through them she can somewhat regain peace of mind from the complete disruption of her former life.

3.2.1 Feminist Sociology through Struggle of Lucy with Her Family

In teenage years, Lucy’s life with her father and her mother was not good. Then she married with Richard. And then her husband lost his job. And try to survive in New York City.