The Description of School

D. English Teacher

Teachers become very important in every school. Without teacher, the students will study by themselves. There are several functions of teachers, such as; they become facilitator in classroom, become an instructor, become a guide in learning process, etc. In SMP Al-Kautsar, there is one English Teacher. Her name is Yulyani. S.Hum.

E. The English Textbook

The English textbook that the teacher used is English In Focus for Junior High School Grade VII, VIII, IX was published by “Pusat Perbukuan Departement Pendidikan Nasional Tahun 2008” and written by Artono Wardiman, Masduki B. Jahur, M. Sukirman Djusma. Based on that book, the teacher also used LKS to give exercise for students. The material in teaching learning process is taught based on the curriculum which is directed to face the National Examination.

F. The Curriculum

Curriculum is one the important components there many significantly support the requirement of teaching learning process in the school, Comprehensively, it is defined as the learning which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is carried on n group or individually, inside or outside the school. Curriculum can be viewed as a program arranged by an educational instituted to provide sequentially organized knowledge, understanding, skills, and concepts for the learner. A significant aspect of curriculum is instruments to bring the needs of learners together with the needs of society. The curriculum used at SMP Al-Kautsar Parungpanjang- Bogor is “KTSP” Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan or School Level Based Curriculum, KTSP is a curriculum that gives teachers freedom to develop their syllabus, method, and material based on the students‟ need and the environment. However, teachers cannot develop the components teaching learning as they want. It should be based on standard competence and based competence which is arranged by the government. The “KTSP” is operated at SMP Al-Kautsar Parungpanjang; it has been developed into syllabus, the lesson plan, and several program. It is developed and implemented by the school based on the National education. It screens of the development of the syllabus of English subject. The teacher tries to elaborate the item of the Context Students into the descriptive of learning and teaching activities, of lesson materials, of a variety of competency indicators. Of time location, of teaching and learning resource. And even of evaluation instruments and techniques. However, the application of “KTSP” is not almost perfect, but the teachers and other elements of the school are trying to apply KTSP. Because the syllabus is arranged by the teachers, so the method used in the school depens on the teacher and depends on the students‟ need. According to the KTSP, the target of the English learning at SMP Al- Kautsar is the students can reach the flexional level that is the students can communicate by using English both in spoken and written form solve daily problem. KTSP Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan or School Level Based Curriculum. In which the basic language skill are taught and trained intensively based on genre and flectional speeches, genre is deviation of particular form of art or utterance according to criteria particular to that form. The KTSP curriculum is established by the government, but the developing of the object, the way, the book and the steps are developed by the school itself, and the government makes national examination or UN to measure the achievement and its standard.

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