Statements of the Problems Scope of the Study


1.6 Method of the Study

To analyze the novel entitled Anna and The King by Elizabeth Hand, the writer uses the following methods:

1.6.1 Research Design

The writer uses qualitative descriptive design to analyze this data. According to Endraswara 2003:7, the important features of qualitative research are: this researcher is the key instrument that reads accurately the literary work, the research has been done descriptively, it means explaining on form of word or picture needed, not numeral form, this qalitative descriptive research is more the priority of process than the result and inductively analysis.

1.6.2 Sources of Data

In this thesis, the writer uses Anna and The King by Elizabeth Hand as the object of study and source of data. The writer uses some of literary and feminism theories , which are relevant and related to intrinsic and extrinsic element of the main topic. Besides, the writer acquires from the websites to support the analysis.

1.6.3 Units of Analysis

In the unit of analysis, the writer will focus on the intrinsic element and extrinsic element. The intrinsic elements includes character, setting and conflict, and the extrinsic elements will be focused on the woman’s effort towards the right equality. 6

1.6.4 Techniques of Data Collection

In this study, the writer needs many materials to strengthen her research. Because of that the writer takes data from the library research. Library research is a method of collecting data by reading books and other reference, which are related to the topic. This method was to complete the data needed for this research. According to Nazir 1999: 111: “Library research is an activity to find and analyze reference. The writer searches and collects all the necessary and important references, information and ideas from significant sources related to the subject matter to support the ideas in writing the thesis.” Besides, tacquires from the websites to support the analysis.

1.6.5 Techniques of Data Analysis

The writer uses two approach, they are structural approach and feminism approach. Structural approach analysis character, conflict and setting, and feminism approach analysis social feminism and cultural feminism.

1. Structural Approach

According to Jabrohim 2003: 60 “structural approach is an approach in literary research which focuses in literary autonomy in a work of fiction”. The writer uses the structural approach to analyze the structural elements like main character and internal and external conflict experienced by Anna. Main character is the main topic of the analysis. The characteristic of the main character has a close relation with the topic that the writer wants to analyze