20 major elements of setting are time, place, and social environment that frame the characters act. In most stories, they also serve as more than background and furnishings. if we are sensitive to the context provided by setting, we are better to understand the influence to the behavior of the characters and the significance of their action. Type of setting includes of setting of time, setting of place, and setting of social. Setting of time and place, According to Kenney 1966:38-45 are: 1. Setting of time Setting of time includes of tradition and morality habitude from certain time which a part of setting spiritual can be very important in fiction that is no history charaterization.

2. Setting of place

Setting of place is fictions which have a dominant place setting generally qualification as a local or regional. The local written investigates the influence of geographical setting of character such as physical and spiritual setting.

3. Setting of social

Setting of social is a good description of setting, where the readers is given about the specific of social life knowledge. Such as; fisher man society, labor man society, etc. Taken from hand-out “ pengantar kesusasteraan inggris” by Sumardjo 1984:59-60. 21 So setting of time, place, social are the time, location and environment social in which the action of a narrative takes place. Often the setting impactsa story’s and helps to develop a story’s characters

3.4 Feminism

Feminist theory tries to analyze the conditions that shape the lives of women and investigate a variety of cultural understanding of what it means to be female. And how to explain the conditions of life they lead. Caroline Ramazonaglu 1998, 8, states feminism is sharing of social theory that describes the relationship between the sexes in the society and differences between the experiences is experienced by men and women, which is also a theory of political practice. According to Glover, David, Kaplan, Cora, 2000, “Feminism refers to political, cultural and economic movements aimed at establishing greates rights and legal protections for women. Feminism includes some of the sociological theories and philosophies concerned with issues of gender difference. It is also a movement that campaigns for women’s right and interest. Nancy Colt defines feminism as the belief in the importance of gender equality, invalidating idea of gender hierarchy as a social constructed concept.”

3.4.1 Social Feminism

According to Stevi Jackson 1997 that social theories of feminism to give attention to efforts to understand the fundamental inequality between men and