Factors Influence of Reading

Having critical thinking skills help to deepen a student’s comprehension of a text, resulting in a positive reading experience.

6. Descriptive text

Descriptive text is a text which has social purpose to give an account of imagined or factual events. 25 Hyland explains more about description that it tends to use present tense and description makes use of “be” and “have”. There are three steps within a descriptive text; a. İdentification: has purpose to define, to classify or generalize about phenomenon. b. Aspect: has purpose to describe atributes of each category of the phenomenon. c. Conclusion: has purpose to sum up the description. Harwell and Dorill state that the purpose of description is tos hare sense impressions and to record thought and feelings stimulated by those impressions, in other words, they are both an objective relaying of sense data and a subjective interpretation of that data. Furthemore, he continues that a descriptive paraghraph share its writer’s sense impressions. This method, relying heavily on visual details, begins by establishing the perspective from which something is seen and then guides a reader’s eyes from this point to the other points.

C. Relevant Previous Studies

Many studies have been conducted to study about critical thinking in the ESL and EFL learning area in Indonesia and other countries. Many of them investigated about the correlation between critical thinking ability and language proficiency as well as in reading proficiency. This part will refer to some of them: The first research was conducted by Isik, H., which entitles The Relationship between Critical Thinking and Language Proficiency of Turkish 25 Ken Hyland, Genre and Second Language Writing, Michigan: The University Language Press, p. 34. Anadolu University. The study was conducted to find out the critical thinking ability of Malaysian undergraduates and its relationship with their language proficiency. It was conducted in university utara Turkey of which total participants were 280 undergraduates taken from the university. The instruments used in the study were demographic questionnaire and test. The demographic questionnaire was intended to gain and to collect the undergradu ates’ language proficiency data encompassing speaking, reading, writing and grammar; whereas, the test was conducted to find out the undergraduates’ critical thinking ability. Based on the finding of this research, it was found that there was a significant correlation between undergraduates’ critical thinking ability and their language proficiency. 26 The next research was conducted by Ahmad Sugianto, entitles The Relationship between Critical Thinking Ability and Writing Ability, A Correlational Study of the Sixth Semester Students of State Islamic University, Jakarta. This research was conducted in State Islamic University, Jakarta- Indonesia. 60 students from the sixth semester of English Education Department participated in this study. This study aimed to find out whether or not there is any significance relationship between critical thinking ability and writing ability. The study used correlational design which carried out two kinds of instruments, they are; Critical Thinking test and writing test. The data was analyzed using Pearson Product Moment correlation which the research finding showed that there is a significant correlation between students’ critical thinking ability and the writing ability of the students of English education department of UIN Jakarta 27 . In comparison with the previous related studies above, this study has some similarity since it has the same independent variable critical thinking ability. 26 Isik, H., 2010. High School Students’ Critical Reading Levels and the Relationship between Critical Reading Level and Critical Thinking Dispositions and Proficiency. Unpublished Master’s thesis, Anadolu University, Turkey. 27 Ahmad Sugianto 2014. “The Relationship between Critical Thinking and Writing Ability, A Correlational Study of the Sixth Semester Students of State Islamic University, Jakarta.” However; there are some differences among each other. This study is more specific and detail than other investigations conducted by other researchers. The first research above investigated whether or not critical thinking had relationship with language proficiency; while this research focused on investigating the correlation between critical thinking and reading comprehension skills. Therefore, this research is really new and different from the other research.

D. Conceptual Framework

Reading comprehension involves the ability to not only read the words but also the abstract meaning behind the text. However, the ability to understand the abstract meaning behind the texts involves higher order thinking. Higher-order thinking skills enable students to do this and find the real value in the information they are reading. Readers who can use higher order thinking not only show knowledge and understanding of the text, they can put the information in new contexts and form relations between ideas. Some experts see reading as a decoding process with the reader processing each letter in turn, producing the appropriate sounds, and forming words. Allington, R., Sirange M., 1980. In other definition, reading is the process of construction meaning from read book. 28 Therefore, reading is a comprehension process, and comprehension is the ability to construct the author’s message through experiential background, knowledge, language, and thinking skills. The role of critical thinking is indispensable in reading comprehension. The relationship between those skills seems to be equal and parallel. It means that if the readers have good critical thinking skill, they are supposed to have good ability in comprehending the texts. Meanwhile, if the writers lack of the ability to think critically, they are supposed to have poor reading comprehension skill. 28 Allington, R. Strange, M. 2001 What is Reading? 3thd.Ed; Learning Through Reading, p.15