Review of Feminism and Patriarchy in Pakistani Society

family’s home and converts her religion. Hannah is one of Pakistani girls who are brave to make a decision to get her freedom from patriarchal society and get equality to live her own life.

D. Theoretical Framework

There are some theories that are used and related in this study. Those theories are: theory of character and characterization, theory of patriarchy, and theory of feminism. Each of these theories will be applied in the analysis to help the researcher answers the questions in problem formulation. The first theory is character and characterization. By applying the theory of character and characterization, the researcher can see how the main character is portrayed in the story. It is also useful to know how the main character is described toward other people. The theory of character and characterization also helps the writer to know how the characteristic of the main character in the story promotes feminism. The second is theory of patriarchy, which is used to help the researcher to analyzes the male domination in the story. It is useful to know how male domination values in the society and how the condition of patriarchal culture is portrayed in the story. The third is theory of feminism. This theory is important to answer the questions formulated. Later on, this theory will contribute to reveal the ideas of feminism. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 21


A. Object of the Study

The researcher chooses a novel entitled The Imam’s Daughter as her object of study written by Hannah Shah and published by Rider. The novel is an autobiographical novel which is published in 2009. The novel is divided into 29 chapters and it consists of 272 pages. The Imam’s Daughter is one novel that is very interesting and also inspirational. It inspires all women to fight for their rights to get equality, freedom of choice, opportunity, and rights to be herself. The Imam’s Daughter tells a story about Hannah Shah, a woman who lives in Pakistan migrant community in England. She is raised as an orthodox Muslim in her family while her father is an Imam. Having an Imam as her father makes her family hold on to an extreme religious belief. Hannah gets sexual and physical abuse by her father and no one in her family can help her. She is 6 years old and from that day is punished regularly for her evil in tempting her father. Her punishments include regular rape and being locked in the cellar. If Hannah tells someone about what her father does, he will kill Hannah, and then curses her such an evil dirty little girl to go to the hell. One day, Hannah realizes that her father has prepared an arranged marriage to a Pakistani guy that she never meets and she has to leave England with her arranged husband. Then, she runs away from home and continues her new life. With the help of a friend and a social worker, she escapes from Pakistani society but to fight for herself in order to be free from patriarchal and pursue equality. Hannah later finishes her school and takes a degree in Theology and Religious Studies. Now Hannah Shah lives in the south of England where she helps and motivates other women who have the same experiences as hers to give talks and support so that they can have a better life.

B. Approach of the Study

In analyzing the problem formulation, the researcher uses feminist literary approach. It is the most appropriate one since the researcher focuses on the ideas of feminism reflected through the characteristics of the main character. Feminist literary approach is used to explain how women’s experiences in lives are dominated by men reflected in the work of literature. Goodman describes feminist approach as an academic approach to the study of literature which applies feminist thought to the analysis of literary texts. Feminist literary criticism tries to explain how power imbalances the relationship between women and men. It also presents how gender stereotype which is shaped by culture, are reflected in or challenged by literary text 1999:195. By using this approach, the researcher finds out the experience of women marginalization in patriarchal society and how they react against it which are presented in this novel. Feminist literary approach is the most suitable approach in this study because this novel clearly describes how the main character, Hannah, struggles to get freedom, opportunity, and also equality in her family and her society which is dominated by men. The researcher is also able to analyze Hannah’s life experience through her choices and actions to fight against male PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI domination. Thus, feminist approach helps the researcher to reveal the ideas of feminism reflected through the main character named Hannah Shah.

C. Method of the Study

This study was conducted by gathering and colleting data from the primary sources and secondary source. The primary source of this study was a novel entitled The Imam’s Daughter. Meanwhile, the secondary source was some books and selected non printed sources on the internet. The data were combined to analyze and finally written into a thesis. There were some steps in order to analyze The Imam’s Daughter. The first was reading this novel as the object of the study for several times in order to understand the story well. After that, the researcher found something interesting with the issue of the ideas of feminism reflected by the main character throughout the course of the story. The researcher focused on the main character and noticed that the ideas of feminism could be revealed by analyzing the character. Then. the researcher formulated some questions based on it. In order to analyze the novel, the researcher used some theories from proper books after collecting the data from novel. The second step was analyzing the first problem formulation, how Hannah as the major character is characterized by using the theory of character and characterization. It could be seen through Hannah’s physical appearance, presence, and the way she spoke her action, thought, etc. In the next step, the researcher found the answers to the second problem formulation that was how the ideas of feminism were revealed through the main character in this novel. The researcher analyzed Hannah’s characterization to relate her thought and action with the aspect of feminism ideas in the story. Last step, the researcher made a conclusion based on the result of the research. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI