Theory of Patriarchy Review of Related Theories 1.

world using the patriarchal indicator of success such as money and fame Pilcher and Whelehan, 2004:171. In order to get freedom and equality, women rebel against men as their oppressor and the wrong perspective in society. The rebellion itself happens through a process. Women become more aware of themselves and their society. The struggle against patriarchy begins as the voice of women is found. By becoming conscious women find the chance and use the chance to speak against injustice. Humm once states that struggle against patriarchy started after women becoming conscious of themselves and criticizing their symbolic misinterpretations in society 1990: 3. Women who rebel become the defences as it is called by Tyson. Tyson argues that the defence will keep themselves from becoming conscious of the experiences where they have been repressed 2011: 83. After gathering their consciousness, women are ready to start their struggle. Elizabeth Ann Bartlet adds that women start to refuse to be abused because they have realized their fundamental worth. They do not want to be oppressed anymore and they want to be threated by the full measure of dignity that humanity demands 2004: 5. The aim of this theory is to understand women’s oppression in terms of gender and sexual preference and how to change it. The ideas about feminism here are to find equality and freedom to show women’s identity.

b. Ideas of feminism

Patriarchal system and feminism are hard to be separated because patriarchal system is in the side of men and feminism is an idea that struggle for women’s freedom and equality. Jo freeman states that a feminist perspective that the idea of universal equality is that behind the differences, either men or women are born free and want to be placed equal 1995:439. There are some theories of feminism that talk about women’s struggle to be from any oppression from men that appears in patriarchal society. Those ideas of feminism are freedom from patriarchy and pursuing equality, which are captured in this novel. The ideas of feminism are listed as follows:

i. Freedom from Patriarchy

Simone de Beavoir states that a woman must break the bonds of her patriarchal society and define herself if she wishes to become a significant human being in her own right and defy male classification as the other. Women must realize that they have freedom to be significant human being not inferior human being. Madsen, 2000: 182 Charles Breslerr states that women have the same right as men do. They have the right to decide what they want in their lives 1999: 323. Women have to realize that they are not inferior. Women have to be aware of their rights. Then, women should be able to make decision in order to be independent. Women have to realize their right to choose. They are free to choose what works or activities they want to do. All human being, including women, should enjoy the rights they PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI