Pemanfaatan Beberapa Hasil Sampingan Tanaman Kelapa Sawit, Padi, dan Jagung terhadap Pertumbuhan dan IOFC Domba Lokal Betina Selama Penggemukan (The Utilization Several Feed Base on Oil Palm, Paddy and Corn by Product to Growth and Income Over Feed Cost o

Jurnal Agribisnis Perternakan, Vol. 2, No. 3, Desember 2006
Pemanfaatan Beberapa Hasil Sampingan Tanaman Kelapa Sawit, Padi, dan Jagung terhadap Pertumbuhan dan IOFC Domba Lokal Betina Selama Penggemukan
(The Utilization Several Feed Base on Oil Palm, Paddy and Corn by Product to Growth and Income Over Feed Cost of Female Local Sheep During Fattening)
Iskandar Sembiring, Hasnudi, dan Satria Al Yuda Departemen Perternakan Fakultas Pertanian USU

Abstract: The objective of this research was to know the response of the oil palm, paddy and corn by product to growth and income over feed cost of female local sheep since the research done. The method of this research was using completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatment and five replication, such as PI = feed based on grass and legume, P2 = feed based on by product of oil palm, P3 = feed based on by product of paddy and P4 = feed based on by product of corn.The experiment were observe consumption, average daily gain,convertion, and income over feed cost (IOFC). The statistic analysis of the result from this research was showed that PI, P2, P3, and P4 very significantly different (P0.05) and significantly different (P

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