Analisa Data dan Pengujian Hipotesis Etika Penelitian


Pemberian vitamin E 0,4 mghari, 0,8 mghari dan 1,2 mghari dapat meningkatan persentasi morfologi normal spermatozoa mencit jantan yang dipapar asap rokok. Dan dosis paling efektif adalah 1,2 mghari.

5.2 Saran

1. Sebaiknya dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui motilitas spermatozoa mencit yang dipaparkan asap rokok setelah pemberian vitamin E 2. Sebaiknya masyarakat dapat mengurangi konsumsi rokok melihat efek yangdapat ditimbulkannya. 3. Sebaiknya masyarakat dapat meningkatkan konsumsi vitamin E sebagai antikosidan. DAFTAR PUSTAKA Acharya U, Mishra M, Patro J, Panda MK. 2008. Effect of Vitamins C and E on Spermatogenesis in Mice exposed to Cadmium. Reprod Toxicol. 25:84-8. Aditama T. 2000. Pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku mahasiswa akademi perawat serta mahasiswa fakultas kedokteran dalam masalah merokok. Jurnal Respirology Indonesia. 2:60-3. Agarwal A, Saleh RA, Bedaiwy MA. 2003. Role of reactive oxygen species in the pathophysiology of human reproduction. Fertil Steril. 79:829 –43. Agarwal A, Prabakaran S, Said T. 2005. Prevention of Oxidative Stress Injury to Sperm. J Androl. 26:654-60. Al-Enazi M M. 2007. Influence of α-Tocopherol on Heat Stress-Induced Changes in the Reproductive Function of Swiss Albino Mice. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. 141:61-67. Almaster S. 2004. Prinsip Dasar Ilmu Gizi. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama. pp 173:9. Bizzaro P, Acevedo G, Nino-Cabrera P, Mussali-Galante F, Pasos MR, Avilacosta TI, Fortoul. 2003. Ultrastructural modification in the mitochondrion of mouse sertoli cells after inhalation of lead, cadmium or lead-cadmium mixture. Reproductive Toxicology. 17:561-6. Brigelius-Flohe R, Trabber MG. 1999. Vitamin E: function and metabolism. FASEB. 13:1145-55. Burns E. 2007. The smoke of the gods: a social history oftobacco. Philadelphia:: Temple University Press. pp 243-4. Burton GW. 1994. Vitamin E: molecular and biological function. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 53:251-62. Clermont Y, Leblond CP. 1953. Renewal of spermatogonia in the rat. America Journal Anatomy. 93:475 –50. Evans WJ. 2000. Vitamin E, vitamin C, and exercise. Am J Clin Nutr. 72:647-52. Fitriana R, Sutyarso, Susantiningsih T. 2014. The effect of red ginger ethanol extract zingiber officinale roxb var rubrum on sperm motility and morphology of cigarette smoke-induced male rats rattus norvegicus spargue dawley strain. Majority. 32:154-163 Fitriani, Eriani K, Sari W. 2010. The effect of cigarettes smoke exposure Causes fertility of male mice Mus Musculus L. Jurnal Natural. 102:1-2 Gunawan S. 2007. Farmakologi dan Terapi, Edisi 5. Jakarta: FKUI. pp 786-7. Guyton AC Hall JE. 2005. Buku Ajar Fisiologi Kedokteran Edisi ke-11. Jakarta: EGC Goodman, Gilman. 2007. Dasar Farmakologi Terapi Edisi 10. Jakarta: EGC. pp 89- 90 Hargono FR, Lintong PM, Kairupan CF. 2013. Gambaran Histopatologi testis mencit swiss mus musculus yang diberi kedelai dan paparan asap rokok. Jurnal e- Biomedik. 12:824-29 Hariyatmi. 2004. Kemampuan vitamin E sebagai antioksidan terhadap radikal bebas pada lanjut usia. Jurnal MIPA. 141:52-60. Hayati A, Rahmaninta DA, Pidada IB. 2005. Spermatozoa motility and morphologycal recovery process in mice Mus muculus after the induction of 2-methoxymethanol. J of Folia Medica Indonesiana. 412: 90-95 Junqueira LC, Carneiro J. 2007. Histologi Dasar Teks Atlas. 10 th , Jakarta:EGC. pp 60-64 Johnson MH, Everitt BJ. 1988. Essential Reproduction. Melbourne: Blackwell Scientific Publications. Linder MC. 2006. Biokimia Nutrisi dan Metabolisme.. Jakarta: UI Press. pp 53-5 Mackay J, Eriksen M. 2002. The Tobacco Atlas. Switzerland: World Health Organization. pp 18-26. Marcus R, Coulston A. 2007. Vitamin E, di dalam Goodman dan Gilman Dasar Farmakologi Terapi,10 th ed. Jakarta: EGC. pp 1753-61 Murray RK, Granner DK, Rodwell VW. 2006. Biokimia Harper, Edisi.Ke-27, Jakarta: EGC. pp 48-49. Momeni, Hamid R, Mehranjan, Malek S, Abnosi MH, Mahmoodi, Monireh. 2009. Effects of vitamin E on sperm parameters and reproductive hormones in developing rats treated with para-nonylphenol. Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine. 73:111-116. Nalbandov AV. 1990. Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Mamalia dan Unggas. 3th ed. Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia. pp 41-53. Nooh HZ, El-Seidy AM, Zanaty AW. 2009. Protective effect of vitamin E on nicotine toxicity of the rat testis: histological, molecular and cytogenic study. Egypt. J. Histol. 322: 401-09 Oakberg EF. 1957. Duration of spermatogenesis in the mouse. Nature. 180:1137-38 Rao, M.V., Sharma, P.S.N. 2001. Protective effect of vitamin E against mercuric chloride reproductive toxicity in male mice. Reproductive Toxicology, 15:705-12. Rugh R. 1968. The mouse its reproduction and development. Melbourne: Burgess Publishing Company. pp 1-23. Russel LD, Ettlin RA, Hikim AP, Legg ED. 1990. Histological and histopathological evaluation of the testis. Cache River Press. pp 1-40.