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A. Teaching

The definition of teaching according to Oxford Advanced Lea rners Dictiona ry, giving information about it; to show somebody how to do something so that they will be to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with kn is done by the teacher to give knowledge to the students and the teacher should make the students understand about the subject they learn. To be a good teacher, there are some issues that teacher should point out: 1. a teacher should make their lessons interesting. 2. a teacher must love their job. 3. a teacher should have their own personality. 4. a teacher should have a lot of knowledge. 5. a teacher is an entertainer in a positive sense not in negative sense. Harmer,1998:1-2 4 commit to user 5 In teaching activities, the teachers must control their students in the class. The teacher transfers the message of the knowledge to the students and the students will receive the message from the teacher. High motivation is helpful and important in teaching learning activity. The students have high motivation to learn and teacher should have high motivation to teach them. The teacher is one and the only person who has the important role to teach the students and to settle the behavior of the students during in the school. Less motivation can make the students lazy to follow teaching learning activity. The teacher does not only deliver the material but also gives facilitation, instruction, and motivation.

B. Learning

successful if the is acquiring or getting off subject or a skill by study, experience, or Moreover, Douglas Brown in his book Principles of La ngua ge Lea rning a nd Tea ching extracts the definition of learning into some points as follows: 1. 2. learning is a retention of information or skill. commit to user 6 3. retention implies storage system, memory, cogntive, organization. 4. learning involves active, conscious focus on acting upon events outside or inside the organism. 5. learning is relatively permanent but subject forgetting. 6. learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice. 7. learning is a change in behavior. Brown,1994:7

C. Teaching Vocabulary