The Elements of Microteaching

10 4 Microteaching allows for the increased control of practice. In the practice setting of microteaching, the rituals of time, students, methods of feedback and supervision can be manipulated. As a result, a high degree of control can be built into training program. 5 Microteaching greatly expands the normal knowledge-of-results or feedback dimension in teaching. After doing the teaching practice, teacher will get feedback on his performance. He also can observe by himself how he performs and how he can improve. The feedback can be used to improve their next teaching.

a. The Elements of Microteaching

There are some elements of Microteaching according to Allen and Ryan 1969 that have been developed at Stanford: 1 Patterns of Training It is about the activity in microteaching. The patterns of training consist of the micro-lesson, the micro-class, and the research clinical session Allen and Ryan, 1969:38. According to Buku Pedoman Pengajaran Mikro Universitas Sanata Dharma 2008, the activities in microteaching include peer teaching, group teaching, integrated teaching skills 1, lower semester students’ teaching, and integrated teaching skills 2. 2 The Supervisor The microteaching supervisor is essentially a teacher Allen and Ryan, 1969:45. Allen and Ryan also stated that the supervisor has a duty to help the trainee to increase their ability in practicing their teaching skill and also help 11 them understand when the skill should be applied 1969:45. In a previous research in Standford Microteaching Clinic, supervisors are teaching and research assistant who normally had a minimum of three years of classroom experience Allen and Ryan, 1969. Carl D. Glickman 1985:76 stated that “most supervisors are former teachers” and he further mentioned that supervisors mostly make an effort to improve students’ behavior, achievement, and attitude. Supervisor has essential roles in microteaching. His roles are to work on improving trainees’ teaching performance, providing the understanding of teaching behavior, and when the trainees perform, the supervisor is one who helps the trainees to do what he should do and let him know what he has done Allen and Ryan, 1969. In providing feedback on the trainees’ teaching performance, the supervisor knows how to discuss it with the trainees without hurting them with critics. Besides, it is fine for the supervisor to have an expectation on the trainees to perform better. Allen and Ryan 1969 argued that just as a supervisor knows what to expect from a teacher, the teachers knows what to expect from a supervisor. It is obvious that supervisor is a reliable source of aid and feedback in helping the trainees to improve their teaching skill ability. A study by Switzer 1976 as cited by Turney found that supervisors contribute much help about knowledge for the student teacher. Furthermore, supervisors are considered to have influence on “the developing professional 12 attitudes and teaching styles of student teacher” The International Encyclopedia of Teaching and Teacher Education [TIETTE], 1987 pp 689694. 3 Microteaching Students Students are as the basic element in the microteaching as trainees. The microteaching students provide the realism in this teaching encounter Allen and Ryan, 1969.

b. Skills Components of Teaching