Criticism Theoretical Framework Sources

Majjhima Nikaya, Sammaditthi Sutta mention” With the arising of birth there is the arising of aging and death. With the cessation of birth there is the cessation of aging and death 9”, therefore, the remedy Buddhism proposed for emotionally accepting the inevitability of physical death was detachment, and the remedy it proposed for endless future physical deaths by reincarnation was also detachment. Detachment was as a price of overcoming fear of death in this life, and it was also the price of preventing any future deaths in future reincarnations.

2.2 Criticism

The criticism will give some information about other writer’s works about the author’s works. Knowing what other people discuss about the work will be helpful in understanding their literary works that are going to be analyzed. Sri Murni Lestari in her thesis used the novel Tuesdays With Morrie, to analyze the influence of Morrie on Mitch`s personality development as reflected in the novel. She analyzes the characters, Mitch and Morrie, and then analyzing the influence of Morrie’s personality toward Mitch. Widi Astuti in her thesis also used the novel, but she discussed the influences of Mitch`s behavior towards Morrie`s dependent behavior. Widi analyzes also Morrie’s character, but the different was she analyzes also Morrie’s dependent behavior and collects the two results to identify the influence to Mitch’s behavior toward Morrie’s. M. Scott Peck, M.D. the author of the novel The Road Less Traveled said that the novel Tuesdays with Morrie is “A beautifully written book of great clarity and wisdom that lovingly captures the simplicity beyond lifes complexities.” The book contains an image of love and how one view the meaning of life.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

In this section I would like to explain the reason why the theories are needed and how to us those theories in the analysis of this study. Morrie’s character can be analyzed using the character and characterization theory by analyzing his reaction, sayings, mannerism, and past life. Meanwhile the Buddhist teaching and philosophy on life based on The Four Noble Truth and The Noble Eightfold Path will be used to answer the second problem that is Morrie’s view of life.

2.4 Sources

In this thesis I use a novel as my primary data and several theories related to the topic. The novel I use is Tuesdays with Morrie written by Mitch Albom. To support the study, I use theory related to characterization, literature approaches, and philosophical approach and Buddhist philosophies on life. . I take some books related to the theories on character and characterization. Some of them are: Henkle’s 1977, Forster’s 1974, Klarer’s 1993, and Murphy’s 1972. For the approach I use the book by Rohrberger 1971 and Eagleton 1983, For the Buddhist philosophies I took from the book by Kandy 1967 containing some translated material in Buddhist scripture, Kapleau 1971, Burtt 1955, Fraser 1959 and some Internet sources: http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiBuddhism, http:www.age-of thesage.orgbuddhismbuddhist_philosophy.html 25


This chapter will explain more about the primary data, approach and procedures I conduct to make this thesis. The contents of this chapter are subject matter, approach, and procedures. The first part is subject matter, which explains about the novel that I explore in this thesis. The second part is approach, which contains the approach I use to analyze the novel. The last part is procedures, consists of steps I conduct in order to do this thesis.

3.1 Object of the Study

The novel I analyze is entitled Tuesdays with Morrie, written by Mitch Albom and first published in 1997. It is a 192 pages non-fiction novel, and it is an autobiographical documentary about Mitch Albom and a biographical documentary of his lecturer name Morrie. The title, Tuesdays with Morrie, refers to Mitch and Morries weekly Tuesday meetings, in Morries home, in which they discussed the meaning of life. Morrie, to whom the title of the novel refers, spent most of his life as a sociology professor at Brandeis University. He continues to teach as long as he can even after being diagnosed with ALS. He realizes that he is dying and learned to accept his death. I am interested in his philosophies, on the meaning of life that he borrowed freely from many religions and share them with the world. The book was written in Detroit, Michigan, mid-1990. Doubleday published this novel in 1997. Mitch Albom has written many other books, Live