Honor Mafia as the Way to Keep Family Ties

c. Honor

To be good Mafioso, they need to have honor in their heart. In The Rules of Conduct, Lucky states that basically all members are acquired to be stand-up guy. So, they must keep their eyes and also ears open and their mouth shut. When they see something that is not their business, they must not see it. If they hear things not for them to consider, they had better not hear it. If they say something that they are not supposed to say, it will be an affront to the boss. The paragraph below shows how Santino Corleone insults his father in front of Sollozzo. Sollozzo offers a narcotics deal but Don Vito Corleone has refused the deal, but Santino says something that is not in his place. It was then that Sonny Corleone made an unforgiveable error in judgement and procedure. He said eagerly, “The Tattaglia family guarantess the return of our investment without any percentage from us?” Hagen was horrified at this break. He saw the Don turn cold, malevolent eyes on his eldest son, who froze in uncomprehending dismay. Sollozzo’s eyes flickered again but this time with satisfaction. He had discovered a chink in the Don’s fortress. When the Don spoke his voice held a dismissal. “Young people are greedy,” he said. “And today they have no manners. They interrupt their elders. They meddle. But I have a sentimental weakness for my children and I have spoiled them. As you see. Signor Sollozzo, my no iis final. Let me say that I myself wish you good fortune in your business. It has no conflict with my own. I’m sorry that i had to disappoint you.” Puzo 71. Because of Santino’s manner, Sollozzo finds out the weakness of the Corleone Family. The interruption that Santino makes has made the enemy knows how to destroy the Corleone Family. Santino should have respected Don Vito’s decision on this narcotics deal, namely that Corleone Family will not mix up with this kind of deal although there is a huge amount of money in the deal. Don Vito has made his final decision no matter people like it or not. Even Don Vito’s own children must follow the final decision. On one occasion Johnny Fontane is a famous singer but he forgets his best childhood friend Nino Valenti. Johnny tells Don Vito Corleone that Nino does not have enough talent and that is why he cannot help Nino. Vito Corleone who adores friendship a lot tell Johnny that friendship is more than talent. Don Vito Corleone wants to make Johnny realize that Nino deserves to be famous as Johnny is. When Johhny didnt answer, the Don went on. Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than government. It is almost the equal of family. Never forget that. if you had built up a wall of friendships you wouldnt have to ask me to help. Now tell me, why cant you sing? You sang well in the garden. As well as Nino. Puzo 36. Don Vito wants Johnny to arm himself with friendships like the way Don Vito does. Don Vito honors others because he wants to be honored. Don Vito is big now because he builds up a wall of friendships and honor from everybody. People have to respect the Don because Don Vito is a man of honor in the family. It happens when the former consiglori of Corleone family named Genco Abbandando faces his death, he still respects Don Vito as someone special to him and he also feels afraid of something that he and Don Vito did in the past. With a tortured, superhuman effort, Abbandando lifted his head off his pillow, eyes unseeing, and pointed a skeletal forefinger at the Don. “Godfather, Godfather,” he called out blindly, “save me from death, I beg you. My flesh is burning off my bones and I can feel the worms eating away my brain. Godfather, cure me, you have the power, dry the tears of my poor wife. In Corleone we played together as children and now will you let me die when I fear hell for my sins?” Puzo 44. Godfather must be someone powerful to Abbandano because he believes that Godfather can save him from death. It is such an honor to be asked a favour like that. Giving honor to the old is also one of the Italian cultures. Davies’ Italian Community states that Italian respect and defer to those who are older, those who have achieved a level of business success, and those who come from well- connected families. Giving honor to Don Vito Corleone is such a respect to the one who has made living. Without The Godfather, the Family is nothing.

d. Pride