Reading Language skills .1 Listening

making mistakes as there was no reward for correct answer and no punishment for incorrect answer because it was for checking their understanding about the functional text. Meanwhile, in Observation 4, she allocated all the lesson period for her students to have presentations. Regarding the views of speaking skill development, the three teachers have different perspectives. Lilin mentions that speaking is effectively developed when it is integrated with the receptive skill, listening skill. She does not really pay attention on the practical technique. Differently, Inu shares his belief on the practical technique namely using classroom performance as it can train the micro skills needed in speaking, namely mental, gesture, and facial expression. At last, Anggi does not develop speaking skill intentionally through teaching the materials but she positions it as the compulsory skill in the teaching and learning activity and communication to master. Inu‟s and Anggi‟s beliefs are in line with Harmer 2001. To encourage learners speaking activities, he proposes classroom speaking activities, i.e. acting from a script, communication games, discussion, prepared talks, simulation, and role play. Reading

Reading for some teachers becomes a skill which needs special treatments to develop especially grade 9 students since this skill is the one and the only skill employed in the final examination. In this study, two informants have the same view that reading skill is effectively developed if it is divided into two, reading aloud develop pronunciation and reading comprehension Inu A85-A86, Anggi A138. I divide reading skill into some meetings because I classify reading into reading for comprehending and reading aloud to integrate pronunciation Inu, A85-86. Inu, particularly, believes that since reading is the skill assessed in national final examination, reading skill should have major portion than other three skills. Yeah, because the fact is like that. For final examination, it only employs reading different with senior high school which involves listening skill Inu, A87. Without considering reading as the skill employed in final examination, Anggi develops reading skill by dividing it into two as well; reading aloud focusing on pronunciation and reading for comprehension extensive and intensive reading. Reading for comprehension then is extended into text analysis to develop structure of the text and the grammar. This enriches Brown‟s theory 2001 which distinguishes reading into intensive and extensive reading. Well, reading is divided into intensive reading and extensive reading. We also have reading aloud to check pronunciation. For intensive reading, we start with comprehension questions. After that, we discuss the text analysis including the grammar Anggi, A138. As what she does in developing spoken cycle, Lilin integrates reading skill with writing skill. Again, she does not share the practical technique but the portion between reading and writing. She says that to develop reading and writing skill, focuses more for the 9 th graders as they will face national examination. For the 7 th and 8 th graders, it can be fair with other 2 skills. Of course I allocate more time for reading skill for grade 9 students. But for grade 8, it can be fair of course Lilin, A103. From the previous discussion, it can be interpreted that there are two factors influencing teachers‟ beliefs about developing students‟ reading skill, namely government‟s demand and the technique. Inu and Lilin share the same view that developing reading is influenced by government‟s demand on the final examination program thus the teachers give more attentions to the reading skill. This treatment is directed especially for grade 9 students. Whereas, for grade 7 and 8, reading skill is fairly developed with other three skills. Differently, Anggi does not pay attention on the final examination demand. She puts reading skill development fairly with other three skills. She distinguishes it into two parts, namely intensive and extensive reading. She also integrates it with other micro language skills, such as pronunciation and grammar. Writing