Gender Meta cognition Classroom Practice

While checking Zahra‟s group member individually, he asked other students to pay attention to the performance because they looked busy preparing their own rehearsal. Observation 2 09.45 Developing personality, according to the teachers is closely related to politeness and value. Two teachers, Lilin and Anggi hold the same view that politeness contributes personality development. For them, when the students can use language politely and have polite attitude in using the language, the students are regarded having good personality. Therefore, they teach polite expressions and how to use it in the context either in the classroom or outside. In addition, Inu believes that personality includes all values, not only politeness. Thus, he gives suggestion and positive input to keep all values in the learning activity.

4.4.10 Gender

Discussing gender and learning context it is basically agreed that female students seem to be more diligent, careful, and discipline. In relation to language learning, female students are more conscientious in using language than male students Brown, 2001; Henes, 1994; Graham, 1997. These perspectives are also held by the three informant s about gender in relation to successful learners‟ development. All informants view that female students tend to show more positive attitudes than male students. The female students are closer with me than male students. Lilin, A89. I think female students are more serious, careful, and generally they tend to show better than male students. Inu, A64. In my class, male students are closer because they need me more than female students who basically tend to be outstanding. Anggi, A124. Considering gender composition within a group it is necessary to ensure that all group members gain equal experience as unbalance gender composition affect the success of group work. Hence, Anggi treats female and male students fairly. In Observation 1 09.10, the researcher saw s he checked students‟ homework and treated the female and male students fairly as stated in the following field note. She checked students‟ homework about the differences between „risk‟ and „consequence‟. She pointed one female student to write down the homework on the left row of the whiteboard and one male student on the right side Observation 1, 09.10.

4.4.11 Meta cognition

To evaluate students‟ mastery autonomously, it is necessary to develop their meta cognition, that is awareness to hold their responsibility in planning, monitoring, evaluating, and self correction to their learning. Concerning to meta cognition, two informants have a similar view that assigning student reflection section can develop students‟ meta cognition Lilin A90, Inu A66. Lilin, specifically, says to develop meta cognitive aspect, she uses analytical logical thinking and awareness of self reflection. She also believes autonomy encourages the process of self reflection because after doing reflection the students will do a follow up effort. I think I use more logical analyses on memorizing and understanding. For example, in grammar, we use logical analytic. And then, I improve their awareness to reflect what they have understood. Basically, if they don‟t understand I let them to find out as much information as possible or ask me. If they have understood, I ask them to implement their understanding Lilin, A90. Likewise, Inu has the same perspective with Lilin. He develops meta cognition by giving students‟ reflection and conducting concept checking. ... I give them assignment to read. After that I give opportunity to ask related questions. If there is no question, I go on the following assignment to check their understanding so that they can measure their understanding. ... So, we have recheck and confirmation Inu, A66. His belief about meta cognition can be seen in his teaching practice recorded in Observation 2 09.00 as stated in the following field note. He discussed types of times as the base of tense distinction. He asked some students. One answered, “Morning, afternoon, evening, evening, and night, Sir”, the second student answered, “a.m. and p.m., and the third student, that is Ian, a student who had stayed in Australia answered, “future, present, and past” Observation 2, 09.00 From the observation above, it can be seen that the students practiced evaluating process in the meta cognition development. Besides, in Observation 3 10.45 it can be seen he checked students‟ understanding about introducing themselves from the video by asking number of questions as stated in the following field note. He checked students‟ understanding about introducing themselves from the video by asking number of questions. One of them is, “What do the students do in the video?” One student raising his hand answered, “Introducing themselves, Sir” Observation 3, 10.45. In completing the perspective about meta cognition, Anggi describes to develop and check meta cognitive aspect, she gives students sufficient opportunity, facilities, and media to find out reasonable reasons why such kind of things happen so they are ready to face global world with good personality to actualize themselves. The fields to develop meta cognitive aspects can be anything not merely English language. ... I give facility and media to find out reasonable reasons why such kind of things happens. So, when the theory is applied, I am sure they unconsciously develop themselves and there will be well equipped students and able to compete globally.... I always bring up self actualization theory.... So, I am not only an English teacher because I teach them to actualize.... Anggi, A125. In Observation 1 08.45, the researcher found how Anggi practiced developing meta cognition as shown in the following field note. She asked the students to close their books and put them aside then asked some questions about functional texts. Some students responded the questions voluntarily but some were pointed. She emphasized not to be afraid of making mistakes as there was no reward for correct answer and no punishment for incorrect answer because it was for checking their understanding about functional text Observation 1, 08.45. From that observation, it can be seen that the students practiced monitoring process in developing meta cognition. In conclusion, meta cognition is developed to check the students‟ comprehension autonomously. The beliefs of how to develop meta cognition revealed were in line with the characteristics of junior high school students. In this study, the teachers believe that meta cognition is effectively developed using assignment since it can reflect students‟ understanding and inductive teaching method. This technique can facilitate the characteristics of junior high school students who prefer being active to passive Ormrod: 2011. Lilin has the perception that meta cognition is best developed using three phases; thinking, reflecting, and responding. These phases also support junior high school students characteristics namely they can logically recognize abstract thing and foster scientific reasoning such as formulating hypothetical ideas, formulating multiple hypotheses, and separating and controlling variables Ormrod: 2011. In relation to thinking phase, even though language belongs to social science, it can be analyzed logically. In addition, meta cognition is best developed using reflection. In this case, the teacher believes by developing sense of awareness, students are able to reflect their competence simultaneously. As a follow up action after reflecting phase, students are encouraged to practice what to do next in order to accomplish their meta cognition. For Inu‟s point of view, he lets the students to do a personal and individual reflection. He sees every individual as a unique single person who has different capacity which cannot be compared each other. So, meta cognition is personal and individual. Meanwhile, Anggi thinks that meta cognition drives awareness and autonomy by giving inductive way of thinking that is letting students investigate and formulate a case in any subject matter. These t eachers‟ perspectives about meta cognition enrich the theory of Richards and Renandya 2002 that meta cognitive strategies are derived from autonomous students as they are to organize, evaluate, and plan their learning. Meta cognition checking in the teachers‟ teaching practice, still however, conducted dependently. From the observations it can be seen that the students tend to be unable to develop meta cognition autonomously yet. This is due to meta cognition is mastered after the students have very adequate sense of autonomy.

4.4.12 Autonomy