Research Setting Research Participants

22 into individual textural description. In individual textural description, the themes extracted earlier are elaborated more personally based on each participant’s belief and experience.

c. Imaginative Variation

Imaginative variation aims to find out some factors that were underlying the experiences. The factors could be “possible structures of time, space, materiality, causality, and relationship to self and to others Moustakas, 1994. Those factors raise the awareness that there are infinite possible factors which are closely related to the meanings of experiences. Through imaginative variation, the researchers are able to achieve the structural description of experience from the textural description that is gained through phenomenological reduction.

d. Synthesis of Meanings and Essences

The phenomenological data analysis technique is ended by integrating the textural description and structural description. Then, more general and reflective themes are extracted for summarizing the participants’ beliefs and experiences. From these themes, the description about the meanings or essences of the experiences should be generated.

F. Research Procedure

The researcher started the research process by designing a research plan including the blue print, the questions and the participants. Then the participants’ were asked to participate in the research and decide the date and time for the interview together with the researcher. Before conducting the research, the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 23 researcher eliminated her prejudice, bias, and supposition about the research topic. It is also called Epoche. After that, the interviews were held and the data were recorded. According to Tesch 1990 and Moustakas 1994, there are some steps to be taken in analyzing the data of phenomenological research. First, the researcher reads the entire data right after they are gathered. Tesch 1990 emphasizes that the researcher does more than ta king notes during the reading. “The researcher immerses herhimself in the data, reads and rereads, and dwells with the data, so she may achieve closeness to them and a sense of the whole. ” Second, the researchers would look at the entire interview transcription of each participant and decide what answers are meaningful and relevant to the research questions. The data which are meaningful and relevant should be the expressions that are considered necessarily related to the experience. This process is known as bracketing. Third, the expressions which are redundant, “overlapping”, unclear, and irrelevant to the experience are eliminated. It is also called horizonalizing. Moustakas, 1994. Fourth, some themes or meaning units are developed from the meaningful and relevant data or Horizons of each participant. The participan t’s experience is then elaborated into “individual textural description” which is placed in those meaning units. The description includes verbatim expressions used by the participants that are taken from research transcript. Fifth, the structural description of experience is constructed based on the textural description and influenced by the participant’s background. Sixth, the textural and structural descriptions are