Problems of the Study The Objectives of Study In relation to the research problem, this study has two objectives:

1.5 The Scope of the study

For the shake of reliability, validity, thick description of the research, and effectiveness of the research, this research tries to focus on genre descriptive text as product of writing, types of descriptive texts taught and learnt are in line with the descriptive texts available at Grade VIII SMP. Mind mapping technique is another way to get ideas to write about something and write them in circle or bubble, around the topic, as the theory stated by Houge1996:91 that it will be applied in improving students` achievement in writing the text


5.1 Conclusions

Based on the data analysis and findings of the research there are some conclusions as follows: 1. The implementation of mind mapping technique had improved the achievement of grade VIII students of SMP Negeri 1 Delitua in writing descriptive text. 2. The implementation of mind mapping technique in teaching descriptive text had engaged the students to be more active, creative and confident in the process of learning. The students also enjoyed the learning process and the teacher had increased her performance. 3. The finding of this research also implied that mind mapping is a suitable technique to make students become motivated in writing, especially descriptive text.

5.2 Suggestions

From the elaborated research result, the researcher proposed the following suggestions; 1. This research result can be an input for educational institution to provide learning innovation and improve learning quality in writing skill. 2. This research result can be an input for teachers to apply mind mapping technique in the effort of developing teachers` ability in managing teaching learning writing skill. 3. Mind mapping can be an alternative best method in improving students` writing achievement. 4. Finally for the researcher, this research result can also be input to correct some weaknesses or shortcoming in the teaching learning process.