Functional needs analysis Pengembangan Sistem Pakar Spasial Berbasis Mobile Untuk Pemilihan Lokasi Peternakan Broiler Tipe Kandang Tertutup

24 of the point is more than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 7, and the y coordinate is more than or equal 1 and less than or equal 8. In Figure 24, user put a point in coordinate of 6, 7. By using certain algorithm, since the x coordinate is more than 1 but less than 7 and coordinate of y is more than 1 but less than 8, the system will read that the point is located on polygon a, and then read the attributes of polygon a to be served as information. Also if user put a point on q 11, 4, the system will read that point q is located on polygon b by the same algorithm, and if user put a point on r 13, 5, the system will read that point r is not located on any polygon a, b, or c. The system was implemented by using several web programming language, such as html, css, php, javascript, and jQuery. Copy of code below is example of query code written in php. This code will return the result of location suitability based on coordinate input which is represented by longitude lng variable and latitude lat variable. Some PostGIS function are used in this code, which are ST_Within, ST_SetSRID, and ST_MakePoint. This sample code used the same principle as shown by Figure 24. cek kesesuaian cek_suai=SELECT b.nama_desa, b.luas, a.kesesuaian FROM kesesuaian AS a, desa AS b WHEREST_WithinST_SetSRIDST_MakePointlng,lat,4326 , a.geom AND a.id_desa=b.id_desa; kueri= cek_suai; output_suai = run_kueripg_conn_string, kueri; suai=output_suai; kesesuaian = suai[2]; The developed system is a web-based mobile application that can be installed on an Android device. The installer is in the form of .apk file, can be downloaded from or After the application is installed, there will be an icon in the application list. Figure 25 shows the application icon in the application list shown by red circle. a b c Figure 25. Application after installed on mobile device. Application icon on drawer a, splash screen b, and homescreen c 25 Main features in this system are: detect location using GPS Global Positioning System, suitability based on form input, location recommender based on farm capacity, and other information according to broiler industry.

1. Detect location by using GPS

The first thing the user have to do to use this system is define the location. In this system there are two method to define location: 1 by selecting name of desa and moving cursor on the map, or 2 detect location automatically by using mobile GPS. To define location by selecting name of desa, user have to select the name and then move the cursor to the appropriate location. However, sometimes this method is difficult to do. To help user to define location, this system can detect use r’s location by using mobile GPS. As shown by Figure 26, to detect the location by using GPS, user may simply click blue button, and the system will detect the coordinate of latitude and longitude of the location. After refresh button is pressed, the yellow cursor will go to the location as detected. Figure 26. Detect location by using GPS Once after the location is defined, user can obtain the information of suitability according to the location. Figure 27 shows the suitability information displayed after location is defined. For area which are categorized as very unsuitable or unsuitable, a reasoning system also displayed to give reasons of why the location is categorized as very unsuitable or unsuitable. Figure 27. Suitability information section 26

2. Suitability based on form input

This feature is was developed especially for user which is not located in Parung since there was no spatial data for area outside Parung. The idea of this feature was to calculate the suitability of a location based on score of each criteria inputted by multiple choice form. Five choices are provided for each question of criteria each of which has score. The score based on choice simply multiplied by weight of the criteria. The final suitability score will be obtained hierarchically based on AHP hierarchy. Figure 28 shows the display of the input form. Figure 28. Input form to calculate suitability for area outside Parung The output of this feature is suitability in linguistic value, suitability in percentage, and climatic information based on the location inputted. Figure 29 shows the calculation result based on input form. Figure 29. Analysis result based on input form for location outside Parung 27

3. Location recommender based on farm capacity

This feature was designed to help farmer to choose the best location based on farm capacity which will be built. User only needs to input the farm capacity, and the system will give location recommendation based on the capacity. Figure 30 shows the recommended location based on farm capacity of 4000 heads of broiler. The recommendation is based on assumption of 1 ha of land for 40,000 heads of broiler farm capacity. Figure 30. Recommended location based on farm capacity

4. Other information of broiler industry

Based on system development analysis, farmer also needs information according to broiler industry. The information served by using interesting chart or figure. Figure 31 shows the display of information section. a b c Figure 31. Display of information section. Area of each desa a, broiler farm population b, and broiler slaughterhouse location c 28 System Testing and Validation System testing was done by comparing the output from system by expected output. Table 9 shows system testing result for some part of system. From the test, it was concluded that the system has been tested and working properly. Table 9. System testing result Part of system Input Expected output System output Justification Desa selection Desa Iwul Marker goes to Desa Iwul Marker goes to Desa Iwul OK Detect location by GPS User in Biotrop, Campus. GPS button pressed Marker goes to Biotrop Campus Marker goes to Biotrop Campus OK Suitability based on spatial input Marker on settlement Suitability: very unsuitable Suitability: very unsuitable OK Marker on waterbody Suitability: very unsuitable Suitability: very unsuitable OK Marker on coordinate: -6.430047326 lat 106.72852440 lon Based on suitability map: unsuitable Suitability: unsuitable OK On field validation was already done by visiting the study area. There were four points each of which representing each class of suitability. The consideration of point selection was that each point should be located in a contrast physical attributes land use, etc, so that the suitability will be different. Figure 32 shows the location of each point of validation. Figure 32. Survey points location for validation 29 Figure 33. On field validation for point 1 expected: very unsuitable Based on field survey, point 1 was located on a residential and close to waterbody small river as shown in Figure 33. So it was predicted that the suitability of the point is very unsuitable or unsuitable. Figure 34. System result based on coordinate of point 1 showing that location was very unsuitable Based on system running, the same result was also obtained. The system categorized the location as very unsuitable, as shown in Figure 34. The reasoning system also gave the same characteristic as seen on the field, such as the location was exactly on the residential area, location was too close to waterbody, and location was on high risk of natural disaster. Figure 35. On field validation for point 2 expected: unsuitable