Starting the Installation in Console Mode To start the console-mode installation

Installing Oracle Enterprise Repository 2-9 Here JAVA_HOME represents the full path to the JDK directory. 4. Launch the installation by entering the following command: java -jar filename.jar -mode=silent -silent_xml=path_to_silent.xml [-log=full_ path_to_log_file] where, filename.jar is the name of the installation file for example, oerXX_generic.jar where, XX represents the version number of the software you are installing and path_to_silent.xml is the full path to the silent.xml file. An Installer window is displayed, indicating that the files are being extracted. No other prompt or text is displayed. For more information on Silent-Mode installation, see Section 2.2.3, Running the Installation Program in Silent Mode .

2.2 Running the Installation Program

This section contains the following topics: ■ Section 2.2.1, Running the Installation Program in Graphical Mode ■ Section 2.2.2, Running the Installation Program in Console Mode ■ Section 2.2.3, Running the Installation Program in Silent Mode

2.2.1 Running the Installation Program in Graphical Mode

Start the installation program as described in Section 2.1, Starting the Installation Program . The installation program prompts you to enter specific information about your system and configuration. Note: You can also include the -log=full_path_to_log_file option in the command line to create a verbose installation log. For example: oer_generic.jar -mode=silent -silent_ xml=homesilent.xml -log=homelogsOER_install.log For more information on generating a verbose log, see Section 1.9, Generating a Verbose Installation Log . Caution: Before running the installer, follow the preparation guidelines in Preparing for Your Installation, especially the Database Installation Procedures for your DBMS. Note: If the installation process is aborted before it is completed, manually clear the database before running the installer again. The installer does not clear data from the database when an installation is aborted. The existing data causes an error when the installer runs for the second time.