In a supported browser, view the sample silent.xml file for silent-mode

Installing Oracle Enterprise Repository 2-25 Table 2–2 Parameters for Silent.xml For this data-value name... Enter the following value... OracleHOME The full path for the Oracle home directory of your choice. For details about the Oracle home directory, see Section 1.7.1, Choosing an Oracle Home Directory . COMPONENT_PATHS The components and subcomponents you want to install on your system: To install Oracle Enterprise Repository, use the following values: ■ Oracle Enterprise Repository ■ Core Repository with Examples ■ Oracle Enterprise Repository Plug-In for Eclipse APP_SERVER_TYPE The application server type used to run Oracle Enterprise Repository. Valid values are: ■ value for user-supplied Tomcat GUI = Tomcat 5.5.1718 user supplied ■ value for WLS GUI = WebLogic Server 10.3 ■ value for WAS GUI = WebSphere 6.1 ■ value for Generic App Server GUI =Generic Application Server APP_SERVER_NAME The application server name used to run Oracle Enterprise Repository. Valid values are: ■ Tomcat 5.5.1718 user supplied ■ WebLogic Server ■ WebSphere 6.1 ■ Generic Application Server APP_PATH The Oracle Enterprise Repository application path. For example, if the OER_ URL is ultimately, then the APP_ PATH is OER1111. WEB_PATH The web application path. It is recommended that the WEB_PATH value should be the APP_PATH value with -web appended. For example, if APP_ PATH=oer11000, then WEB_PATH is recommended to be oer11000-web. OER_URL The fully-qualified server and domain name where Oracle Enterprise Repository is being installed for example, DOMAIN_LISTING_PORT The domain listening port. USER_INSTALL_DIR The directory where Oracle Enterprise Repository is installed within the specified OracleHOME. RUN_DBCONFIG_WIZARD The flag to run the DB Configuration Wizard: ■ true or yes, to run the Database Configuration wizard. The default is true. ■ false or no, to skip the database wizard. CONFIG_RESPOSIT_DB The flag to run the Repository Database Configuration wizard, which initializes the repository database properties. ■ true or yes, to configure a Repository Database Configuration wizard. The default is true. ■ false or no, to skip the configuration of a database. Note: This flag is skipped if RUN_DBCONFIG_WIZARD is set to false or no. DB_TABLE_BLOG Tablespace name for BLOBs. Note: For the BLOB Tablespace field, enter the same value that you specify for DB_TABLE_DATA. DB_TABLE_DATA The data tablespace name to be used by Oracle Enterprise Repository. For example: ■ SQL Server – PRIMARY ■ Oracle – OER_DATA ■ DB2 – oerdatats