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3-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository e. In the classpath field, enter the Oracle Enterprise Repository 11g directory, such as ORACLE_HOMErepositoryXXXwebsphere. This directory contains all of the properties files for the Oracle Enterprise Repository instance. f. On a separate line within the classpath field, enter the absolute path of each JDBC driver JAR files within the ORACLE_HOME directory. If you have more than one file, add only one file per line. g. Select the new library in the Available list and use the right-facing arrow button to select that library for use with the oer-app.war application.

h. Click OK to continue.

i. Click Save directly to the master configuration link to commit your changes to

the master configuration. 7. Restart WebSphere. 8. Start the Oracle Enterprise Repository application. 9. After starting up Oracle Enterprise Repository, enable and set the following Systems Setting property to true for SSL support and also to avoid an SSLContext error on the Run Active Diagnostic page. cmee.ssl.force-sun-provider = true Change the Server Classloader Order for XLST

To prevent issues with XSLT Transformation, use the following steps to change the classloader order in your WebSphere installation:

1. Log in to the WebSphere Administrative Console.

2. Click the Server, Application Server, server link.

3. Select the Configuration tab.

4. Select the option for Parallel start.

5. Change the Access to internal server classes to Allow.

6. Change Server Specific Application Settings, Classloader Policy to Single.

7. Change the Server Specific Application Settings, Class loading mode to Parent

First .

8. Click Save directly to the master configuration link to commit your changes to the

master configuration.

3.2 Install Java Web Start

Java Web Start is a browser plug-in that runs files with JNLP extensions. Java Web Start must be available on the client to use Oracle Enterprise Repository’s Asset Editor, Type Manager, Navigator Applet, Browse Tree applet and the ImportExport utility. ■ Section 3.2.1, Download and Install Java Web Start ■ Section 3.2.2, Troubleshooting Java Web Start

3.2.1 Download and Install Java Web Start

To download and install Java Web Start, perform the following steps: