Sample silent.xml Files for Silent-Mode Installation

Installing Oracle Enterprise Repository 2-29 data-value name=APP_SERVER_NAME value=Default data-value name=APP_PATH value=oer3 data-value name=WEB_PATH value=oer3-web data-value name=OER_URL value=MyURL data-value name=DOMAIN_LISTEN_PORT value=8080 data-value name=APP_SERVER_HOME value=D:\dev\silentInstall\oer _albpm\my\tomcat data-value name=USER_INSTALL_DIR value=D:\dev\silentInstall\oer _albpm\repositoryXXX data-value name=RUN_DBCONFIG_WIZARD value=yes data-value name=CONFIG_RESPOSIT_DB value=yes data-value name=DB_TABLE_BLOB value=USER_BLOB data-value name=DB_TABLE_DATA value=USER_DATA data-value name=DB_TABLE_INDEX value=USER_INDEX data-value name=DB_DRIVER value=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver data-value name=DB_JARFILES value=d:\ojdbc14.jar data-value name=DB_DBMS value=sid2 data-value name=DB_PORT value=1521 data-value name=DB_HOST value=MyHostName data-value name=DB_USERNAME value=silent data-value name=DB_PASSWORD value=silent input-fields \Oracle-installer For more information on launching the installation in silent mode, see Section 2.1, Starting the Installation Program . Returning Exit Codes to the Console

When run in silent mode, the installation program generates exit codes that indicate the success or failure of the installation. These exit codes are shown in the following table. If you are launching the silent-mode installation process from a script, you can choose to have these exit codes displayed on the console. Example 2–3 provides a sample command file that invokes the installation program in silent mode and echoes the exit codes to the console from which the script is executed. Example 2–3 Sample Command File Displaying Silent-Mode Exit Codes rem Execute the installer in silent mode echo off oer1111xx_generic.exe -mode=silent -silent_xml=mySilentXMLFile.xml -log=oer_30.log rem Return an exit code to indicate success or failure of installation set exit_code=ERRORLEVEL echo. echo Exitcode=exit_code echo. echo Exit Code Key echo --------------- Code Description Installation Completed Successfully. 1 Installation failed due to an irrecoverable error. 2 Installation failed due to an internal XML parsing error. 2-30 Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Repository echo 0=Installation completed successfully echo -1=Installation failed due to a fatal error echo -2=Installation failed due to an internal XML parsing error echo. After completing the installation process, complete the following post installation tasks, as described in Chapter 3, Post-Installation Steps .