Discussion Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:B:Brain Research:Vol880.Issue1-2.2000:

154 H Table 1 3.5. Peripheral reactions during chronic subordination Effect of chronic stress on numbers of silver grains expressed as stress a pixels cell in brain stem nuclei n5number of cells Mean n S.D. S.E.M. P In accordance with our previous reports, the chronic Locus coeruleus psychosocial stress exposure significantly reduced body Control 1 2383 43 730 111 weight of subordinate males to 91.763.9 of the initial Control 2 2808 43 783 119 value P,0.05. Body weight of control animals remained Control 3 2352 43 644 98 constant during the whole experimental period. Cortisol in Control 4 2450 43 822 125 urine of subordinates was significantly increased mean of All controls 2504 4 203 101 all days during the stress period: 0.2060.01 ng mmol Stress 1 1907 43 492 75 ,0.01 creatinine versus 0.0860.01 ng mmol creatinine during the Stress 2 2059 43 580 88 ,0.001 no-stress period; P,0.01, whereas urinary cortisol in Stress 3 1765 43 465 71 ,0.001 Stress 4 1920 43 542 83 ,0.001 control animals remained low throughout the experimental All stressed 1903 4 128 64 period 0.0960.03 ng mmol creatinine. Solitary tract n . Control 1 742 55 227 31

4. Discussion

Control 2 681 60 192 25 Control 3 597 50 188 27 Control 4 669 50 202 29 The present study shows that chronic subordination All controls 672 4 59 30 stress reduces expression of the a -adrenoceptor mRNA 2A Stress 1 559 55 225 30 ,0.001 in noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus, in solitary Stress 2 503 60 155 20 ,0.001 tract neurons that might be noradrenergic and in the Stress 3 502 50 179 25 ,0.05 glutamatergic neurons of the lateral reticular nucleus. Stress 4 292 50 93 13 ,0.001 All stressed 464 4 118 59 4.1. Sequence of the tree shrew a -adrenoceptor cDNA 2 A Dorsal motor n . Control 1 538 50 205 29 The cloned 1.22-kb a -adrenoceptor cDNA-fragment 2A Control 2 616 50 192 27 of the tree shrew contained 89 of the expected receptor Control 3 571 50 177 25 coding sequence. Sequence alignment of this fragment Control 4 446 50 163 23 All controls 543 4 72 36 with clones from human and rat showed a higher extent of identity with the human receptor cDNA 92 than with Stress 1 506 50 190 27 n.s. the rat 88 [15,16]. At position 515, the tree shrew Stress 2 608 50 172 24 n.s. Stress 3 586 50 162 23 n.s. a -adrenoceptor sequence displays a guanine nucleotide 2A Stress 4 498 50 158 22 n.s. which corresponds to the same nucleotide at position 602 All stressed 550 4 56 28 in the human receptor gene, whereas the rat cDNA contains a cytosine at the corresponding site. In the human Lateral reticular n . and tree shrew a -adrenoceptor proteins this encodes a Control 1 1514 50 509 72 2A Control 2 1180 50 465 66 cysteine at amino acid position 201; the corresponding Control 3 1391 50 453 64 amino acid in the rat receptor referred to as the a - 2D Control 4 1644 50 690 98 adrenoceptor subtype is serine. The pharmacological All controls 1432 4 197 99 consequences of this amino acid substitution have been Stress 1 1146 50 360 51 ,0.01 discussed elsewhere [20]. Stress 2 1073 50 366 52 n.s. Stress 3 1112 50 326 46 ,0.05 4.2. Combination of immunocytochemistry and in situ Stress 4 1320 50 506 72 ,0.01 All stressed 1163 4 109 55 hybridization a Sections of stressed animals and controls had been mounted on the same The combination of immunocytochemistry and in situ slide and were analyzed pair wise. Significant differences P between the groups were calculated by one-way ANOVA followed by Newman Keuls hybridization allows detection of receptor mRNA expres- post hoc test n.s., not significant. sion in cytochemically identified neurons. However, using this technique control experiments have to be performed to find out whether antibody-stained cells are specifically labeled by the cRNA probe because it has been reported showed no reliable effect of the treatment P50.73, F5 that radio-labeled nucleotide probes may non-specifically 0.14, but differences between individuals P50.036, F5 stick to the peroxidase–anti-peroxidase complex [29]. In 11.9. the present experiments, the in situ hybridization con- H . Meyer et al. Brain Research 880 2000 147 –158 155 Fig. 5. Silver grains in single neurons of chronically stressed male tree shrews expressed as percentages of controls mean6S.E.M.. Differences between groups are significant see Table 1. ditions had to be modified to suppress non-specific label- was not detectable in PNMT-containing cells of the Sol. ing. This was achieved by treating the antibody-stained There might be two explanations for this: i the expres- paraffin sections with proteinase K prior to the hybridiza- sion level of the a -adrenoceptor gene in these cells is 2A tion see Section 2. As a control experiment, we also low, or ii the turnover of the receptor-specific mRNA is 35 hybridized antibody-stained sections with the S-labeled higher than in the LC neurons. Since in the other adren- sense probe. In these sections, no cells in the LC, the ergic cell group, C1 in the ventrolateral medulla, PNMT- solitary tract nucleus, and the lateral reticular nucleus were immunopositive neurons were also only lightly labeled by radio-labeled. However, throughout the rostral medulla the antisense probe, one has to conclude that adrenergic oblongata, there were some very large neurons that showed neurons in the Sol either contain no a -adrenoceptor gene 2A accumulation of silver grains presumably motor neurons; transcript, or only at a very low level. Similar results were diameter of cell body approximately 35 mm. obtained for the TH-immunopositive neurons in Sol and the A1 cell group, respectively. In the Sol, TH-containing 4.3. a -Adrenoceptor expression in nor adrenergic and neurons displayed scant but specific antisense hybridiza- 2 A glutamatergic neurons tion, but A1 neurons displayed no specific antisense labeling. Therefore, the expression level of a -adreno- 2A A specific in situ hybridization pattern was obtained ceptors in medullary noradrenergic neurons at the level of with the antisense riboprobe generated from the tree shrew the obex might by lower or the RNA turnover might be a -adrenoceptor cDNA. Like in other species, this re- faster than in the LC. 2A ceptor subtype is strongly expressed in the main norad- A pronounced antisense hybridization was detected in renergic cell group in the brain, the LC [25,33,39]. Within the large neurons of the lateral reticular nucleus LRt that LC neurons, silver grains were found over nucleus and are known to be glutamatergic [14,24]. These findings cytoplasm. The nuclear labeling probably represents hy- show that in the brain stem, the a -adrenoceptor is not 2A bridization with the primary gene transcript heteronuclear only expressed in noradrenergic neurons, which agrees RNA because the coding region of the a -adrenoceptor with previous electron microscopic studies on the ventrola- 2A gene is not interrupted by introns [15]. Cytoplasmic teral medulla where a -adrenoceptor immunoreactivity 2A labeling presumably represents hybridization with mRNA. was not limited to catecholaminergic neurons [23]. Hybrid- In accordance with previous reports indicating that the ization of the receptor-specific probe was never observed a -adrenoceptor is expressed in noradrenergic neurons, in cells that were stained by the GABA antibody in LC, 2A the antisense-labeled cells in the LC of the tree shrew were Sol and LRt, indicating that at least in these nuclei, immunoreactive for tyrosine hydroxylase [2,17,32]. a -adrenoceptor expressing cells are not GABAergic. 2A In contrast to the LC, the solitary tract nucleus Sol showed only few cells that were moderately labeled by the 4.4. Quantification of a -adrenoceptor RNA in stressed 2 A receptor probe. These labeled cells were loosely arranged animals in the medial part of the nucleus and around the subnu- cleus gelatinosus which is a pronounced structure in the Male tree shrews have formerly been shown to be a tree shrew [22]. Since PNMT-immunopositive neurons in suitable model to investigate the consequences of chronic the tree shrew Sol also surround the subnucleus subordination stress [9]. The decrease in body weight and gelatinosus, it could be assumed that the a -adrenoceptor the increase in urinary cortisol of subordinates reflect the 2A expressing cells might be adrenergic. However, in the persistent activation of the sympathetic nervous system and double-labeling experiments the receptor gene transcript of the HPA-axis. 156 H Our earlier observations indicated that a -adrenergic elucidated. Besides the regulation of gene transcription, 2 radioligand binding is reduced in the brain stem of tree altered degradation of receptor mRNA might also be shrews subjected to subordination stress [6]. In the present involved in stress-mediated down-regulation of a -ad- 2A study, quantification of hybridization signals over neurons renoceptor expression. in the LC and in the solitary tract nucleus showed a significant stress-dependent reduction of a -adrenoceptor 4.6. Implications of stress-reduced a -adrenoceptor 2A 2 A RNA expression. It therefore appears that the reduced expression 3 [ H]RX821002 binding observed earlier in brain stem nuclei of subordinate tree shrews is due to reduced Although the present results show that that not only receptor gene expression [6]. In this former study, the noradrenergic but also glutamatergic neurons in the brain extent of down-regulation of a -adrenergic binding sites stem express the a -adrenoceptor, they support the view 2 2A was only 10 in the LC, whereas in the present analysis, that this receptor subtype is an autoreceptor in noradrener- the receptor RNA levels were reduced by 24 in the gic neurons, at least in the LC [2,17,32]. The stress- stressed animals. One possible reason for this discrepancy induced down-regulation of autoreceptor expression proba- is that the a -adrenoceptor radioligand labeled all three bly contributes to an imbalance in the noradrenergic 2 a -adrenoceptor subtypes A, B, C leading to an undere- system which, during periods of chronic stress, is persis- 2 stimation of the stress effect on a -adrenoceptor expres- tently or repetitively activated [1]. This chronic activation 2A sion. may be due to the low autoreceptor expression that results In the Sol, a -adrenoreceptor expression was quan- in reduced capacity for negative feed-back and increased 2A tified in neurons located in the medial part of the nucleus firing rates of noradrenergic LC neurons [1], thus enhanc- and around the subnucleus gelatinosus. The distribution ing release of noradrenaline at projection sites of the LC pattern of these cells indicated that they might represent [26]. Since the LC is an important integrator of the stress noradrenergic and or adrenergic neurons. However, since response that participates in the regulation of sleep, the double-labeling experiments showed co-expression arousal, learning and memory, and controls endocrine and with TH in only very few cells, and not at all with PNMT, autonomic nervous functions through a widespread system no definitive conclusion may be made concerning the of efferent fibers, the autoreceptor down-regulation has identity of the a -adrenoceptor expressing cells in the Sol consequences for many brain functions [37]. In the 2A where receptor expression is reduced during stress. In areas subordinate male tree shrews, the resulting noradrenergic A1 and C1, the number of antisense-labeled cells was too hyperactivity may contribute to the affective state of low for a statistically relevant quantification of silver subordination stress resulting in behavioral changes and in grains. In addition, the hybridization signal of the strongly an impairment of cognitive performance [9,27]. antisense-labeled LRt neurons tended to mask the hybridi- The co-expression of a -adrenoceptors and glutamate 2A zation signals from the A1 and C1 cells. in LRt neurons agrees with pharmacological results in- dicating that a -adrenoceptor agonists such as clonidine 2 4.5. Mechanisms of a -adrenoceptor down-regulation may at least in part exert their hypotensive effects via LRt 2 A neurons [10]. Iontophoretically applied noradrenaline and Previous investigations on a -adrenoceptor regulation systemically injected clonidine depressed LRt neuronal 2 have focused on mechanisms of rapid minutes and long- firing [3]. Also, a -adrenoceptors in the LRt modulate 2 term hours agonist-induced receptor desensitization in spinal antinociception in rats [13,19]. The stress-induced cell culture [5]. Little is known about the effects of chronic changes in a -adrenoceptor expression in the LRt might 2A stress and the accompanying persistent or repetitive agonist therefore affect cardiovascular as well as nociceptive exposure on these receptors in brains of mammals. Several functions in tree shrews, although the physiological conse- lines of evidence emphasize the importance of agonists in quences of the receptor changes have not yet been ana- transcriptional and post-transcriptional control, but hetero- lyzed in detail. In addition, since the LRt projects to the logous regulation could also explain the present findings cerebellar cortex, an impairment of cerebellar functions [12]. Recently it was shown that a -adrenoceptor RNA should also be considered [38,41]. 2A transcription in rat astroglial cultures is down-regulated by increased levels of intracellular cyclic AMP and by protein kinase C PKC activation [31]. The promoter region of

5. Conclusions

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