R : Yanda kepayahan ini, tolonglah kak bukain... Ryanda is trying to reach his book S : Yanda ngapain ? R : Uh...Eh...jumping, bisa nggak Kakak nolongin Yanda ngambilin buku Yanda di situ ? On the situation above, Ryanda used the interrogative sentence to make his imperative more polite. That’s one of his polite ways.

4.3 Discussion

As children gain more mastery over their language skills, they become more sophisticated in their conversational abilities. A 4- to 5-year-old child follows complex directions and enthusiastically talks about things that happen to him. He can make up stories, listen attentively to stories and retell stories himself. Children ages 4 to 5 are also able to understand that letters and numbers are symbols of real things and ideas, “write” as a way to tell stories and offer information, and “read” on their own. Sentence structures now incorporate up to eight words, while vocabulary is between 1,000 and 2,000 words. Ninety percent of the time, speech should be clearly intelligible; although there may be some developmental sound errors and stuttering, particularly among boys. Young preschoolers make comments and request and tell others what to do. By 4 or 5, they should know the names and gender of family members and other personal information. They often play with words and make up silly words and stories. Universitas Sumatera Utara As children progress in school, both their comprehension and usage of language will become more sophisticated. Usually, they will understand more vocabularies and concepts than they may express. Children should be able to engage in narrative discourse and share ideas and opinions in clear speech. Universitas Sumatera Utara


5.1 Conclusions

Based on the findings of the research, it is concluded that Ryanda has knowledge of the speech act and his speech development has already increase, which he uses in his communicative interaction with the people around him. The typical speech developments which Ryanda already has includes the ability to tell story about a picture, seeing relationships between objects and happenings, using compound and complex sentences, having simple time concepts: morning, afternoon, night, day, later, after, tomorrow, yesterday, today, be able to define common objects in terms of use, be able to repeat sentences as long as nine words, knows common opposite. For his daily communication he also be able to use any kinds of sentences such as interrogative, negative, and imperative sentences to express his intention to the people around him in his daily communication. In showing his curiosity, he can use both of typical interrogative sentences, yesno question and wh question or sentence which use the question words. Other finding is Ryanda has been able to use the polite form to express his intention to give commands or other. He sometimes combines verbal actions such as pointing at something or holding it to communicate his intention.

5.2 Suggestions