Data Analyzing Method Analysis of The Data

tentang status objek penelitian yang berkenaan dengan suatu fase spesifik atau khas dari keseluruhan personalitas.”

3.2 Data Collecting Method

According to Arikunto 2006 : 223-232 there are five kinds of method in collecting data, i.e. test, questioner, interview, observation, and documentation method. And in this writing, the writer applied observation and documentation method. The writer observed the object of the research, M. Ryanda Huzein, for a month, in October 2008 by recording, tabulating, and grouping the data child speeches. In gaining the data, the writer applied the purposive samples as suggested by Arikunto 2006 : 139-140 where it is conducted by collecting the data based on existence of specific purpose. This means that, the writer did the observation for a month, observed and recorded the child speech as the population and then selected some of them based on the purpose as the samples of this research.

3.3 Data Analyzing Method

In this research, the writer analyzed the data by performing descriptive analysis, showing the speeches of the child in daily communication which had been recorded. Then the writer described the acquired speech by the subject and concluded them into some conclusion. Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER IV THE ANALYSIS OF CHILDREN SPEECH ACQUISITION IN DAILY COMMUNICATION

4.1 Analysis of The Data

The writer have collected the data and have found some results about the five year old child speech. He can create such long sentences including complex and compound sentences. His language competence keep growing time to time. For more detail explanation, we can see some findings of this research below : 1. Can use many descriptive words spontaneously-both adjective and adverb. Ryanda is watching television and see a scene then gives comment about the film S : Ryanda nonton apa? R : Itu kak, tadi ada orang jahatnya. Dia suka marah-marah. 2. Knows common opposite. R : Kak, Yanda punya mainan dua, satu besar satu kecil. S : Oooh…jadi kalo lawannya besar apa dek? R : Kecil lah…kayak mainan Yanda yang ini showing the little one R : Bang Amer tinggi ya kak… S : Iya, kan udah besar. R : Berarti kalo masih kecil rendah ya kayak Yanda. From the conversations above, the writer found that Ryanda has already known about the opposite of some words, such as besar big × kecil little, and tinggitall × rendah short. Universitas Sumatera Utara 3. Be able to repeat sentences as long as nine words. Ryanda is drawing a view on his drawing sheet, then his mother comes and asking him question M : Ryanda sedang apa? R : Ini gambar pemandangan Ma, banyak pohon-pohonnya, tapi rumahnya cuma satu. M : Apa Nda..? R : Yanda lagi gambar pemandangan, banyak pohon-pohonnya, tapi rumahnya cuma satu. From the conversation above, the writer can conclude that Ryanda is able to repeat sentences as long as nine words or even more than that. 4. Be able to define common objects in terms of use. Ryanda is preparing to go to school, and he is wearing his shoes S : Yanda kalau sekolah harus pake sepatu ya… R : Iya kak, semuanya pake sepatu, kawan-kawan Yanda juga pake sepatu. S : Yanda tau sepatu itu apa? R : Ini ni sepatu lift up his foot and show his shoes Supaya kaki Yanda gak jorok kalo main-main, trus gak luka kalau terinjak batu. Mother is sitting on the floor while Ryanda is sitting on the chair. They are watching television M : Yanda, sini sama mama di bawah. R : Yanda di kursi aja ma, mama aja yang duduk di kursi ini. M : Kenapa Nda…? Universitas Sumatera Utara R : Kursi kan tempat duduk ma, jadi kalau duduk ya di kursi lah… There are so many common objects at home, and Ryanda be able to define some of them in terms of use. It is showed by the conversation above. Ryanda defines shoes and chair in terms of their common use. 5. Has simple time concepts: morning, afternoon, night, day, later, after, tomorrow, yesterday, today. R : Ma, besok pagi Yanda mau dianterin sekolah sama Papa ya… R : Ma, si Kemal katanya mau datang nanti sore. R : Nanti siap makan, abis tu Yanda main Transformer ya kak... R : Kak, kata ibu guru Yanda hari ini gak sekolah, guru-guru mau rapat. M : Yanda coba tengok ke luar. R : Kenapa Ma? M : Udah gelap kan? R : Iya, berarti udah malam ya Ma? Ryanda already has time concepts as we see from above. He can differ morning, day, afternoon, night, today, tomorrow and later. In his daily communication, Ryanda often uses some of the time concepts above, to help him to express and explore what he is going to say to other people. 6. The development of compound and complex sentences. At his age, Ryanda’s sentences are already like adult sentences. He can use some compound and complex sentences. Here are some of the examples : Universitas Sumatera Utara R : Mainan Yanda yang baru disimpan aja, nanti kalau adik Abi datang dia nggak mainin mainan baru Yanda, biar nggak cepat rusak. R : Megatronnya hebat kali, dia punya senjata rahasia waktu ngalahin Decepticon, paten senjatanya kak, teknologinya hebat. R : Kakak nggak boleh kesini, ini daerah kekuasaan Yanda, ini kan udah Yanda bikin petak, berarti nggak ada yang boleh masuk ke petak Yanda; kalo Kakak mau buatlah petak sendiri. Eventhough, his ability to create compound and complex sentences sometimes grammatically incorrect. The use of coordinate conjunction in coordinative compound sentence such as and is not clearly appear. It seems that Ryanda still uses pause or other conjunctor to substitute this coordinator. Here are some examples : R : Kakak gambar dinosaurus yg leher panjang without ‘dan’ Yanda dinosaurus yang gigi runcing. R : Tadi di sekolah Yanda main kejar-kejaran. Si Dendi ngejar trusit should be ’dan’ Yanda lari. R : Papa yang nganter ya, without ‘dan’ kakak yang jemput. England children, 5-6 years old are getting difficulties to understand Minimal Distance Principle MDP concept Chomsky, 1969 in Dardjowijoyo, 2000. MDP is Universitas Sumatera Utara a principle which states that the closest noun with the verb in complement subordinate sentence is the subject of the verb. So, in English sentences : - John asked Mary to water the plant - John told Mary to water the plant The one who waters the plant is Mary, because, according to MDP, Mary is the closest noun with the verb water in subordinate sentence. This MDP is also used for some other verbs such as order, persuade, and advise. But this principle has the exception. - John promised Mary to water the plant. In the sentence above, the one who water the plant is not Mary but John-noun which far from the verb water. England children thought that in that sentence the one who water the plant is still Mary, not John. But Ryanda in his native language does not found difficulty like this. These are some conversation with Ryanda : M : Yanda, kalau Mama nyuruh Yanda ambil buku, yang ambil buku siapa? R : Yanda S : Kalau Papa janji sama Yanda mau beliin mainan, yang beli mainan siapa? R : Papa. S : Kalau Yanda minta Kakak datang ke sekolah, yang ke sekolah siapa? R : Kakak 7. Be able to tell one a rather connected story about a picture, seeing relationships between objects and happenings. Universitas Sumatera Utara At this age, a child has been able to tell connected story by using his own way and speech. By seeing a picture, Ryanda is able to verbalize what he saw, and to connect one story to another from the picture. He is also able to seeing relationships between objects and happenings. Here are some conversations which prove the finding above : Ryanda is seeing a picture from a children magazine M : Ryanda lagi lihat apa? R : Gambar naruto Ma, ini kan si Narutonya waktu mau melawan Akatsuki. Dia pergi sama Jiraiya dan Sakura mau mencari Sasuke, trus di tengah jalan rupanya ketemu sama Itachi dari Akatsuki. Si Itachi ini rupanya abang si Sasuke. Jadi orang ini bertarung, si Narutonya ngeluarin jurus Rasengan, ini ma jurusnya kan ada kayak cahaya-cahaya dari tangannya. Ini dia gambarnya. Ryanda is coming back from school M : Belajar apa aja Yanda tadi di sekolah? R : Nulis, Berhitung. Ma tadi kan pas pulang sekolah Yanda main sama Kemal sama Dendi di depan mesjid. Kami gak nengok-nengok rupanya udah pulang semua orang, gak ada lagi yang di sekolah. Trus dipanggil sama Bu Ani “Yanda...Dendi...Kemal...’’, datanglah kami, trus kami tanya “ada apa Bu?” abis tu dibilang Bu Ani “ Udah pulang” M : Loh, jadi kalian? R : Iya, semuanya udah pulang tinggal kami yang belum... Ryanda has also been able to use chronological order to help him in telling stories. But, the conjunctions that he usually uses are the common words in daily Universitas Sumatera Utara communication. He substitutes the conjunction kemudian then, lalu and setelah itu after that, with other words which have similar meaning such as trus and habis itu.

4.2 Interrogative, Negative, and Imperative Sentences