Scope and Limitation of the Study Significance of the Study

61 work wonders and successful if they delivered with the appropriate and effective words, simple clause, easy to be understood and attractive as well as creative picture. As the result audience can take action for a better world.

5.2 Suggestions

With reference to the conclusions, suggestions are staged as the followings a. It is suggested that the advertisers should clearly use exact verbal and non- verbal modes to describe how their advertisements are beneficial to the consumers by applying material process in verbal mode and location and existential circumstance in non-verbal mode. In this way, they offer satisfaction to the potential consumers and their products gain more purchases. b. The advertisers are also suggested to specify in what circumstance their products satisfy the consumers. In this way they are expected to use appropriate circumstances of location and existential. This is potential to gain more attention for customers. c. It is suggested that the potential consumers should consider the products they want to purchases by which they gain satisfactorily – purchased goods or services. 62 REFERENCE AlHamdany, Hayder. 2013. The Usefulness of Systemic Functional Grammar and Its Impact on Students’ Communicative Skills in ESL Context. European Scientific Journal, 811: 116-131. Anderson, Sara. 2004. Provocative Advertising. Swedish: Lulhea University of Technology. Ansary, Hasan. 2012. The Generic Integrity of Newspaper Editorial: A Systemic Functional Perpective. Asian EFL Journal, 53: 28-37. Baraceros, Esther. 2013. Systemic Functional Grammar Fostering Critical Thinking in Teaching and Learning Language. Asian EFL Journal, 62: 9- 19. Barthes, Ronald. 1985. Rhetoric of the Image.. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Bell, M. 2001. Functional Grammar. New York: Longman Bogdan, R.C Biklen S.K. 1992.Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction Theory and Methods. Needham Heights, M.A: Allyn and Bacon. Christie, Frances. 2012. Systemic Functional Linguistics and A Theory of Language in Education. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 32: 13-23. Cook, G. 1992. Discourse of Advertisement. London: Routledge. Czerpa, Dorota. 2005. Language and Image. Swedish: Lulea University of Technology. Dahl, Gary. 2007. Advertising For Dummies. Canada: Wiley Publishing, Inc. Eggins, Suzanne. 2004. An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics. New York: Continum. Fauconnier, Gilles, and Mark Turner. 2002. The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending and the Mind’s Hidden Complexities. New York: Basic Books. Forceville, Charles. 2009. Applications of Cognitive Linguistics: Multimodal Metaphor. New York: Routledge. Frances. 2002. Systemic Functional Grammar. Heidelberg Gerot, Linda and Peter Wignell. 1994. Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Australia: Antipodean Educational Enterprises. Gilson, C. Berkmen, W.H. 1980.Advertising: Concepts and Strategies. Toronto: New York Random House. Goddard, Angela. 2005. The Language of Advertising. Written Texts. London: Routledge Jennings, Stephen. 2013. Systemic Functional Grammar and Authentic Language Input. International Journal of Applied Linguistic, 45: 97-111. Kress, G. and van Leeuwen T. 1996.Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design. London: Routledge. Kress, G., van Leeuwen, T. 2001. Multimodal Discourse: The Modes and Media of Contemporary Communication. London: Arnold. Leborg, Christian. 2010. Visual Grammar. London: Cambridge Press. Leech, Geoffrey, N.1988. English in Advertising: A Linguistic Study of Advertising in Great Britain English Language Series. London: Longman