What are you doing at the moment to increase conversion rates online?

686 Part 3 Implementation Static web content A web page view that is identical every time it is loaded. Dynamic web content A web page view that varies according to user preferences or environment constraints. HTML Hypertext Markup Language A standard format used to define the text and layout of web pages. HTML files usually have the extension .HTML or .HTM. The delivery of e-business services via a web interface may initially appear straightforward. Everyone has heard apocryphal tales such as a 12-year-old relation creating a web site to sell used cars. Indeed, the creation of static web content is straightforward as we will see. In this example, simple HTML code is used for layout and formatting of information to create a simple catalogue of perhaps ten cars, with a web page for each that is accessed from a home page or simple menu. But imagine the situation for a real car dealership where a cus- tomer will want to select from a range of hundreds or thousands of cars with different specifications from different manufacturers. Here, it is impractical for the user to select from a menu of hundreds of cars. At the very least, they will expect the cars to be grouped into categories by manufacturer and perhaps sorted by age. But finding the right car through browsing these categories could take a long time and most users will demand a basic search facility by which they type in, or select, the make of car or an advanced search facility by which they choose the make, plus the specification such as engine size and year of registra- tion. In this case the page delivered to the user will depend on their preferences and will be dynamic web content . Here, it is apparent that more than simple formatting and presenta- tion is required – the site is interactive, that is to say it must accept text input from the user and respond to the request with the appropriate information. The development process will involve coding to accept the user’s preferences, passing the request to a database, performing a query, returning the results and formatting them for the user. In this section we briefly introduce how simple static web pages can be developed using HTML and how scripts and databases can be used in conjunction with HTML to produce dynamic content. Creating static web content HTML or hypertext markup language , which was introduced in Chapter 3, is the standard that is most commonly used for producing static web content. HTML files can be written Development of web-based content and services Activity 12.2 Selecting applications software for a small business Purpose To aid understanding of the different factors to assess when selecting applications software and the relative importance of them. Activity A start-up office supplies business which specializes in supply of printers is reviewing its alternatives for different types of e-business system. Form groups with each group selecting one type of e-business service from the list below and then discussing the importance of the nine criteria for selecting software described above. A ranked list of the criteria in order of importance should be produced. These can be put on a whiteboard, with one type of software in each column to assess the commonality in requirements. E-business service types: 1 Customer relationship management application. 2 Supply chain management application. 3 Employee management system. 4 Web analytics software see later in chapter. 687

Chapter 12 Implementation and maintenance

with an ordinary text editor such as the Windows Notepad program or the specialist tools described in a later section. The operation of HTML is based on a web browser interpreting HTML tags or codes on a web page when it is loaded into the browser as explained in Chapter 3 see the example in Figure 3.14. Reviewers of previous editions have rightly indicated that a more detailed treat- ment isn’t required in a text focusing on the management issues of e-business systems. However, we will stress some aspects of HTML development that managers need to be aware of: 1 Standards compliance. The World Wide Web Consortium www.w3.org has been promi- nent in defining web standards. However, its primary role is not to promote standards. This role has been taken up by other advocacy groups such as the WaSP, the Web Standards Project www.webstandards.orgaboutmission and the many web design agencies that are passionate about web standards implementation. The use of web standards affects the quality of service and accessibility levels of sites. It enhances accessibility for the visually impaired and increases the range of previous and future browser versions and access devices supported. The range of browsers, platforms and visual disabilities supported by a site translates to satisfied customers who will return to it. In his seminal reference on web standards, Jeffrey Zeldman says that the best way to view web standards is as ‘a continuum, not a set of inflexible rules’. In practice a combination of the standards shown in Box 12.1 will be required. In particular the use of plug-ins and Ajax should be carefully discussed prior to implementation since according to how widely adopted the type or version of plug-in or the Ajax application this may exclude some site users or force them to use another plug-in. Box 12.1 Which web standards should the site support? The main standards typically followed with current versions are: 1 Structural and semantic standards: HTML www.w3.orgTRhtml401 XHTML www.w3.orgTRxhtml1 XML www.w3.orgTR2000REC-xml-20001006 2 Presentation languages: Cascading style sheets CSS www.w3.orgTRcss21 3 Object models: The Document Object Model DOM, which describes the structural relationship between objects within an HTML or XML document enabling them to be accessed and updated, for example for form validation www.w3.orgDOMDOMTRdom2 4 Scripting languages: ECMA Script the standard to which Javascript has evolved which is used for form validation, for example www.ecma-international.orgpublicationsstandards Ecma-262.htm 5 Plug-in technology for rich Internet applications: Adobe Flash and Shockwave a proprietary standard for building interactive applications and displaying video http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiMacromedia_Flash Adobe Acrobot www.adobe.comacrobat the de facto document display standard. Adobe Flex www.adobe.comproductsflex and Microsoft Silverlight www. microsoft.comsilverlight for building rich Internet applications RIA Streaming media proprietary standards for audio and video such as Real Networks .rm and Microsoft .wma Java for rich Internet applications www.java.com.