Smart The Description of Frank McCourt

his eyes.

6. Smart

Beside known as a person that is odd, kind-hearted, caring, honest, and hard working, frank is also a smart person. He uses his smartness as one of his keys to struggle for life. When Frank grows older, he gets a job to read books for Mr. Timoney. Mr. Timoney is delighted with the fact that Frank can read and it means that he can read for him the books that he has. What’s your name? Frank, Sir. Can you read? I can,Sir. Come here tommorow. Come here at eleven and read to me. Are you sure you can read? I’am sir 197. When Frank comes to Mr. Timoney on the next day, he then starts to read for Mr. Timoney and Mr.Timoney is delighted with Frank’s skill in reading. He even praises Frank as a good reader. He stops me after two or three pages. You are good readers 196-98. It shows that Mr. Timoney’s considers Frank as a smart person because he can read what Mr. Timoney asks him to read. Frank then works for Mr. Hannon to deliver the coal. He shows to Mr. Hannon that he is a fast learner that he is able to follow all the instruction that Mr. Hannon give in order to help him. One day, Mr. Hannon is ill and Frank has to do Mr. Hannon’s job to deliver the coal. He lets me get the horse ready though I still have trouble getting on the harness. He lets me handle the float out of the yard and into the frosty streets I wish I could drive forever and never go home. Mr. Hannon shows me how to pull the bags to the edge of the float and drop them on the ground so that I can pull them on to the handcart and push the bags to the houses. He tells me how to lift and push the bags without straining myself.. 306. It clearly shows that Frank is a smart person since he can do all the jobs that Mr. Hannon usually does. Even he feels happy that he can do all the jobs and help Mr. Hannon at the same time. Mr. Hoppy O’Halloran, Frank’s headmaster, also considers him as a smart person and he even concerns Frank’s future. He wants Frank to continue his education and not waste his time and end up as a messenger boy in Limerick. Tell your mother come and see me”. I will, Sir. Mam says, No, I could never go near Mr. O’halloran. I don’t have a decent dress or a proper coat. What does he want to see me for? I don’t know. She comes to see him and he talks to her in the hallway. He tells her that her son Frank must continue school. He must not fall into messenger bot trap. That leads nowhere. Take him up to the Christian Brothers, tell them I sent you, tell them he is a bright boy and ought to be going to secondary school and beyond that, university 336-37. It can be seen that Mr. O’Halloran wants Frank to continue his education since he considers Frank as a bright boy. He wants Frank to continue his education in Christian Brothers rather than not continue the education and become a messenger boy. Because of his smartness, Frank is able to get a better job than just working as the telegram boy. It can be seen when he applies for a job at the Eason Company. Mr. McCaffrey, the manager of Eason is impressed by the letter that Frank writes and he considers to employ Frank as the messenger boy for the company. You can read and write but can you do addition and substraction? I can, Mr. McCaffrey. Well. I don’t know what the policy is on sore eyes. But your writing is clear, McCourt. A good fist. We’ll take you on pending the decision on the sore eyes. Monday morning. Half six at the railway station 394. From Mr. McCaffrey’s direct comment, it can be seen that he is surprised and impressed with the fact that Frank is not only able to read and write but he also has good clear writing. Even Frank is also able to add and subtract too. Frank’s ability to read and to write makes other people like Mr. Timoney and Mr. McCaffrey consider him as a smart person. Even Mr. O’halloran wants him to continue his education because of his brightness. Frank always knows how to solve a problem and he also has a bright decision on what to do if there is a problem that puts him in the difficult situation.

B. Frank’s Struggle for a Better Life