Background of the Study



This chapter presents background of the study, problem formulation, objectives of the study, benefits of the study and the definition of terms. The background of the study provides the information of the topic and the reason that become the basis of writing this thesis. The problem formulation states the problem or questions of the study. The objectives of the study aim to answer the questions stated in the problem formulation. The benefits of the study explain the advantages and importance of the study. Finally, the definition of terms provides an explanation of some important terms used in the study.

A. Background of the Study

All human beings in this world live their own life differently. Some of them may have a beautiful life and some of them may not have it. Though they live their life normally, problems may come everyday. Moreover, they cannot avoid the problems and therefore they will try hard to face and overcome them until they win the battle of struggle for life and achieve a better life in the future. The problems that emerge are many. Some of the problems concern family, health, economical and others. These problems cause most people have to struggle for life. They can also be reflected in works of literature because they portray human life experiences. An author of literary works reflects what he experiences in his life into his works. He lives in the same world that we live in and he shares his own experience with his readers through his works. Since a work of literature is about reflection of life experiences, an author uses one of the media in literature called novel. Novel is the most common media that is used to reflect human life experience since the novel presents life itself. Van De Laar and Schoenderwoend say, “a novel as a work of art so far it introduces as into a living world; in some respect resembling the world we live in, but with an individuality of its own” 63. Through novels, many authors present stories about life because they can give support, strengt h, and reflection of struggle for life for the readers. One of the authors who presents his life experiences in his works is Frank McCourt. He has had experiences of human struggle and he applies his experiences in his novel. His novel entitled Angela’s Ashes: A Memoir of a Childhood talks about life and how a man struggles for life and survives. Besides, it also describes human experiences that can happen to everyone in this world. Frank, the main character in the Angela’s Ashes: A Memoir of a Childhood has to survive since he is three years old. He also has to face the death of his little sister that is barely one-year-old named Margaret. The death of Margaret causes his mother to grieve too much and because of it, she gives little attention to Frank and his brothers. Since then, Frank learns that his family’s condition grows worse and so does his father’s drinking habit. However, when his family moves to Ireland, he finds that his parents are still unable to support them and it makes him aware that he has to work so that his family will have a better life. Working as a newspaper seller, he can earn some money for his mother and his brothers. Sadly, another problem comes. He suffers from typhoid that causes him to stay in the hospital for three months and he has to loose his job. He, then, has to start to find another job and must be more determined than ever so that he can help his mother and his brothers though it means that he has to start from the bottom line. In this story, Frank faces many problems. First, his father drinking habit that grows serious even after the family moves to Ireland. Second, his family’s economic condition that is poor and miserable. Third, the society’s treatment toward his family that is rude. Frank has to struggle for life because many conflicts appear continuously in his life. The novel is interesting to discuss because it shows how a person has to struggle for life in order to achieve a better one. We can also learn many lessons for life from this novel.

B. Problem Formulation