Pre.Assessment Part.I

79 feet, or 20 meters, high. The width of its face measures 13 feet 8 inches, or 4.17 meters. Its head and body were carved directly out of a giant rock in a limestone formation, and stone blocks were cut to form the paws and legs. This same limestone formation supplied much of the stone used to build several of the great pyramids. Text III: Cairo Cairo is the capital of Egypt and the largest city, in terms of population, in Africa. It lies on the east bank of the Nile River, with suburbs along the west bank. The newer areas of Cairo have modern buildings in the style of present-day European and American architecture. Cairos older areas are famous for their old quarters-- areas of narrow winding streets and buildings that are hundreds of years old. They feature bazaars, shops, and mosques with tall minarets. Many of the mosques are outstanding examples of Islamic architecture. They include Ahmed Ibn Tulun, built in the 800s, and al-Azhar, built about 970. . 80

2. Test 1

Living Longer and Better Living Longer and Better American people are living longer and longer. One of the reasons may be that they are eating healthier food. They are smoking less and exercising more. In addition to adopting healthier habits, older people are doing things that they didnt do in the past. Retired people are staying alert by continuing an active lifestyle. More and more retired people are volunteering for jobs. They are also resuming their studies. Research shows that people can successfully continue to learn even after the age of 90, and university classes often include several students who have already left the workforce, but who are continuing their education. Retired people are also taking advantage of the leisure activities that have developed over the last 50 years. They are travelling more, as travelling has become much easier. Even if they cannot travel, they are able to enjoy the benefits of television. In the future, the life of retired people will probably be even richer.

3. Test 2

Save the Parrots Have you ever seen a person nagging a parrot to say something silly like Polly wants a cracker? Have you ever stopped to think how that parrot feels? What about when people make fun of each other using the example of a parrot? Im sure you wouldnt like being locked in a cage while people stare and point at you or even try to buy you. We here at A Prayer for Parrots feel that the discrimination against parrots must come to an end. We believe that parrots deserve to be treated with respect. We know that parrots are suffering in our society Parrots around the country are crying to be set free to go back to their natural habitats. They deserve to live in peace with their brothers in the jungle Please join us in our march to set the parrots free. Let them go back to their homes in South America where they belong. Together, we can make a difference. Donations can be sent to: A Prayer for Parrots, PO Box 23453, Swinton, CA. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 81

4. Test 3

Health and Happiness A ten-year-old pupil who was disappointed in her grades responded to her report card by saying, Im so sad, I bet Ill get the flu. The teachers reply was, Dont be silly. Sadness wont make you sick. It may be that the teacher knew less about the complex human body than her pupil. Recent research has shown that there could be a direct link between peoples emotional state and their physical well-being. Research that was conducted at a University in Ohio showed that anxiety caused before a final exam of medical students affected their immune system. The degree of activity of the cells that fight disease white blood cells was much lower on the day of the exam. Another research project showed that college students who felt lonely or upset had three times less activity of the white blood cells. It seems that certain chemicals from the brain can lower the power of the immune system. These chemicals may be released when one is suffering from anxiety. If this explanation is supported by further research, our teacher will be proven wrong. An upset pupil would certainly be more likely to get the flu

5. Test 4

Dear Jennifer Sept. 15, 1997 Dear Jennifer, Im writing to tell you that Im coming to Switzerland to visit you Ive decided that its just too long to wait until winter vacation, to see you. I already told my boss that Im taking two weeks off of work for vacation and she said that it was OK with her. Im arriving in Zurich on the 25 th , but first Im stopping in England to visit my uncle. I already spoke to my cousin, Wendy, and shes picking me up from the airport. I know its hard for you to get there without a car, so dont worry about meeting me. Ill send you the flight details when I get them. Im really looking forward to seeing where you live and meeting your friends See you soon Thinking of you, George PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 82

6. Test 5

Worried in the Workplace Dear Alice, Theres this guy who is working at my office who I find very attractive. I dont know if he has a girlfriend or not, but I have no way of showing him Im interested. My friends tell me that I should ask him out for coffee, and worst comes to worst, hell refuse. However, I cant bring myself to do it. I just couldnt bear the thought of his refusing my offer. I cant stop thinking about him, and its affecting my work. What should I do? Worried in the Workplace Dear Worried, I understand that you may feel uncomfortable about asking a strange man out for coffee. I would too Maybe you should try talking to him a bit first. You might want to get friendly with him through small talk before you ask him out. He may let out an us or we when talking about what he did on the weekend -- a sign that hes probably seeing someone. You could also ask the secretary if she thinks he has a girlfriend. Secretaries often know things about the private lives of people in the office. Then, if you find out hes single, and hes being friendly in the small talk, go for it Sometimes we must take risks to get what we want. And if he says no, smile, and walk away. It probably means that he wasnt meant for you anyway.