Problem Formulation Problem Limitation Research Objectives Research Benefits

3 potential in accordance with their skill, necessary, and willingness Prasetyo Utomo, Kompas, April 24 th , 2006. Teachers’ understanding in this curriculum is needed to make the learning process goes well. This research is going to be conducted to find out how far teachers understand this curriculum and how they implement this curriculum in the learning process. Seeing that many teachers are not able yet to implement 2006 Curriculum Suhadi, 2006, the researcher is interested in knowing teachers’ perception on 2006 Curriculum. The perception on 2006 Curriculum is focused on English teachers’ perception on strengths, weaknesses, and problems occurred in the implementation of 2006 curriculum.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the topic above, the major problem of this study is What are the English teachers’ perception on 2006 Curriculum implementation? This perception is going to relate to the teachers’ perception on 2006 Curriculum, and their preparation and implementation on 2006 Curriculum. In addition, the minor problems of this study are: a. What are the strengths of 2006 curriculum implementation? b. What are the weaknesses of 2006 curriculum implementation? c. What are the problems faced by the teachers in implementing 2006 Curriculum? PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 4

C. Problem Limitation

Implementing 2006 curriculum KTSP at a school is not easy since this is the new curriculum with new standard to implement. Teachers should follow the standard that the government stated. Besides, students have to adapt the new way the teachers do in conducting a learning process. Teachers’ perception on 2006 curriculum is expected to be able to help them to know what they should do in implementing 2006 curriculum. Therefore, the researcher limits the problem on teachers’ perception on 2006 Curriculum; what their opinion about 2006 curriculum and what they need to do in implementing 2006 Curriculum. In this study, the researcher is going to explain about English teachers’ perception on 2006 curriculum, the strengths and weaknesses of this curriculum, and the problems occurred in implementing 2006 curriculum.

D. Research Objectives

This study is aimed at finding out teachers’ perception on 2006 Curriculum. The focus of this study is on the English teachers’ perceptions on strengths and weaknesses of 2006 curriculum, and the problems occured in 2006 curriculum implementation. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 5

E. Research Benefits

This study is expected to give valuable benefits for teachers as actors who implement 2006 Curriculum in the learning process, for the next researchers who are going to deal with curriculum implementation, and for the researcher who conducts this research. 1. Teachers This study is expected to give valuable benefits for teachers who implement 2006 Curriculum in learning process. By knowing the perception on strengths and weaknesses on implementing 2006 curriculum, it might influence them in the way how they implement this curriculum. Besides, it makes them aware of their understanding of this curriculum in which it can help them to prepare and to implement 2006 Curriculum better. 2. The next researchers This study is expected to give some contributions for them who want to deal with curriculum aspect, especially in curriculum perception. Besides, this study is expected to give a contribution in education field. 3. The researcher This study is expected to give better understanding for the researcher after knowing teachers’ perception on this curriculum. It might help the researcher to implement this curriculum better in a learning process since the researcher know about the strengths and the weakness of this curriculum so that the researcher can prepare proportionally for 2006 curriculum implementation. This study is also PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6 expected to give good illustration in preparing anything the researher needs to teach later.

F. Definition of Terms