Animacy of Beneficiary get some drops for you less probable

62 Variables in the Equation of beneficiary givenness B S.E. Wald df Sig. ExpB 95 C.I.for EXPB Lower Upper Step 1 a beneficiarygivenness 5.010 .601 69.429 1 .000 149.860 46.123 486.919 Constant -5.920 .655 81.614 1 .000 .003 a. Variables entered on step 1: beneficiarygivenness. Table 4.5 Variable givenness of beneficiary removed from full model

4.1.2 Animacy of Beneficiary

The second significant feature animacy of beneficiary was coded to categorical variable in the logistic model beneficiary=animate is 1, and beneficiary=inanimate is 2 See Appendices 1 and 2 for the detailed identification and annotating process of the benefactive data. The default of the feature is inanimate, whereas the default of the benefactive construction is benefactive PP. The p value of the feature animacy of beneficiary reaches the number 0.035 See Table 4.3 and Appendix 3 which is less than the conventional significance level 0.05. Thus, the feature animacy of beneficiary is proven to be relevant to the choice of benefactive construction. The crosstabulation table of animacy of beneficiary toward ditransitivity shows that 98 of inanimate beneficiary take benefactive PP construction, only the rest 2 of inanimate beneficiary take double object construction. Conversely, 51.8 of animate beneficiary take double object construction, and the rest 48.2 take benefactive PP construction. Both statistics say that animate argument comes before inanimate one. 63 Animacy of Beneficiary toward Ditransitivity Crosstabulation Ditransitivity Total benefactive construction prepositional construction Animacy of Beneficiary animate beneficiary Count 155 144 299 within Animacy of Beneficiary 51.8 48.2 100.0 within Ditransitivity 98.7 59.3 74.8 of Total 38.8 36.0 74.8 inanimate beneficiary Count 2 99 101 within Animacy of Beneficiary 2.0 98.0 100.0 within Ditransitivity 1.3 40.7 25.3 of Total .5 24.8 25.3 Total Count 157 243 400 within Animacy of Beneficiary 39.3 60.8 100.0 within Ditransitivity 100.0 100.0 100.0 of Total 39.3 60.8 100.0 Table 4.6 Crosstabulation of animacy of beneficiary toward ditransitivity In addition, the result shows that the feature animacy of beneficiary possesses positive coefficient B of 2.268. It means that the default inanimate beneficiary favors the default benefactive PP construction. The size of the effect of the feature is explainable through the odds ratio expB of 9.657. It suggests that inanimate beneficiary is more than 9 times likely to take benefactive PP construction rather than animate beneficiary. The 95 confidence interval CI supports the claim, showing that inanimate beneficiary tends to choose benefactive PP construction between 1.175 to 79.383 times. Conversely, if the beneficiary is animate, the sentence will tend to appear in the double object construction. The coefficient B, odds ratio expB, and 95 CI above are presented in Table 4.3 See also Appendix 3. The examples below illustrate the 64 probability of the occurrence of instances possessing inanimate and animate beneficiary. 4

a. getting water for their shipping inanimate