Principals Resource owner Agent

Copyright © 2006 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2006 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 50 of 131 Role Description Responsibility Payment Provider Manages payment transactions on behalf of Owner. NOTE: Payment Provider is only required if the terms and conditions of the GeoLicence include a financial compensation for the rights to access the specified Geospatial Resource. Receives Licence fee payment details from Licensing Agent. May maintain outstanding balances between Owner and Licensees to be settled at a specified account period. Licence Manager Manages Licences on behalf of the Rights Managed network and acts as a trusted third party between the Owner and the Licensee. Registers new and updated GeoLicences. Provides GeoLicence validation functions to Service Provider. Licensee Acquires rights to access a Geospatial Resource. Terms and Conditions of those rights are defined in the GeoLicence. Organisation or Individual with an assigned set of rights as defined by the GeoLicence. Rights granted by the GeoLicence may include the rights to sub- license resource. Sub-Licensee Acquires or is assigned a subset of rights by the Licensee. Sub-licensee is assigned a subset of the rights as defined by the GeoLicence. End-User The individual person who accesses the Geospatial Resource. Accesses Geospatial resource based on the terms and conditions of the GeoLicence. GeoDRM design goal is to make the process of licence creation and enforcement as transparent as possible to the End-User. A key challenge for the GeoDRM Reference Model is to create an abstract rights model with defined roles and responsibilities, which may then be combined in different configurations according to the specific needs of the business model.

8.2 Principals

Principals are the active entities of the systems: those that can initiate actions, such as requests. Most entities are associated to people and, by extension, to their presence on the net or in the system, i.e., their computers, software or, at least, their identity. One of the most common authorization tasks is the verification of identity of a principal. Copyright © 2006 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2006 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 51 of 131 «interface» Licensor {abstract} + details: Details + signature: Signature get + getDetails : Details + getSignature : Signature + getTimeOfIssue : Time + getTimeOfValidity : TimeInterval «interface» Licensee {abstract} «interface» Agent {abstract} «interface» LicensingAgent {abstract} «interface» ServiceBroker {abstract} «interface» LicenceManager {abstract} «interface» Owner {abstract} «interface» ServiceProvider {abstract} «interface» SubLicensee {abstract} GrantComponent «interface» Principal {abstract} «interface» PrincipalGroup {abstract} +member 0.. +group 0.. +principal 0.. {ordered} +agent 1.. Figure 14: Various Principals in a GeoDRM system

8.3 Resource owner

Owner principals are the controllers of the resources. The relationship between the Owner and the legal owner of a resource may be defined completely outside the system, such as by legal contracts, etc., but the root or all rights resides in the legal owner, and the Owner principal is the legal owners presence or agent within the system.

8.4 Agent

Agent principals are principals allowed to act in the stead of another principal, usually supported by a licence to do so. This sort of licence is akin to the limited power of an attorney in law, as it is seldom universal and will most likely restrict the acts of the agent to specific rights as contracted with the owner. Most Agent principal subtypes will multiply inherit as interfaces from Agent and as appropriate for the rights allocated to him by the other principal. There may be no manner for a user to distinguish whether he is working with and Agent or with the Licensor supporting the Agent’s licence to act. The Agent may have to present credentials to other principals to prove their right to act as agent for a Principal with a separate identity.

8.5 Licence broker or licensing agent