Derive Resource or Further Develop right Edit or Adapt right Modify Right

Copyright © 2006 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2006 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 59 of 131 common process when overlaying vector data upon image or scanned raster. Depending on the requirements of the process and potentially dependent on the accuracy of the data, the fitting may be done to the vector, to the raster or to both. Derive Resource or Further Develop right

The “Derive Resource” right shall allow a licensee to create derive resources which use the licensed resource as an identifiable part, subject to GeoDRM controls consistent with the original licence. Associated conditions on this right may modify the rights allowed to be licensed on the derived resource. Other rights that create new resources from existing ones may be included in the derive resource right. Edit or Adapt right

The “Edit” right shall allow a licensee to copy the resource into another resource in the original physical format and in the same coordinate reference system as the original, and to modify that new resource through edits. The “Adapt” right shall allow a licensee to use the resource in the creation of a new resource that may incorporate the original resource in whole or in part. This right extends to other coordinate reference systems if and only if a Spatial Transform or Adjust right is also granted in the same or a compatible licence. Since the new resource set is not the same as the original resource set, new source metadata should be associated to the edit portions of the copy of the resource. Modify Right

The “Modify” right shall allow a licensee to edit the original resource set. In essence, this is the Edit or Adapt right with the additional capability to replace the original. Since the new resource set is not the same as the original resource set, new source metadata should be associated to the edit portions of the copy of the resource. If the resource identity includes a changeable date, then the original identity of the resource can be kept. The DRM system should allow interactions with distributed resource systems that allow all permanent licensed copies of the resource to be updated. The precise semantics of this temporal interaction is an implementation specification option. Ownership rights of the modified resource would follow the codicils of the licence, but the default logic would be that the ownership remains unchanged. Derive Graphic right