General metadata GeoInformation resource metadata GeoProcessing resource metadata

Copyright © 2006 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2006 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 55 of 131 Attribute formalisms have the advantage of predetermined data structures, which can make a non-object-oriented code much simpler. The disadvantage is the lack of flexibility in ad hoc situations. Patterns are collections of conditions that define collections of entities. As such, it is easy to match a pattern to a particular instance, but difficult to enumerate the set that the pattern defines. For example, it is easy to ask, “Is this principal a US resident?”, meaning that there must be a verifiable property attached to the principal declaring his citizenship or resident status, but it is difficult to ask, “Who are the US residents?”, so much so that the US government tries for an accurate list only once every 10 years, during the census, after which there is a constant debate as to its accuracy until the next one is taken. All entities in this information model shall be “matchable” to patterns based on their attributes, properties and relations. All match requests return true if and only if verifiable information is available to assure a logical match. A failure to find such information shall always result in a “no match” or false result within or from the GeoDRM Gatekeeper.

9.4 Resource Metadata

9.4.1 General metadata

The geoinformation or geoprocessing resources that are the target of the licence shall be identified unambiguously. This identification can be used to target local copies properly labelled or by accessing or retrieving a global networked copy of the resource. As defined in ISO 19109: Services, this identification should be location transparent, so that local or cached copies of the resource are treated as if they were the global copy of the resource. Some rights may be resource independent, in which case the resource part of a grant component may be unspecified.

9.4.2 GeoInformation resource metadata

When a resource is derived from the combination andor modification of other resources, the new resource shall have appropriate metadata information associated to it that describes the processes and the parameter values used for those processes, which created the new resource

9.4.3 GeoProcessing resource metadata

In the paradigm discussed in Clause 6.3, processing resources are treated as resources not as acts. The application of a processing resource to another resource requires an execute right on the processing resource, and the appropriate right on the geoinformation as required by that processing resource’s metadata. Geoprocessing resources shall be identified by a registered processing step or steps. The steps are “registered” if they are defined in a recognized standard or other publicly available specification at any level of development, identified by both the name and the version of the specification; and recognized as such is a trusted public registry, either supported by OGC or some other recognized body. The processing must be executed by viable software that is conformant to the defining standard. Copyright © 2006 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2006 Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 56 of 131 For a specification for which no conformance test exists, or for other reasons, the Licensors may grant access to non-proven implementations under a licence by a fully specified name or by specifying ANY that would allow any implementation to be used. The default shall be to allow the licensed process to be carried out by any provably conformant implementation. Provably conformant means that the implementation is registered in a licensor-trusted registry, either globally, or locally. The usual process identification will be by URL, URI, or URN that identify the processing address or the registry entry in a licensor-trusted registry A service supplier may establish a special registry for any functionality that can manipulate GeoDRM extended resources. Such implementations shall be GeoDRM- enabled so that the licence metadata can be maintained.

9.5 Licence Metadata