NIM : ___________________ NAMA : ___________________________________ KELAS ___________

1. Although end users often get the blame when it comes to using illegal copies of commercial software, software piracy
in a corporate setting is sometimes directly traceable to members of the______________________________
2. The mission of the Business Software Alliance is to ________________________________.
3. Whistle-blowing is an effort by an employee to attract attention to a negligent, illegal, unethical, abusive, or dangerous
act by a company that threatens the public interest. True or False? _______
4. A(n) ________________________ states the principles and core values that are essential to the work of a particular
occupational group.
5. ______________________ has been defined as not doing something that a reasonable person would do, or doing
something that a reasonable person would not do.
6. Senior management (including members of the audit committee) has the option of ignoring or suppressing
recommendations of the internal audit committee. True or False? ________
7. ______________________________ is the crime of obtaining goods, services, or property through deception or
8. _________________________means to be in accordance with established policies, guidelines, specifications, or
9. Most organizations have a(n) __________________________ team with primary responsibilities to determine that
internal systems and controls are adequate and effective.

10. A professional is someone who ____ :
a. requires advanced training and experience
b. must exercise discretion and judgment in the course of his or her work
c. does work that cannot be standardized
d. all of the above
11. Society expects professionals to act in a way that:
a. causes no harm to society
b. provides significant benefits
c. establishes and maintains professional standards that protect the public
d. all of the above
12. ______ is a process that one undertakes voluntarily to prove competency in a set of skills.
a. Licensing
b. Certification
c. Registration
d. all of the above

Use the five-step decision-making process discussed in the chapter to analyze the following situations and
recommend a course of action.
1. Your old roommate from college was recently let go from his firm during a wave of employee terminations to
reduce costs. You two have kept in touch over the six years since school, and he has asked you to help him

get a position in the IT organization where you work. You offered to review his résumé, make sure that it gets
to the “right person,” and even put in a good word for him. However, as you read the résumé, it is obvious
that your friend has greatly exaggerated his accomplishments at his former place of work and even added
some IT-related certifications you are sure he never earned. What would you do?
2. You are in charge of awarding all computer hardware service contracts (valued at over $2 million per year)
for your employer. In recent emails with the company’s current service contractor, you casually exchanged
ideas about family vacations. You mentioned that your family is planning on vacationing in the Scottsdale,
Arizona, area. You are surprised when the contractor emails you an offer to use his company’s condominium
at a plush Scottsdale resort, complete with golf and health club privileges. He assures you that the condo
would normally be empty that time of year and that other customers frequently use the condo. The resort is
one you are familiar with but have never used because the rental is well over $5,000 per week. You would
really like for your family to experience staying at a five-star resort but you worry about the potential
consequences of accepting the offer. If your manager saw a copy of the emails exchanged with the contractor,
could it appear that you were soliciting a bribe? Could this offer be considered a bribe? What would you do?
3. You work part-time evenings and weekends as a real estate salesperson. You also work full-time for an IT
consulting group. When ordering business cards for your real estate business, you decided to include your
full-time work email address. As a result, you frequently find yourself receiving and sending emails related to
your real estate work from your computer at your IT consulting job. You try to limit this activity to your
lunch hour, but there are often urgent messages that require an immediate reply. Lately the number of such
emails is increasing. Sometimes you worry what would happen if your manager found out about this activity,

but cutting off the flow of emails from your clients could have a serious impact on your ability to serve them
and earn commissions. What should you do?