Teachers should not use L1 all the time.

14 The students perceive their teachers‟ L1 use creates students‟ confidence to join the IC‟s class because it reduces students anxiety, in Harbord 1992 also report the similar finding. Sometimes the students are worried to teachers‟ L2 and they will have difficulties to understand their teachers‟ explanation during the lesson. Participant C and D similarly stated that their teachers‟ use of L1 can avoid their anxiety during the learning process. Sometimes the teachers‟ use English most of the time, triggers students‟ anxiety as they face difficulty in understanding teachers‟ explanation. As the result, the students could not work on the exercise well because they have limited information regarding what the teacher wants them to do. The use of L1 can facilitate the learning process by creating the less-anxiety classroom. It also creates students‟ confidence that can lead the students to actively participate and communicate such as discuss the material, to speak up their thought and ask about unclear material to the teachers in the learning process.

2. Teachers should not use L1 all the time.

Based on the questionnaires, the result shows that most of the participants support the teachers‟ L1. But, when they are asked about the frequently of teachers‟ L1, most of the participants, 16 participants 80 perceive that their teachers should not use L1 all the time. As the participant E mentioned that, “Saya tidak setuju karena IC kan juga bagian dari bahasa Inggris kalau penyampaian materi menggunakan bahasa Indonesia terus akan kurang efektif. 15 Sedikit-sedikit kita tahu bahasa Inggris, jadi harus sesekali memakai bahasa Inggris juga. ” I disagree because IC is a part of English, so it will be not effective if the teachers only use Indonesian all the time. We could understand English a bit, so it will be better if the teachers sometime use English. Participant F added, “Tidak setuju. Karena tujuan dari IC kan bahasa Inggris dan dimulai dari dasar dulu, jadi tidak terus-terusan pakai bahasa Indonesia. Walau mungkin kalau dosen pakai bahasa Indonesia kita akan lebih mengerti. Tapi karena tujuan dari IC kan bahasa Inggris jadi akan lebih baik kalau pakai bahasa Inggris. ” Disagree because the purpose of IC is to learn English and we start from the basic English‟s level. So, it will be better if the teachers use English. Participants‟ responses reveal that their IC‟s teachers should not use L1 all the time. The participants perceive that IC is part of learning English, it will be not effective when teachers explain the materials use Indonesian only. Since the participants here in the English learning process, it will be beneficial for the students if the teachers use English for the purpose of exposing them to English. Therefore, teachers‟ L2 is considered as a tool to help them in learning IC as part of English. It is in line with what Turnbull 2001 as cited in Tsukamoto, 2011, p.146 stated that too much use L1 in the IC class can reduce students‟ opportunity in learning English. The participants believe that they are quite understand English, then IC‟s teachers should not use L1 only. The purpose of IC‟s lesson is to learn English, so the participants perceive that they could learn better if their teachers also use English. The result above shows that th e participants perceive that IC‟s teachers should use both languages. The students are too much depending on the L1, then it will give impact in their English learning process. The 16 impact is that too much depend on the L1 will give result fossilization of an interlanguage Selinker 2009 as cited in Kim Petraki 1992. Moreover, if the teachers too much use L1 in the L2‟s classroom, it avoids students‟ opportunity to learn English. So, the real impact such as the students will have difficulties to pronounce some words clearly in English if they use L1 too much. L2 also should be existed during the IC learning process because IC is part of English.

3. Teachers’ L1 use facilitates students’ better understanding.